
Threatening to forcibly break into Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines launched hundreds of ships to support Manila? The US aircraft carrier has already left the port

author:Cosmos Beacon Line

On May 15, the Philippine media hyped up the so-called "100 ships" lineup, and the so-called "non-governmental organizations" in the Philippines organized a large-scale fleet of ships and threatened to force their way into China's Scarborough Shoal. Judging from the information released by the Philippines, the Philippine "non-governmental organizations" provided free fuel to the Philippine ships participating in the forced break, as well as other supply equipment. The Philippine Coast Guard also used ships to participate in the operation, but it was just a pretext of so-called "protection" to rush to the waters near Scarborough Shoal. Since the port of departure is more than 100 nautical miles from Scarborough Shoal, the Philippine 100-ship provocation began on 16 May, and on 15 May, the Philippine Coast Guard had already used reconnaissance aircraft to conduct reconnaissance activities in the airspace near Scarborough Shoal.

Threatening to forcibly break into Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines launched hundreds of ships to support Manila? The US aircraft carrier has already left the port

According to information released by Japan, the US Navy aircraft carrier CVN 76 Reagan, whose home port is Yokosuka, Japan, left its berth in the early morning of May 16, thus starting a new round of combat deployment missions. The departure of the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier from the US Navy CVN 76 came at a time when the Philippines was planning to launch a provocation in the South China Sea, which immediately attracted the attention of the outside world. Since 2023, the United States has supported the Philippines' claims in the South China Sea "above board", and has also conducted frequent joint military exercises with the Philippines, including the recent "Shoulder to Shoulder" joint military exercise with the participation of 16,000 people, so as to show off its military might on China's doorstep.

Threatening to forcibly break into Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines launched hundreds of ships to support Manila? The US aircraft carrier has already left the port

Judging from the information released by Taiwan, the US military has recently intensified its intelligence reconnaissance in the South China Sea, and after a reconnaissance plane crossed the Bass Strait into the South China Sea, it was warned by a PLA warship; judging from the radio calls published by the Taiwan media, the PLA warned the US military plane by radio that it had entered the range of fire and demanded that the US military plane leave immediately. Judging from the air traffic control information, the US military has used RC-135 strategic reconnaissance aircraft, P-8A maritime anti-submarine patrol aircraft, MQ-4C high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles, and other platforms to frequently enter the South China Sea to conduct intelligence gathering activities, and the scope of activities of US military aircraft has been in the airspace near Hainan Island.

Threatening to forcibly break into Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines launched hundreds of ships to support Manila? The US aircraft carrier has already left the port

The Philippines mobilized 100 ships to launch a provocation after the joint military exercises between the United States and the Philippines, and for this reason, the Philippines should give an explanation to the United States by taking the initiative to provoke. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos is determined to follow the strategy of the United States, and for this reason insists on confronting China, for Marcos to stand on the United States, the global beacon line analysis believes that in addition to considering his family's assets in the United States, it is also because through anti-China, he can increase his own support rate, for which Marcos continues to provoke China on the South China Sea issue, and now the Philippines is no longer pretending. In addition to using official ships to forcibly enter islands and reefs, the Philippines is now changing its tactics and using fishermen to carry out "crowd tactics." This is to arouse vigilance.

Threatening to forcibly break into Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines launched hundreds of ships to support Manila? The US aircraft carrier has already left the port

At the critical moment, the US Navy has used the CVN76 USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier, in fact, this is the aircraft carrier's established combat cruise mission, and there is no direct connection with the current provocation of the Philippines in the South China Sea. According to public information, the Philippines has already arrived in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, but judging from the photos released by the Philippines, it is not seen that it is near the reef of Scarborough Shoal, and the scale of the ships is not as large as before, just a few small ships, so the so-called "100 ships at once" is just a gimmick for hype.

Threatening to forcibly break into Scarborough Shoal, the Philippines launched hundreds of ships to support Manila? The US aircraft carrier has already left the port

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