
Russia's 50,000 heavy troops pressed through the Ukrainian army's defense line, Zelensky urgently asked for help, and the United States began to act

author:See the world in the vernacular

The Russian army's 50,000 heavy troops pressed through the Ukrainian defense line, Zelensky urgently asked for help, and the United States began to act, what did Western countries do about Ukraine's request for help? And what is the action of the United States?

In the past few days, the Russian army seems to have opened up a "second battlefield", launching a fierce attack on Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine, according to the Russian side, the Russian army has now controlled 5 settlements in Kharkiv Oblast. This time, the Russian army gathered about 50,000 troops and launched an offensive along the 60-kilometer northern border. With the Russian army's 50,000 heavy troops pressing the border, the Ukrainian army's defense line was also broken through, and the Ukrainian military claimed that due to the high-intensity air strikes of the Russian army, the Ukrainian army had to withdraw to "new positions". According to the report of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian army continued to occupy a favorable position on the front line in the Kharkiv region, occupied a village and town in the region, and struck at targets such as multiple launch rocket systems and air defense systems of the Ukrainian army. In addition, the Russian army repelled the Ukrainian attack in many other directions, and the Russian air defense forces intercepted a number of drones, a number of army tactical missiles and aerial bombs of the Ukrainian army. So what is the real intention of the Russian army to open up the "second battlefield"?

Russia's 50,000 heavy troops pressed through the Ukrainian army's defense line, Zelensky urgently asked for help, and the United States began to act

In this regard, the Ukrainian side gave an opinion, they believe that this is likely to be just a "trick" of the Russian army, which is intended to contain the Ukrainian army through an offensive to Kharkiv, attract the attention of the Ukrainian army, distract the Ukrainian army, and then prepare for the Russian army's full-scale attack on the eastern part of Ukraine. Under the fierce offensive of the Russian army, the front line of the Ukrainian army is very tight, originally in terms of weapons and ammunition, the Ukrainian army is facing a shortage of situation, coupled with the source of troops, it is now difficult for the Ukrainian army to replenish new soldiers, in the face of this situation, Ukrainian President Zelensky had to urgently call the United States and Western countries again to ask them for help. He hoped that Western allies would speed up the supply of weapons they had pledged, and said arms support should be delivered in a more timely manner, rather than just lip service. In the face of Zelensky's shouting, what did the United States and Western countries do? On the whole, it is more of a "lip service". Although the Biden administration in the United States has previously passed a $60 billion aid fund for Ukraine, it is obviously difficult to arrive for a while.

Russia's 50,000 heavy troops pressed through the Ukrainian army's defense line, Zelensky urgently asked for help, and the United States began to act

In order to appease Zelensky, and also to send a signal to the Ukrainian people to reassure them, US Secretary of State Blinken has already begun to act, making a surprise visit to Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, on the 14th, and holding a meeting with Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian officials. During the meeting, Blinken said the United States is working with G7 members to ensure that frozen Russian assets are used to aid Ukraine and that Russia will pay the price for rebuilding Ukraine. He also pledged that the United States will continue to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia's attacks and push for Ukraine to join the European Union and NATO. Zelensky also thanked Blinken for his commitment, but he still emphasized that Kharkiv urgently needs two "Patriot" air defense systems. Obviously, Zelensky is also worried that the US side will once again keep its promises only in words. In this regard, Blinken stressed that some aid has arrived, and more aid is still on the way, which will help the Ukrainian army strengthen its defenses and allow the Ukrainian army to regain the "initiative" on the battlefield, and the United States will ensure that Ukraine wins on the battlefield. It is understood that Blinken's visit to Ukraine this time is the fourth visit after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Russia's 50,000 heavy troops pressed through the Ukrainian army's defense line, Zelensky urgently asked for help, and the United States began to act

In addition to its visit to Ukraine, the United States recently conducted an airdrop paratrooper exercise with Britain in the Nurmsi region of Estonia, not far from the Russian border, with the participation of 142 military personnel, including 82 British and 60 American military personnel. Public opinion in the outside world generally believes that these exercises are in fact aimed at Russia. In the face of this kind of military deterrence by the United States and the West, Russia naturally does not accept this set. On the 14th, Russia's new Defense Minister Belousov delivered a speech at the plenary session of the Russian Federation Council on the priority tasks of the work of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and he made it clear that Moscow's priority is to ensure victory over Ukraine on the battlefield while minimizing human losses.

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