
Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

author:Zhai Xiaoha

As the first female astronaut to walk in space in the history of Chinese aviation, Wang Yaping has many years of hard work and unremitting struggle behind these many halos.

Before going into space, Wang Yaping went through hard training. Every time she trained underwater, she had to wear equipment weighing 120 pounds, practice for hours, and her whole body was sore and it was difficult to breathe.

However, Wang Yaping not only had to face physical challenges, but also had to overcome psychological pressure.

The effects of a weightless environment on the body, extreme temperature differences, and the dangers of a vacuum make a spacewalk extremely difficult.

During this mission, Wang Yaping completed a number of missions with two male astronauts. They spent six months in space, during which they experienced numerous dangers and challenges.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

Wang Yaping's journey

Before becoming an astronaut, Wang Yaping was an excellent pilot. She graduated from the Air Force Aviation University of the People's Liberation Army of Chinese and has participated in many important missions, including Wenchuan earthquake relief and air security for the Beijing Olympic Games. Her outstanding performance allowed her to become one of the crew members of the Shenzhou 10 mission in 2013 and successfully enter space.

Despite already having experience in spaceflight, Wang Yaping continues to improve his skills and knowledge. She has taken a number of aerospace courses to develop her flight literacy and gain relevant experience. She hopes to fly into space again and realize her dream of flying through space.

In December 2019, Wang Yaping was selected into the Shenzhou 13 mission reserve team. It was an opportunity she had always dreamed of, and she had undergone extremely rigorous training for it. Although physiologically weaker than males, she undergoes the same intensity of training as male astronauts.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

Every time he simulates underwater training in space, Wang Yaping has to wear aviation equipment weighing 120 kilograms, train for four or five hours, and his whole body is sore and it is difficult to breathe. She also had to be trained in a centrifuge and put under pressure eight times her body weight, which was a great test for her body.

On October 16, 2021, Shenzhou 13 was successfully launched, and Wang Yaping and two male astronauts, Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu, embarked on a six-month space journey. Before the spacewalk, she put on a special spacesuit weighing more than 120 pounds and prepared for extravehicular activities.

Before leaving the cabin, Wang Yaping and his teammates conducted a detailed inspection to ensure that everything was ready. She opened the hatch and took a historic step. In the eyes of the audience, this process seems to be easy, but in fact, Wang Yaping is facing great danger to his life.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

The challenge of a spacewalk

In the first few minutes of the spacewalk, Wang Yaping moved slowly and cautiously, each step carefully calculated.

She wears a bulky spacesuit surrounded by endless darkness and twinkling starlight.

In space, without the restraint of gravity, any small movement can lead to a huge displacement. Wang Yaping and Zhai Zhigang needed to install a robotic arm suspension device, and they cooperated with each other to carefully carry out each step. The two of them relied on the harness attached to the space station to prevent themselves from drifting away.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

When installing the robotic arm, Wang Yaping encountered some difficulties. The connection points of the equipment were somewhat deformed due to the large variations in temperature differences, which presented a challenge to the installation. She secured the device as she kept herself safe, sweat slowly building up inside the suit.

After the installation of the robotic arm, Wang Yaping and Zhai Zhigang continued to carry out other tasks. They needed to test typical movements outside the cabin, which were extremely difficult in weightless environments. Every gripping, moving, and fixing requires extreme precision and cooperation.

Halfway through the mission, the space station suddenly received an alert from the ground control center. Nearby space debris approaching at high speed could pose a threat to the space station. Wang Yaping and Zhai Zhigang immediately stopped what they were doing and quickly returned to the cabin to avoid danger.

The avoidance operation was tense and fast, Wang Yaping and Zhai Zhigang helped each other at the narrow hatch to store the equipment and ensure a safe return. A few minutes later, they safely entered the capsule, and the space station made orbit adjustments, successfully avoiding the threat of space debris.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

After the evasion was over, Wang Yaping and his teammates re-exited the cabin and continued the unfinished task. This time, they moved more cautiously, for fear of any more surprises. Time flies by in their intense work, and the silence and beauty of space make them feel the solemnity and responsibility of the mission.

At the end of the mission, Wang Yaping and his teammates completed all the installation and testing of the robotic arm. She carefully checks all the equipment to make sure everything is working properly. After confirming that everything was correct, she slowly returned to the hatch to finish the 6.5-hour spacewalk.

Entering the cabin, Wang Yaping and Zhai Zhigang took off their heavy spacesuits and reported to the ground control center that the mission was completed tiredly and satisfied. The staff of the ground control center congratulated them and asked in detail about every detail of the mission.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

After the mission, Wang Yaping needs to face the recovery of his body. The weightless environment took a toll on her body, and her muscles and bones needed to readjust to the Earth's gravity. She was treated and trained in a dedicated recovery center and struggled with physical discomfort every day.

