
Unique "Couple Buff" on the battlefield

author:The loss of eating face

In the mythical scroll of the glory of kings, Hou Yi and Chang'e are not only an enviable pair of fairy couples, but also an invincible tacit partner on the battlefield. The love story between them has turned into a unique "couple buff" on the battlefield, adding a touch of romance and power to the hero combination. Today, let's explore the wonderful combination of Hou Yi and Chang'e.

Unique "Couple Buff" on the battlefield

The moon is full in the west building, and the arrows are shot for nine days

Hou Yi, as a model of ranged physical output, has an ultra-long attack range and high group damage. His [Punishment Shot] can deal a fatal blow to enemies in a straight line, while [Multiple Arrows] allows him to transform into a god of arrows in teamfights, reaping the lives of enemies. The deceleration effect of [Sunset Afterglow] is a powerful weapon for chasing and retaining people.

**Chang'e**, with mana as a shield and a moon as a blade. Her [Yuechen] can immobilize the enemy and guide Hou Yi's arrows; [Moon Xuan] not only consumes the enemy's blue energy, but also creates chaos in team battles, creating a safe output environment for Hou Yi; [Moonlight] is Chang'e's large-scale AOE skill, which complements Hou Yi's group damage to weave a movement of destruction.

Couple Buff, Double Resistance Bonus

When Hou Yi and Chang'e fight side by side, a unique "Couple Buff" will be triggered between them, providing an additional double resistance bonus to both sides. This makes Hou Yi, who is already good at kite tactics, more difficult to get close to under Chang'e's protection, and Chang'e can also use her moon magic more calmly while absorbing damage.

Unique "Couple Buff" on the battlefield

Matching strategy

- **Initial Lane Matching**: Chang'e uses [Moon Xuan] to quickly clear the lane, and uses [Yuechen]'s control ability to create a kill opportunity for Hou Yi. Hou Yi used the range advantage to carry out long-range suppression to ensure the smooth development of the two.

- **Medium-term support**: Chang'e uses her powerful field control ability to open the way for Hou Yi, and the two swim together to support, Chang'e controls first, and Hou Yi keeps up with the output, forming an efficient Gank combination.

- **Late Team Battle**: Chang'e can enter the battlefield first, use [Moon Xuan] and [Moon Chen] to disrupt the enemy's formation, and at the same time turn on the ultimate to attract firepower. Within the safe range created by Chang'e, Hou Yi unleashed [Punishment Shot] and [Multiple Arrows] to deal a devastating blow to the enemy. At the critical moment, Chang'e's [Yuechen] set a key target to create a harvesting opportunity for Hou Yi.

Equipment & Inscription Recommendations

Unique "Couple Buff" on the battlefield

- **Houyi**: In pursuit of the ultimate output, you can choose [Daybreak], [Endless Blade] and [Bloody Blade] to ensure battery life, and [Bow of the Sun] increases the range and movement speed when necessary to make it easy to pull.

- **Chang'e**: With [Blazing Dominator] and [Prophecy of Time] as the core, increase survivability and mana, and [Void Scepter] and [Mask of Pain] increase penetration to ensure that it poses a threat to the front row of the enemy. On the inscription, select [Nightmare] + [Greed] + [Heart Eye] to strengthen the ability to pierce and suck blood.

Hou Yi and Chang'e are not only a good story, but also a powerful force that cannot be ignored on the battlefield. Their collocation is not only a tacit understanding between couples, but also a high degree of tactical coordination.