
Xuefu Zhuyu soup can pass through the upper and lower stasis of the body, and the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis ingredients in the recipe are counted in detail

author:Dr. Haruhito

The stasis soup that I want to share with you today is the well-known blood house stasis soup; Why is it said that the Xuefu Zhuyu Tang can pass through the blood stasis blockage around the body, instead of saying that the Xuefu Zhuyu Tang can pass through the blood vessels around the body? Because in addition to the stagnation of blood vessels, the blood house stasis soup can also dissolve the stagnation of the meridians, and it can also dissolve the blood of the meridians.

Today, I would like to talk to you about the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis-removing ingredients in the Xuefu Zhuyu Soup, which is known as the "first blood-invigorating and stasis dissolving formula": angelica, peach kernel, safflower, red peony, Chuanxiong, and Sichuan hyssop.

What is the effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Soup?

Xuefu Zhuyu decoction has the effect of invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, and relieving pain; It is suitable for pain, insomnia, chest tightness, irritability and other symptoms caused by blood stasis, similar to coronary heart disease, angina, intractable insomnia, anxiety and other diseases in Western medicine.

Peach kernel - invigorate blood and remove stasis, moisten the intestines and laxative, relieve cough and asthma

The main principle of its blood-invigorating effect is to dilate the blood vessel wall, inhibit blood coagulation, and improve the environment of blood circulation; Because of its small toxicity, fried peach kernels or peach kernels are generally used in medicine to reduce its drug toxicity; In addition, plant seeds are mostly oily, so peach kernels have the effect of moistening the intestines and laxative, such as the Wuren soup (peach kernels, bitter almonds, cypress kernels, plum kernels, pine nuts) in the "World Medical Formula" for constipation caused by insufficient intestinal fluid; The lungs and the large intestine are on the surface, and the intestines can be conducive to the rapid descent of lung qi, and the peach kernels have the effect of relieving cough and asthma, such as the reed stem soup (peach kernels, coix seeds, reed stems) in the "Preparation for Emergency" is used for coughing and asthma caused by heat poisonous phlegm and stasis, and the fishy and smelly purulent sputum.

Xuefu Zhuyu soup can pass through the upper and lower stasis of the body, and the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis ingredients in the recipe are counted in detail


Safflower - invigorates blood circulation and menstruation, disperses stasis and relieves pain

Safflower and peach kernels are matched to form the royal medicine of Xuefu Zhuyu Soup; Its blood circulation mechanism is mainly to dilate blood vessels and inhibit platelet aggregation, and increase arterial blood flow. Safflower has the difference between saffron and Sichuan saffron, in contrast, saffron is stronger, more blood-invigorating, although saffron is called saffron, the origin is not Tibet, but from Siberia; Peach kernels and safflower are often used together, in addition to the blood house and stasis soup, there is also a peach red soup for nourishing blood and invigorating blood; Safflower has strong blood circulation and is often used for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, traumatic stasis and gynecological menstruation.

Xuefu Zhuyu soup can pass through the upper and lower stasis of the body, and the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis ingredients in the recipe are counted in detail


Angelica sinensis - nourishes blood and invigorates blood, regulates menstruation and relieves pain, moistens the intestines and laxatives

Angelica is known as "the holy medicine in the blood", and it is also said that "nine returns in ten directions", which shows that its effect of nourishing blood and replenishing blood is worthy of affirmation; Angelica sinensis is warm, and its blood activation mechanism is to dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow rate, and inhibit thrombosis; It is often used in the treatment of gynecological menstruation, lack of qi and blood, surgical bruises, etc., not only can be used in medicine, but also can be used in food therapy (such as angelica ginger mutton soup) or common people like to add a little angelica.

Xuefu Zhuyu soup can pass through the upper and lower stasis of the body, and the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis ingredients in the recipe are counted in detail


Red peony - clear heat and cool blood, disperse stasis and relieve pain

The mechanism of red peony is to increase the blood flow of the arteries and inhibit the aggregation of platelets; The clinical application of red peony medicine is divided into red peony and fried red peony: red peony is used as an excipient, its nature is warm, good at invigorating blood and dissipating stasis, and the power of clearing heat and cooling blood is slightly inferior, and it is often used in the treatment of gynecological dysmenorrhea, bruises and other diseases; Fried red peony is more moderating, invigorating blood without hurting yin, and is often used for patients with pain caused by internal medicine stasis and heavy heat image.

Xuefu Zhuyu soup can pass through the upper and lower stasis of the body, and the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis ingredients in the recipe are counted in detail

Red peony

Chuanxiong - invigorate blood and qi, dispel wind and relieve pain

Chuanxiong has the reputation of "blood medicine in the blood" since ancient times, because of its strong walking power, it can dissolve blood stasis around the body, reach the top of the body, and go down to the soles of the feet; The mechanism of its blood circulation and blood stasis removal is that it contains more volatile oil and jurin, improves microcirculation, and accelerates blood flow; For more information, please refer to the details of Chuanxiong: This flavor of traditional Chinese medicine can dissolve blood stasis from head to toe, and blood vessel blockages in all parts of the body can be passed.

Xuefu Zhuyu soup can pass through the upper and lower stasis of the body, and the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis ingredients in the recipe are counted in detail


Sichuan oxknee - chasing stasis through menstruation, Tongli joints, diuretic and drenching

The main components of Sichuan hyssop are sterones, which have the effect of improving microcirculation and lowering blood pressure. This medicine can cause fire and stasis, and is good for treating diseases of the lower body, such as low back pain, lower limb joint pain, lower scorching dampness and heat; There are three types of commonly used decoction pieces: Sichuan hyssop, Yanchuan hyssop, and Jiuchuan hyssop.

Xuefu Zhuyu soup can pass through the upper and lower stasis of the body, and the 6 kinds of blood-invigorating and stasis ingredients in the recipe are counted in detail

Sichuan hyssop

The above content is the analysis of the 6 kinds of ingredients with the effect of removing blood stasis in the Xuefu Zhuyu soup recipe, such as the active blood of peach kernel red, the blood nourishing and replenishing blood of Angelica, the cool blood of red peony, the blood of Chuanxiong, and the blood drainage of Sichuan oxknee.