
Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

author:Physician Sister Xiaohong
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In summer, when the sun is shining, many people choose to hide indoors and enjoy the coolness of ice cream. However, the old yellow calendar always says, "Summer is hot, yang energy is the strongest", at this time, yang energy is particularly important to us. In my hometown, there is a habit that every summer, no matter how hot it is, the old man will always insist on getting up early, standing in the courtyard, and practicing softly in the morning light.

They believe that this can absorb the sunlight and breath between heaven and earth, and enhance the yang energy in the body. These traditional wisdoms are not far off, and even in modern life, we can find ways to protect and enhance yang energy. Next, let's take a look at what you should do in summer to make your yang energy abundant.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

Bask in the sun reasonably and replenish yang energy

In summer, the sun is a big source of energy. Basking in the sun can not only help us replenish vitamin D, but also enhance the yang energy in the body. Basking in the sun should also be scientific, not that the more the sun shines, the better.

Experts recommend that the best time to bask in the sun is between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., when the sun is not too intense, which can avoid the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin, and at the same time can effectively promote the enhancement of yang energy in the body.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

An easy way to do this is to take a morning walk on the balcony, in the park, or in the evening find a quiet place to let the warm sun shine on you.

Adjust the indoor temperature to prevent the loss of yang energy

Modern people's favorite thing in summer is air conditioning, but is it really good to rely too much on air conditioning? Staying in a low-temperature environment for a long time will damage the yang energy in the body. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is said that "cold is born from the feet", and blowing the air conditioner in summer is the easiest to make the feet cold, and the yang energy will naturally decline.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

The correct approach is that the temperature of the air conditioner should not be set too low, 26 to 28 degrees is more appropriate. In addition, every 2 hours or so, turn off the air conditioner and open the window for ventilation for a while to allow indoor air circulation, which can also prevent dryness and discomfort caused by excessive use of the air conditioner. Doing so not only keeps the room comfortable, but also protects the body's yang energy from being damaged by the cold air.

Regulate your diet to avoid the effects of cold

Summer diet regulation is crucial, and a reasonable diet can help maintain yang energy in the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yang energy is at its peak in summer, but it is also susceptible to damage from the influence of cold food from the outside world. In summer, you should try to avoid eating raw and cold foods, such as iced drinks, ice cream, raw and cold fruits, etc., which will cause damage to the yang energy in the body, cause disharmony in the spleen and stomach, and even diarrhea.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

Proper consumption of warm foods and drinks can help replenish yang energy, such as ginger soup, mung bean soup, red date soup, etc. Eat more foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, such as kiwifruit, citrus, tomatoes, spinach, peanuts, etc., to help strengthen the body's resistance and maintain the balance of yang energy.

Take a moderate bath to maintain your balance

In the hot summer weather, bathing becomes an essential part of people's daily life. Bathing in the summer should also be moderate, excessive bathing will lead to the loss of yang energy in the body. In particular, frequent use of cold water bathing, although it can temporarily reduce body temperature, will stimulate the constriction of blood vessels in the skin, affect the circulation of yang energy in the body, and in the long run, it will lead to insufficient yang energy in the body, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

The best time to bathe in summer is in the evening, choose to use warm water for bathing, and control the length of bathing time, not too long. Dry your body in time after bathing and wear clothes with good breathability to prevent your body from getting cold, which helps to maintain the balance of yang energy in your body.

Get enough sleep to restore yang energy

Sleep is an important part of restoring the body's yang energy. Modern medical research has shown that quality sleep can boost metabolism and enhance immunity, which is essential for maintaining good health. In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and many people often stay up late due to the rich nightlife, resulting in lack of sleep and the loss of yang energy in the body.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

Traditional Chinese medicine theory also emphasizes the routine of "working at sunrise and resting at sunset", which not only helps to restore yang energy, but also ensures the normal functioning of various body functions. It is recommended to ensure 7-8 hours of sleep every day, and try to fall asleep before 10 pm, this time is the detoxification time of the liver and gallbladder meridians, which helps the body to detoxify and repair.

Napping can also play a role in restoring yang energy, but the nap time should not be too long, 15-30 minutes is appropriate, so as not to affect the quality of sleep at night.

Moderate exercise to enhance physical fitness

Moderate exercise in summer is beneficial to the body, helping to strengthen the body and boost yang energy. In the high temperature in summer, you should pay attention to the control of time and intensity when exercising, so as to avoid excessive consumption of yang energy caused by excessive exercise. It is recommended to exercise in the morning or evening to avoid the high temperature in the middle of the day.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

Relatively mild activities such as walking, jogging, tai chi, and yoga can be selected for exercise, which can not only promote blood circulation and enhance physical fitness, but also regulate the body and mind and relieve stress. After exercising, it is necessary to replenish water in time, but it is not advisable to drink a lot of ice water, so as not to cause cold irritation to the body and affect the normal operation of yang energy.


Summer is the season when yang energy is at its most vigorous, but if you don't pay attention to protection, the yang energy in your body can be easily damaged. By taking reasonable exposure to the sun, adjusting the indoor temperature, adjusting the indoor temperature, adjusting the diet, taking a moderate bath, getting enough sleep, exercising moderately, and regulating emotions, you can effectively protect and enhance the yang energy in the body and maintain the health of the body.

Do these 7 things right in the summer, and your yang energy will be preserved

In our daily lives, we should not only pay attention to the external physical condition, but also pay attention to the internal balance of yang energy. This is the only way to stay energetic and in good health during the hot summer months. I hope you can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling summer through these methods.

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