
Go to the race without pants! Is it comparing beauty with Wu Yanni? , triangle sportswear and controversy,

author:Glutinous rice that loves life


Recently, triathlete Feng Jingshuang sparked widespread controversy at the Chengdu Jintang Triathlon for wearing a triangle bodysuit. This incident has provoked us to think deeply about how athletes are judged in modern society. This article will explore how we focus too much on the physical appearance of our athletes and ignore the hard work and sweat they put into the competition.

Lack of sportsmanship

Go to the race without pants! Is it comparing beauty with Wu Yanni? , triangle sportswear and controversy,

In modern society, people tend to focus too much on the external appearance of athletes and ignore the hard work and sweat they put into the competition. This phenomenon is a reflection of our lack of sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is not only reflected in the competitive level of athletes, but also in their perseverance and hard work in the face of challenges and difficulties.

The beauty of the athletes

The beauty of an athlete is not only reflected in their appearance, but more importantly, their inner qualities and dedication to their career. The muscles condensed by their hard work and sweat, and the toughness honed are the most beautiful embodiment of them. These qualities and efforts are what we should focus on.

Go to the race without pants! Is it comparing beauty with Wu Yanni? , triangle sportswear and controversy,

The story of the struggle of a triathlete

Triathletes' perseverance and hard work in the face of challenges and difficulties in the competition, as well as how they win glory for the country, is something we should learn from and respect. Their stories inspire us and make us understand true beauty and value.


Go to the race without pants! Is it comparing beauty with Wu Yanni? , triangle sportswear and controversy,

We should use a more open vision to appreciate the unique and vivid beauty of each athlete. Their value lies not in whether they conform to some superficial aesthetics, but in their courage in their careers, their dedication to hard work and their persistence in their dreams. Let's stop looking at athletes with superficial eyes, but treat them with appreciation and respect.

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