
Glory of Kings: Zhu Bajie and a pig are passing, and the overlord of the side road is extraordinary!

author:The King of Freedom said

Brothers, the getaway is coming. The side battlefield has always been a direct contest of strength and operation, and only by choosing the right hero can you gallop on this battlefield. What I want to give you today is nothing else, it is the side warrior who has recently risen strongly - Zhu Bajie. Whether it is Mulan's fierce offensive or the tenacity of the armor, he can easily deal with it, and he deserves to be the star with the fastest rise on the side in the current version.

Glory of Kings: Zhu Bajie and a pig are passing, and the overlord of the side road is extraordinary!

In the face of Mulan, she is calm and fearless

We know that Mulan has always been favored on the wing for her versatile attacks and excellent heads-up ability. But when she meets an opponent like Zhu Bajie, the original advantage is not so obvious. Zhu Bajie's meat shield attribute and continuous blood regeneration effect allowed him to have a good performance in the protracted battle, and the control effect of those three skills was enough to suppress Mulan's agility, making it difficult for him to exert his due combat effectiveness.

Glory of Kings: Zhu Bajie and a pig are passing, and the overlord of the side road is extraordinary!

Easily fight the armor and make the armor cry

When it comes to armor, the first thing that comes to mind is his powerful ultimate, a skill that can instantly change the tide of a battle and can play a huge role in team battles. However, Zhu Bajie also has his own unique way of dealing with this. He has the ability to overlord the body to eat the armor's ultimate move at a critical moment, and at the same time, the ability to quickly regenerate health allows him to recover his combat effectiveness in a short period of time and continue to gallop on the battlefield.

Glory of Kings: Zhu Bajie and a pig are passing, and the overlord of the side road is extraordinary!

Zhu Bajie, a strong side god of war

The reason why Zhu Bajie was able to become a hegemon on the side road was not only because of his amazing ability to regenerate blood and the performance of protracted battles, but also because of his hegemonic skills that could almost ignore control. Under the current version, control heroes emerge in an endless stream, and this characteristic of Zhu Bajie undoubtedly makes him the darling of the team. And in the high-end game, his high ban rate is enough to prove his strong competitive ability.

Glory of Kings: Zhu Bajie and a pig are passing, and the overlord of the side road is extraordinary!

Build-out suggestions, practical and efficient

In terms of loadouts, I would recommend that you choose equipment combinations such as Giant's Grip, Boots of Resistance, Red Lotus Cloak, Eye of the Undead, Overlord Reload, and Blood Demon's Fury. This set of equipment can make Zhu Bajie have a stronger endurance on the side, and it can also allow him to play a more brilliant light in team battles. Understanding the essence of this set of equipment, even players who are slower to score can try to learn and master it and achieve a rapid increase in combat power.

Glory of Kings: Zhu Bajie and a pig are passing, and the overlord of the side road is extraordinary!

In this version, Zhu Bajie has undoubtedly become a force to be reckoned with on the side. His strong upline brings a new fighting philosophy to the wings. For those looking for a new challenge, or eager to improve their side lane strength, Zhu Bajie is undoubtedly a good hero worth training. With the characteristics of heroes and the right equipment, you will be invincible in the King's Canyon!

Glory of Kings: Zhu Bajie and a pig are passing, and the overlord of the side road is extraordinary!

See you next time, MEmu will continue to take you to learn more about the game skills and continue to explore new combat fun. The journey of King's Canyon is full of infinite possibilities, let us work together shoulder to shoulder and move forward bravely!