During the recovery period, Wang Yaping also participated in many media interviews and briefings. She introduced the experience and challenges of the spacewalk to the public and encouraged more young people to get involved in the space industry. Her story has inspired countless people and has become a legend in China's aerospace history.

In the following years, Wang Yaping continued to participate in the field of aerospace and devoted himself to the development of aerospace science and technology.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

The challenge of returning to Earth

Although Wang Yaping's space mission has been successfully completed, her challenge is far from over. After returning to Earth, she needs to face great changes in her body and the process of recovery. In space, her muscles and bones underwent significant changes due to weightlessness, and upon her return to Earth, these changes caused great discomfort.

On his first day back on Earth, Wang Yaping felt the pressure of gravity. Her body needed to readjust to the Earth's environment, and every movement seemed extraordinarily heavy. Her leg muscles atrophied and she had difficulty standing and walking. She underwent a long period of treatment and training in a specialized recovery center to gradually regain her physical function.

During the recovery period, Wang Yaping also participated in several scientific research projects. Her experience in space has provided scientists with valuable data to help them understand the effects of long-term weightlessness on the human body. These studies will provide an important reference for future space missions to ensure the health and safety of astronauts.

Although Wang Yaping's recovery process was difficult, she never gave up. She trains every day to gradually regain her strength and endurance. Her tenacity and perseverance have been widely praised and she has become a role model in the aerospace community.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

As time passed, Wang Yaping's body gradually recovered. She rededicated herself to the aerospace industry and continued to contribute to China's aerospace development. Her story has inspired countless young people and made more people interested in the aerospace industry.

Wang Yaping's spacewalk is not only a personal achievement, but also an important milestone in China's aerospace industry. Her courage and perseverance set an example for Chinese female astronauts and inspired countless others to pursue their dreams.

In the days to come, Wang Yaping will continue to participate in the work in the aerospace field. Her experience and knowledge will provide a valuable reference for future space missions and help more astronauts successfully complete their missions.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

During his rehabilitation, Wang Yaping also participated in a number of scientific research and educational projects. She collaborates with scientists to share her experience and data in space to help them conduct relevant research. She also speaks at schools and in the community to inspire young people to pursue a career in space.

As Wang Yaping's body gradually returned to a near-normal state, she returned to the aerospace industry and participated in new missions and projects. Her experience and knowledge have become an important asset to the space team and provide a valuable reference for future missions.

A few years later, Wang Yaping was again selected to participate in a new space mission. This time, she will work with an international team on a six-month mission to the space station. Her body has fully recovered and she has undergone more rigorous training to prepare her well for this mission.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

Before the mission, Wang Yaping and her international teammates conducted several simulation trainings. They conducted a series of drills on the ground to ensure that every step went smoothly. Her teammates highly appreciated her professionalism and tenacity, and the whole team was full of confidence.

After the mission began, Wang Yaping boarded the International Space Station with his teammates. In space, they conducted a series of scientific experiments and technical tests. Wang Yaping's professional knowledge and rich experience have enabled her to excel in her assignments and earn the respect of her international peers.

Halfway through the mission, the ISS received an emergency alert from the ground control center. An asteroid debris is approaching the space station and could pose a serious threat to the station. Wang Yaping and his teammates immediately stopped the work at hand and quickly took emergency measures.

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

Under the command of the ground control center, Wang Yaping and her teammates carried out an emergency evacuation operation. They adjusted the orbit of the space station to avoid the debris that was about to hit. The whole process was tense and orderly, and Wang Yaping showed excellent adaptability and teamwork spirit.

After the mission, Wang Yaping and his teammates returned to Earth. Their spacecraft once again passed through the atmosphere, experiencing violent shaking and high temperatures. Wang Yaping is more calm this time, her body has adapted to this extreme environment. The spacecraft landed smoothly, and Wang Yaping and his teammates returned to the ground safely.

Today, Wang Yaping's journey continues, and her dreams and efforts will always inspire people to move forward, pursue higher goals, and explore the starry sky farther away.


LI Jianwen. China's first female astronaut stationed in the space station, China's first female astronaut out of the capsule, and Wang Yaping, the cover character of "Lei Feng" magazine, lifted "me" to fly into space[J].Lei Feng,2022(11):19.DOI:10.19564/j.cnki.leifeng.2022.11.007.Literature included in CNKI

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable

YANG Weige. Xinmin Weekly,2021(48):52.Literature included in CNKI

Shenzhou 13 female astronaut Wang Yaping, how difficult is it to get out of the capsule and walk in space? The sacrifice is admirable