
"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

author:Linyi Yihe New District

"Why is there a bit of a fat uncle in front

Leaner guy than the back

Doesn't it look better when you jump? ”

Recently, a lot of netizens

were all swiped by a Mongolian dance video

In the screen, front excretion material 魁梧

The "uncle" in trousers and leather shoes

Swing your shoulders from side to side heroically

The footwork of the body is like that of the grassland

A rider riding a galloping horse

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

Its "dancing skills" seem to be higher than those behind him

Young man in practice clothes

And be chic and free

Some netizens sighed:

"The tenderness of the iron man written in the book

With a realistic picture"

"That's the charm engraved in the bones

Every gesture exudes the charm of art."

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

This uncle who dances in a "formal suit".

Who are they?

His name is Jiang Tiehong

He is the dean of the School of Dance of Minzu University of China

There are also netizens in the comment area

"revealed" his other identity

- The first generation of lead dancers of the dance "Pentium".

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

Dance "Pentium"

Born in the early 80s of the last century

Yu Central University of Nationalities

Choreographed by Mr. Ma Yue, professor of the School of Dance

It is inspired by pastoralist life

It is based on Mongolian folk dance movements

The action is free-spirited

Showing the prairie riders

High-spirited and enterprising

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

Because of the magnificence

Strong national characteristics

"Pentium" became the Central University for Nationalities

One of the "repertoire" of the School of Dance

Jiang Tiehong is the first generation of lead dancers

It is also the artistic charm of "galloping".

Someone who has passed it down from generation to generation

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

In 2021, at the 70th anniversary of Minzu University of China, Jiang Tiehong once again led the dance "Pentium".

Somewhat unexpectedly

This danced the Mongolian dance "both form and spirit"

A master who can write and direct, and can teach

On the nationality column of the resume

It is written about ethnic Koreans

It can be seen in the eyes of netizens

Jiang Tiehong danced Mongolian dance

"The charm engraved in the bones"

It's not just a "talent" that can be summed up

It's about putting your mind and body together

Practice day in and day out

and the dedication to excellence

Because of a leg injury

Jiang Tiehong has been for more than ten years

Unable to get on the stage he loves

Until 2017

Jiang Tiehong, who is nearly fifty years old

Decide to "make a comeback"

"I still want to dance, and I really want to"

Get back on stage

He performed for the audience again

Dance that became famous when he was young

Life is Flickering

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

The total duration of the dance is approximately 7 minutes

For this 7 minutes of "flashing"

Jiang Tiehong lost 30 pounds in two months

Face the audience in the best condition


Jiang Tiehong, who focuses on talent training

Largely relegated to the background

But his dancing never stopped

He gives lectures to the students of the Academy

Also to all parts of the country

Classes are given to students who are interested in learning folk dance

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

Students have different bases

The topics he teaches are also different

But Jiang Tiehong always

"Dancing while talking" and "Teaching by example"

From time to time, I walk into the dance team

Demonstrate the action in an engaging manner

"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"
"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"
"This dean has been dancing in my circle of friends for a day......"

This is a recent video of the lesson

After an unexpected "out of the circle".

Some netizens half-jokingly left a message:

"Nemoto stop no shitarai!

Dean Jiang is already in my circle of friends

It's been a day of dancing! ”

No matter how many years pass

A dancer's love for dance


Source: Xinhua Daily Telegraph (ID: xhmrdxwx) Comprehensive Dance Theater, Beijing Dancers Association, China Dance Network, Douyin @Jiang Tiehong