
The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

author:Puppy Uji

When the Qing Dynasty was moving towards the late stage, it was gradually controlled politically by the Han people, especially at that time, there were four famous ministers such as Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang, and Zhang Zhidong. These four famous ministers did a series of things in the late Qing Dynasty, which had a significant impact on the political situation of the late Qing Dynasty.

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

1. Zeng Guofan was deeply educated in Confucianism.

We are familiar with Zeng Guofan, because he was the commander of the Hunan army and suppressed the Taiping army movement. But what we don't know is that Zeng Guofan is also a very famous master of science.

Lixue, also known as Cheng Zhu Lixue, is an extension of Confucianism, so we can also call Zeng Guofan a master of Confucianism. What is the most important thing about Confucianism? Since Dong Zhongshu's reform, Confucianism has become a ruling tool for monarchs, so it pays the most attention to loyalty and patriotism. Loyalty should be put in front of patriotism.

Deeply bound by the idea of science, you let Zeng Guofan rebel, it is better to kill him with that knife. His worship of science must have reached the point of being superb, and it can be said that the idea of science is the foundation of Zeng Guofan's life.

So to what extent does Zeng Guofan advocate science? In fact, we can see it from his self-disciplined life. There are a few little things in his diary.

The first thing is that Zeng Guofan gets up at a fixed time every day, and there is basically no time to slack off. Whenever he got up and slacked off, he would write this sentence in his diary: Yan Qi, it's really obscene! In other words, getting up late is really obscene!

The second thing is that Zeng Guofan's colleague once married a concubine, and after Zeng Guofan heard about it, he had a strong desire in his heart to see if this concubine was good-looking. After he returned, he wrote in his diary: Friend Naji, lustful and disrespectful. In other words, my friend's concubine is good-looking, and I want to take a look, which is considered a big sin.

The third thing, 33-year-old Zeng Guofan, saw that his friend's two concubines were very beautiful. He looked at it twice, and had evil thoughts in his heart. After coming back, he immediately wrote: Seeing the two concubines of Haiqiu together, they are sneering and abusive, there is no idle inspection, and they are so debauched that they are different from beasts! directly scolded himself as a beast.

Zeng Guofan, who admires science so much, if you want him to rebel against the Qing Dynasty, it is simply impossible from the ideological point of view! If Zeng Guofan really did this, then his foundation would be gone, and his whole person would collapse. The reason why he has such great achievements is that he has the idea of being loyal to the monarch and serving the country.

Therefore, Zeng Guofan did have the ability to destroy the Qing Dynasty, but he did not do so, it was too much ideological imprisonment. His younger brother Zeng Guoquan Ke was not so imprisoned, and once hoped that Zeng Guofan would raise troops, but was scolded by Zeng Guofan.

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

Second, Zuo Zongtang had no time to overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

Zuo Zongtang was not admitted to the Jinshi, which was a hard injury in his life. Because he didn't get into the Jinshi, he didn't have many friends in officialdom. Because the first time the officialdom colleagues meet, they will ask you if you are a jinshi of such and such a year, maybe the two are still the same year, so that everyone has a common topic.

But Zuo Zongtang didn't have anything, so he took the exam, taught and farmed at home, and lived the life of an ordinary person for many years. Therefore, Zuo Zongtang has no foundation in the court.

The reason why he can be reused is entirely because of his own ability. He was not convinced by anyone, not even Zeng Guofan. This makes his popularity in the Hunan army also very average.

Therefore, from beginning to end, Zuo Zongtang's power is actually not too big. After pacifying the Taiping Army, Zuo Zongtang was still able to be reused, which in itself was not easy. Therefore, Zuo Zongtang did not have the luxury of overthrowing the Qing Dynasty by his own strength.

To tell the truth, the Empress Dowager Cixi still takes Zuo Zongtang very seriously. Originally, Zuo Zongtang was asked to go to Fujian to establish the Nanyang Naval Division, but as a result, the northwest was in turmoil, so Zuo Zongtang was sent to the northwest to suppress the rebellion of the Twist Army.

After the Twist Army was pacified, Zuo Zongtang led his men and horses into Xinjiang, defeated the Agubo group, and recovered a large area of Xinjiang.

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

After this, Zuo Zongtang was old, and he really didn't have any time to think about overthrowing the Qing Dynasty. Logically speaking, everything Zuo Zongtang was given by the Qing Dynasty, and he had no reason to overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

3. Li Hongzhang is a loyal fan of Cixi.

Li Hongzhang followed Zeng Guofan as a staff member in his early years, and later, at Zeng Guofan's suggestion, he went to his hometown to develop the Huai Army power, and since then he has also begun to shine in the political arena.

He is younger than Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang, and he can be regarded as their junior. His military ability was not as good as the first two, so he knew that the Huai army was only his political capital, but it was definitely not enough for him to overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

At that time, in order to be promoted, Li Hongzhang was bent on following the Empress Dowager Cixi. If you find a good backer and have military power in your hands, you will naturally be able to get mixed up.

When Zuo Zongtang was the governor of Zhejiang, Li Hongzhang was just a staff member. But within a few years, everyone was at the level of a governor. This shows how fast Li Hongzhang's promotion is.

Therefore, Li Hongzhang was grateful to Cixi, and he never thought of betraying Cixi. When Cixi declared war on the 11 countries, the southeastern provinces chose not to obey the edict, and even elected Li Hongzhang as president. But in the end, Li Hongzhang still chose to give up all this and be loyal to Cixi.

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

Fourth, Zhang Zhidong does not have this strength.

Although Zhang Zhidong is also one of the four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty, his military strength is the weakest. Zhang Zhidong's main merit lies in the development of China's modern industry.

He built a series of factories in the Huguang area, which laid the foundation for the later development of China's industry. In addition to his achievements in industry, Zhang Zhidong also has great support for education.

However, Zhang Zhidong did not have much military involvement, so it was a problem for him to be able to stand on his own in the Huguang region, let alone overthrow the Qing Dynasty.

In the eyes of these so-called "famous ministers", the interests of the ruling class far outweigh the contradictions between the so-called "Manchus and Hans."

Those famous ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, whether it was Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Li Hongzhang, or Zhang Zhidong. Or add Hu Linyi and Peng Yulin. These corrupt Confucians, standing on the people, have never had the idea of seeking a future for the toiling masses, and the so-called peaceful world is also the world of a family, or the world of scholars, not the world of the people.

The four famous ministers of the late Qing Dynasty were all Han Chinese, why did no one overthrow the Qing Dynasty and restore the Han system?

Even if they change dynasties, it will be the same as in the past, and the emperor will take turns and come to my house next year. It will not trigger a profound social revolution, let alone aim for the happiness of the people. At best, it reduces contradictions, not removes the mountains.

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