
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has changed qualitatively, and on the first day of Russia's new defense minister, the first priority was clarified, and China was named

author:See the world in the vernacular

On the first day of taking office, Russia's new defense minister first made clear Russia's top priorities, so what does this primary task refer to? In addition, Belousov also named China, what did he say specifically?

On the 14th, on the first day of his tenure, the new Russian Defense Minister Belousov delivered a speech at the plenary session of the Russian Federation Council on the primary tasks of the work of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Belousov said Moscow's priority is to ensure victory over Ukraine on the battlefield while minimizing human losses. In addition, the key task remains to achieve victory and ensure the achievement of the military-political goals of the special military operation set by the president. Although Belousov is Russia's new defense minister appointed by Russian President Putin, because he is an economist with no military background, Belousov will not participate in the actual operational decision-making, and this part will be the purview of the Russian General Staff.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has changed qualitatively, and on the first day of Russia's new defense minister, the first priority was clarified, and China was named

As soon as Belousov came to power, he first focused on the issue of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, not only because Russia is a party to this conflict, but also because the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict has obviously undergone a qualitative change, and it is no longer just a contest between Russia and Ukraine, but a contest between Russia and the United States, NATO, the European Union and other Western groups. The involvement of Western forces has obviously deepened a lot, and public opinion about NATO's dispatch of troops has not stopped for some time now. Recently, the United Kingdom and the United States also conducted an airdrop paratrooper exercise in the Nurmsi region of Estonia, not far from the Russian border, during the "rapid response" exercise, with the participation of 142 military personnel, including 82 British military personnel and 60 American military personnel. Public opinion generally believes that these exercises are in fact aimed at Russia. In this context, it is not difficult to understand that Belousov is talking about the first task and pointing directly to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has changed qualitatively, and on the first day of Russia's new defense minister, the first priority was clarified, and China was named

In the past few days, the Russian army has launched a fierce offensive towards Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine, according to the Russian side, the Russian army has now controlled 5 settlements of Borisovka, Okurtsovo, Pletenivka, Pilina and Strilecha in Kharkiv Oblast. Regarding the sudden turn of the Russian army's offensive, the Ukrainian side gave an opinion, they believe that this is likely to be just a "trick" of the Russian army, which is intended to contain the Ukrainian army through the offensive to Kharkiv, attract the attention of the Ukrainian army, distract the forces of the Ukrainian army, and then prepare for the Russian army's full-scale attack on the eastern part of Ukraine later. In the face of this situation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is also strongly urging the United States and Western countries to provide military aid, so what did the United States and Western countries do in the face of Zelensky's shouting? Previously, the Biden administration in the United States has passed a $60 billion aid fund for Ukraine, but it is obviously difficult to arrive for a while, otherwise Zelensky would not have shouted to Western allies in such a hurry.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has changed qualitatively, and on the first day of Russia's new defense minister, the first priority was clarified, and China was named

To a certain extent, this Russia-Ukraine conflict has become the biggest "bargaining chip" for the United States to "kidnap" European countries, and many European countries have been shouting for a long time about stopping aid to Ukraine, but those countries still want to provide assistance to Ukraine, one of the main reasons for this is that the United States is putting pressure behind it. It can be said that some European countries have somewhat lost the "autonomy" of a sovereign state under the coercion and temptation of the United States. Belousov also mentioned this in his speech, for which he also named China. He said that Russia is committed to promoting the construction of a multipolar world order, but countries in a multipolar world should have sovereignty and can set and achieve their own national goals. Russia is one of the few sovereign states today, and countries such as China, India, and Indonesia can do the same, but Europe has lost its sovereignty.

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