
Which of the summoner's skills is your favorite?

author:The loss of eating face

On the battlefield of Honor of Kings, summoner skills are an indispensable combat companion for every hero, and they are like magic charms that give heroes extra power. In this canyon of strategy and skill, there is one skill that shines like a star and is loved by summoners of all stripes, and it is - Flash.

Which of the summoner's skills is your favorite?

Flash, as the star player of the summoner's skill, its charm lies in the instantaneous space jump, which can not only help you escape from life and death in times of crisis, but also launch a fatal blow when the enemy is negligent. Whether it's a mage caught in the middle of an enemy line, an archer waiting for an opportunity, or even a brave warrior, flashes can be a magic stroke in their hands to turn the tide of battle.

Why is Flash so popular? There are three reasons for this:

**One is flexibility**. In this fast-paced game, the displacement ability provided by Flash gives many heroes who don't have innate movement skills a leap in mobility. Mages such as Angela and Daji use flash matching skills to cast spells in unexpected corners of the enemy; Shooters such as Hou Yi and Jia Luo flash to help them survive the pursuit of enemy assassins.

Which of the summoner's skills is your favorite?

The second is tactical. In team operations, flashing is not only the guarantee of individual survival, but also the key to team cooperation. Support heroes can start a group with the help of flashing, such as Guiguzi flashing to pull people, and Bull Demon flashing ultimate, instantly changing the battlefield situation; Tank heroes can also use flashes to reposition themselves to protect the back row or split up enemy formations.

The third is psychological warfare. The presence of flashes forces your opponent to keep an extra eye on the lane and teamfights to guess if you still have the hole card. A precautionary flash reservation can often force the enemy to hesitate, creating a valuable opportunity for you to attack or retreat.

Which of the summoner's skills is your favorite?

Of course, in addition to flashes, there are also skills such as Smite, Purification, and Healing, all of which have their own merits and are suitable for different heroes and strategic needs. But when it comes to universality and popularity, Flash is undoubtedly firmly in the top spot of the Honor of Kings Summoner's skills. In every battle, it's the skill that countless summoners have coveted and seen as the key to victory. After all, in this unpredictable canyon, being able to control space means mastering the initiative.