
Glory of Kings: Heroes struggling against the wind, can their skills really defy the sky?

author:The King of Freedom said

Brothers, the getaway is coming. The battles in King's Canyon are intense and challenging, and each hero has their own unique moment of glory. But there are always situations that make people feel the difficulty of "headwinds". Especially those heroes who need room to develop in order to exert their ultimate power, when they fall behind in economy and equipment, their skills are like candles in the wind, and they can be blown out if they are not careful. Let's take a look at which heroes are most likely to feel powerless in headwinds.

Zhuge Liang - when the stars are lonely

Zhuge Liang, this interstellar traveler, his aura will be much dimmer in the headwind. When the team falls to a disadvantage, the heroic interstellar mage will also feel challenged. Due to his high skill damage and extremely penetrating power, Zhuge Liang was able to easily tear through the enemy formation when the situation was favorable. However, with limited economic growth, his Starflame Collapse will not be as glorious as it once was, so be careful not to be wiped out by the enemy.

Glory of Kings: Heroes struggling against the wind, can their skills really defy the sky?

Arthur – The round table has no borders

Arthur, in the Canyon, is both a solid shield for newcomers and a sword-breaker for advanced players. The Knight of the Round Table can set off a frenzy in a tailwind round, taking control of the battlefield with silence and tumbling. However, in the headwind situation, Arthur's development is hindered, and it is often difficult to gain a foothold on the front line, the shield is no longer indestructible, and Arthur's bravery in the headwind game may be in vain.

Glory of Kings: Heroes struggling against the wind, can their skills really defy the sky?

Daji - Disaster is hard to do

Daji is the kind of key that can lead the team to victory in a tailwind. Her seduction and explosiveness have made her famous for her control and instant kills. However, once the faction is in a headwind, Daji's threat is greatly reduced, and if her skills fail to kill the target, her survival on the battlefield becomes extremely difficult, requiring close protection from her teammates.

Glory of Kings: Heroes struggling against the wind, can their skills really defy the sky?

Shen Mengxi - The dream of a doll was blown away by the wind

Shen Mengxi, a skilled dreamer, is known for his mobility and long-range support on the battlefield. However, under the headwind, Shen Mengxi also faced huge challenges. Although she is usually able to clear the line quickly and support her teammates, she becomes powerless when the wind is headwinding. Shen Mengxi's skills seemed to have lost their former sharpness when the enemy was fully equipped, and it became no longer so terrifying to the enemy.

Glory of Kings: Heroes struggling against the wind, can their skills really defy the sky?

Headwinds are a test for any hero, but there are always heroes whose skills seem to be inadequate. In the face of headwinds, as players, we must learn to be more flexible in our tactical responses, actively cooperate with our teammates, and look for opportunities for reversal. Remember, headwinds don't mean no end, and sometimes a good tactical adjustment and teamwork can make a big comeback.

See you next time, MEmu will continue to explore interesting anecdotes about the canyon, whether it's against the wind or downwind, we can all brave it together.