
BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

author:Hongyi Talk
BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

Text: Hongyi talk

Edited by Hongyi talk

It is rumored on the Internet that a man is suspected of being a "new energy vehicle leakage" purchased by him, and received a severe electric shock resulting in a cerebral hemorrhage, and is currently seriously injured in the ICU at any time, and his life will be in danger at any time.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

Event details

According to the incident exposed by the owner's daughter, we can learn the following relevant information, the owner is a rural person in Jiangxi, in order to subsidize the family, the owner bought a BYD PlusEV in a 4s store in Jiangxi on April 12, 2024, in order to run Didi to subsidize the family, he did not start using the vehicle immediately after buying the vehicle, but did not start driving until May 1, after the documents were not completed.

At 17:31 p.m. on May 4, when the owner was sending off passengers, the owner wanted to reach out to change gears, according to the monitoring in the car, when the owner touched the gear lever, he directly shouted "I go, there is electricity", after being electrified, the owner wanted to untie the seat belt to escape from the car, because the interface of the seat belt is also metal, so when the seat belt was unfastened, the owner suffered a continuous electric shock, and after a difficult struggle, the owner came out of the car.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

At that time, the shop owner who was relatively close to the car saw the owner get out of the car, the owner of the car was trembling, his hands and feet were stiff, and he was moving slowly and looked very painful, and the owner walked to the sidewalk with difficulty and leaned on the tricycle and shouted "Help, help, help me".

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

The shopkeeper on the roadside saw this scene and immediately came to the owner's side, when the owner was quite conscious, so the shopkeeper called the owner's wife, and the shopkeeper has been helping the owner knead his body, and chose to call the police and call the 120 emergency number. When the ambulance arrived at the scene, the owner of the car had been foaming at the mouth, convulsions all over his body, and after arriving at the hospital, the doctor also found that the owner of the car was full of bubbles, and there was a large area of molting on the car owner in the next few days.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

After the doctor's diagnosis, Master Deng was diagnosed with brainstem hemorrhage and aspiration pneumonia, and in the diagnosis given by the doctor, the most conspicuous words were "electric injury", and the owner's daughter thought that it was BYD's new energy vehicle "leakage" after watching the video in the car, so it would cause her father to be seriously injured and hospitalized.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

When getting the diagnosis certificate, the owner's daughter took the route in the father's car and the relevant diagnosis certificate to the 4S store where the father bought the vehicle to explain, but was stopped by the staff, the staff said that the evidence given so far could not be confirmed, it was caused by the accident caused by the vehicle, so it could not be responsible for the matter, but BYD said that it would investigate the incident.

The 4S store also said that they need to come up with a third-party test report to prove that there is a problem with their vehicle, only in this way can they be responsible for this matter, so far, no BYD staff has visited the owner in the hospital, and the BYD manufacturer has only been perfunctory about this matter, and has not responded.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

The owner's daughter expressed extreme dissatisfaction with BYD's way of dealing with it, her father was seriously injured, and he is still in the intensive care unit, and his life may be in danger at any time.

BYD responded

With the escalation of the incident and the fermentation of public opinion, BYD responded to the "vehicle leakage" incident on May 14, it can be seen from the dashcam that the passenger of the co-pilot left the car safely, and there was no leakage, and the owner can also untie the complete belt to move, BYD has a potential balance design in the car, and the leakage monitoring system did not detect abnormalities, and the preliminary rule is due to the vehicle leakage caused by the owner's illness.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

BYD believes that it may also be the cause of the sudden cerebral hemorrhage of the owner caused by numbness of the hands and feet, so he will think that he was electrocuted, after the incident, the owner's family will also drive the vehicle away safely, for this matter, BYD is deeply sorry, but also said that he is willing to accept the identification and investigation of the relevant departments.

BYD said that there was no problem with its vehicle, and it was possible that the owner suddenly put it to cause him to be electrocuted, but this statement has not been confirmed.

Netizens' opinions

After this incident was exposed, netizens expressed their opinions and had different opinions on this incident.

Some netizens who are doctors said that the diagnosis does not mean that they will necessarily suffer an electric shock, it is based on the diagnosis results under the oral history, the doctor does not have the ability to verify whether the electric shock is given, and the electric shock will not cause cerebral hemorrhage

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

A netizen who studied electricity said that the seat, steering wheel, and shoes are all insulated, and theoretically even if other parts are electrocuted, it will not reach people.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

Today's BYD should not have such a situation

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

BYD tram does have leakage and hurt people, I bought BYD E2 in the process of a car wash, the back suddenly seemed to be pricked by a needle, the skin has red and swollen marks, lasting more than half a month of pain, go to the 4s store to monitor but did not find any problems, I am now driving the car is also a worry!

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

I hope that the country can pay attention to it, and check it to the end, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer, and the manufacturer should be responsible for it to the end, not the responsibility of the manufacturer.

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

The indicators are all right, the co-pilot doesn't feel it, it shouldn't be an electric shock

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

The leaking car is not towed away, but driven away, starting from the psychology of people, in the face of such a car can still drive away casually, is it a bit abnormal

BYD's "leakage" incident escalated! The hospital diagnosis certificate was exposed, and BYD responded urgently

We don't know what the truth of the matter is, what we have to do is to look at this incident rationally and hope that Master Deng can recover soon!

What are your thoughts on this one?

[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.