
2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

author:Gua Academy

In recent years, the "Uncle Circle" has really sprung up in the entertainment industry, and today we will talk about a few "Uncle Circle Heavenly Vegetables".

Male stars who have successfully joined the "uncle circle", first of all, must be over 40 years old in terms of age.

But in order to conform to the audience's aesthetics of "uncle men", it is obviously not enough to reach the age standard, but also need to have appearance, figure, taste, and assets, which are combined together to form a charming "uncle".

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

What is the mature charm of the "uncle circle"?

First of all, in appearance, they are mature but not old.

Body is a big plus, whether in reality or in film and television dramas, bald, greasy, pot-bellied men are difficult to be favored by women.

And the high-quality "Uncle Circle" male stars, whether they are looking or maintaining their figures, are inseparable from one word: self-discipline.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

They have an age of 40+ or even 50+, but they can still maintain a tall and well-proportioned figure, which is better than how many 20+ and 30+ young fresh meat, there is no secret, it is by self-discipline.

Moreover, in terms of connotation, most men of this age group are well versed in human feelings and sophistication and master the rules of human nature.

In interacting with people, they are good at hypocrisy and wrongdoing, have a strong heart, are calm and unhurried, and can give people a fatherly majesty and forbearance, compared with young skins, they can bring more security.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

With the broadcast of major film and television dramas, new faces enter the "uncle circle" every year, and there are also old faces that were once hot and gradually disappear from the public eye.

In 2024, the uncle circle will usher in a new round of reshuffle, those showbiz uncles who once attracted you, are they still not popular?

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

1. Zhang Songwen: Born in Guangdong Province in 1976, 48 years old.

He is an actor with a deep acting background, and he is the king of the new year of 2023.

In recent years, Zhang Songwen has performed well in many film and television works, especially in "Hurricane", which has won the love of the audience.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

His temperament is mature and steady, his image is elegant, and he has a unique charm that gives people a sense of reliability.

In film and television dramas, he showed the complex emotions of the character through delicate performances, which was deeply loved by the audience. Being able to switch between roles with ease, his upbringing and persistence have also made him a respected actor.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

He interacts frequently with his fans on social media and shows a warm side.

Therefore, he successfully joined the "Uncle Circle" and became the top figure in the Uncle Circle in one fell swoop.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

2. Zhang Yi: Born in Heilongjiang Province in 1978, 46 years old.

His outstanding performance in many film and television works such as "Soldier Assault", "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky", "Hurricane" has won the recognition of the audience and is a powerful actor.

He has been praised for his acting skills and ability to pick scripts, and his presence on social media has earned him a large following.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

Zhang Yi has a restrained temperament, and his eyes reveal a kind of firmness and profundity.

In film and television works, he has created various characters with distinct personalities with his excellent acting skills, which has won the recognition of the audience.

His characters are varied, sometimes serious, sometimes humorous, and show a wealth of charisma.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

3. Jin Dong: Born in Shandong Province in 1976, 48 years old.

Jin Dong has been in the "uncle circle" for a long time, especially after "The Pretender" became popular, and he has harvested countless fans, and he has his female fans across all ages, from 20 years old to 60 years old.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

His temperament is calm, and his speech and demeanor reveal a kind of maturity and wisdom. In many film and television works, he has created various roles with his superb acting skills and is deeply loved by the audience.

His image is decent and elegant, giving people a strong sense of trust, and with his outstanding performance and unique charm in the TV series, he has always maintained high popularity in the "uncle circle".

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

4. Hu Ge: Born in Shanghai in 1982, 41 years old.

From the moment he debuted, Hu Ge has conquered generations of audiences with his sunny temperament and warm smile, giving people a sense of intimacy.

Hu Ge's works do not need to be listed, each one is a classic, and each one is very popular and popular.

In film and television works, his image is changeable, sometimes lively, sometimes mature, and the word "handsome" runs throughout, which is deeply loved by the audience.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

Hu Ge's age has just exceeded 40 years old, and he is still relatively young in the "Uncle Circle", and most fans are actually not happy to divide him into the "Uncle Circle", thinking that he still has a youthful spirit and idol halo.

But with the birth of a child out of wedlock, becoming a father means that he will completely step into the "uncle circle".

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

5. Yu Hewei: Born in Liaoning Province in 1971, 53 years old.

Yu Hewei showed his extraordinary uncle charm in works such as "Ideal City" and "Solid as a Rock". His acting skills and popularity have been significantly improved, and he has become a high-profile presence in the "Uncle Circle".

Uncle Yu's temperament is unique, both gentle and introverted, with a hint of handsomeness, but the whole is not decent.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

This complex temperament allows him to flexibly switch between various roles. can use acting skills to create a variety of characters with distinct personalities and win the recognition of the audience.

He is low-key, serious and dedicated to his work, and warm and considerate to his fans. His personality charm makes him highly respected and loved in the "uncle circle".

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

6. Liu Yijun: Born in Shaanxi Province in 1970, 54 years old.

Liu Yijun has successfully attracted a large number of fans with his outstanding performance in works such as "The Pretender".

Different from the above decent uncles, Liu Yijun's image has changed a lot, he can not only play a serious and deep decent role, but also play a sinister and cunning villain, and he can also show a humorous side.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

In film and television works, he has given life to each character with his excellent acting skills, such as the mad instructor in "The Pretender", the image of "crazy criticism" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing the rich and complex character characteristics of the characters.

Liu Yijun himself is the same as the role he plays, full of tension.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

7, Qin Hao: Born in Liaoning Province in 1978, 45 years old.

Qin Hao's acting skills are widely recognized, especially the role of Zhang Dongsheng in "The Hidden Corner", although he is a villain, but through his performance, the role is extremely delicate and realistic, and he was once so popular that he was out of the circle, and was played by netizens as a "mountain climbing" stalk.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

He is also an actor who can control all kinds of styles, decency, villain, handsome, yin owl, and even Tie Hanhan in "The Long Season", he is at his fingertips, because he can accurately grasp the inner world of the character in order to make the character lifelike.

And Qin Hao's works have an excellent reputation, and the TV series and movies he participated in have been well received by the audience. His works are not only large in quantity, but also of high quality, and have become a word-of-mouth leader in the uncle circle.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

8. Wang Yang: Born in Heilongjiang Province in 1978, 46 years old.

Wang Yang's popularity has only begun in recent years, and he, like Hu Ge, is a potential stock in the "uncle circle".

His performances in works such as "Celebrating More Than Years" and "Rebel" have been well received, so the number of fans and popularity have continued to rise.

His appearance and figure are eye-catching in the "Uncle Circle".

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

The facial features are delicate and three-dimensional, and the eyes are bright, as if they can perceive people's hearts, full of stories and emotions. The tall bridge of the nose adds a bit of heroism to him. The lines of his lips are distinct, and it makes his smile gentle.

Therefore, a unique and complex temperament is presented on a man's face, who has both an elegant literati style and a tough guy demeanor.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

This allows him to easily control all kinds of roles in front of the camera, whether it is a gentle gentleman or a resolute and resolute tough guy, he is able to vividly present the character image in front of the audience through delicate acting skills and accurate emotional expression.

"Uncle Circle" is really a magical circle, you can't finish writing, you can't finish writing at all.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?

These are the "uncles" who have been more active and popular recently, which one is the "uncle circle celestial dish" in your eyes?

There are also "uncle" actors who are not mentioned in the article, which are you most optimistic about? Feel free to nominate in the comment section.

2024 "Uncle Circle" ushered in a big reshuffle, who will successfully join, and who will be out of the game?


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