
There will be a big reshuffle on the island, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued a punishment list, 5 people were listed, and Hong Xiuzhu sniped Lai Qingde

author:See the world in the vernacular

The island will usher in a big reshuffle, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued a punishment list, and 5 people were listed, who are these 5 people? What does the action of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council illustrate? Hong Xiuzhu "sniped" Lai Qingde, what did he say?

20 May will be the day when Lai Ching-te, the new leader of the Taiwan region, will officially come to power, and many members of his new "ruling team" have a strong "Taiwan independence" color, including a number of "Taiwan independence" diehards on the list. This also means that the political arena on the island is about to usher in a major reshuffle, and the risk of "Taiwan independence" continues to rise; in view of this situation, the PLA has noticeably strengthened its regular patrols around Taiwan in recent times, and its purpose is to effectively deter the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island. At the same time, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has also taken action and issued a punishment list for those "celebrities" on the island who deliberately smear and slander the mainland and wantonly spread rumors, and five of them have already been listed. At the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on the 15th, spokesman Chen Binhua pointed out that for some time now, a small number of so-called "celebrities" in Taiwan, such as Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, and Liu Baojie, have deliberately fabricated false and negative information about the mainland in disregard of the facts of the mainland's development and progress, and have wantonly disseminated it through television, the Internet, newspapers, and other media, and the mainland will punish the above five people and their families in accordance with the law.

There will be a big reshuffle on the island, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued a punishment list, 5 people were listed, and Hong Xiuzhu sniped Lai Qingde

Maybe some people don't know the names of the above-mentioned people here, but if you want to name the nicknames given to them by the people of the mainland, it is estimated that most people have heard of them. They are, Yu Beichen nicknamed "Brother Tufang", Wang Yichuan nicknamed "Brother Backrest", Li Zhenghao nicknamed "Brother Vole", Liu Baojie nicknamed "Brother Cleaning", and Huang Shicong nicknamed "Brother Mustard". The main reason why they have these nicknames is that they spread rumors and smear the mainland without any bottom line and illogic on television and on the Internet. For example, "Brother Mustard" Huang Shicong once claimed on the program that "mainlanders can't afford to eat mustard", "the Three Gorges Dam is a tofu slag project, and there is a risk of bursting the embankment", "the mainland's automobile exports are the world's first, because they produce too many cars but can't afford them, so they can only export them at low prices" and so on, when he said "mainlanders can't afford to eat mustard", in order to slap him in the face, some people in the mainland also sent him two large boxes of Fuling mustard. Another example is "Brother Vole" Li Zhenghao, his slander of the mainland is even more brainless, he claimed in the show that the mainland has no meat and no food, and rural people can only eat voles in the field because of the lack of protein, so as to obtain the protein needed by the body. From the above two examples alone, it is enough to see how absurd and ignorant the words and deeds of these "famous mouths" on the island are, and they are purely for the purpose of smearing the mainland. It can be seen from this that the poison of "Taiwan independence" has caused the people on the island to suffer greatly, and at the same time, it also shows the importance of strengthening exchanges between the people on both sides of the strait. It can be said that the above five people were punished, and they were really not wronged at all.

There will be a big reshuffle on the island, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued a punishment list, 5 people were listed, and Hong Xiuzhu sniped Lai Qingde

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council's action to punish the above-mentioned five people this time is obviously of a higher significance than the previous release of the two waves of "'Taiwan independence' diehards" and their punishment, and it shows at least three points: First, this is a clear signal to the outside world that any "Taiwan independence" action and any force that attempts to split the territorial integrity of the motherland will be severely punished; Second, it is necessary to separate the "Taiwan independence" elements from the Taiwan people, effectively isolate those reactionaries and saboteurs who endanger the process of national reunification, and clear the way for future cross-strait reunification. Third, it is necessary to strengthen the confidence of patriotic people on the island in the reunification of the motherland and lay the foundation for speeding up the pace of how to properly govern Taiwan Province after reunification.

There will be a big reshuffle on the island, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued a punishment list, 5 people were listed, and Hong Xiuzhu sniped Lai Qingde

A few days ago, Hong Xiuzhu, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, "sniped" Lai Qingde and taught him a good lesson. Hong Xiuzhu pointed out that if Lai Qingde does not freeze the "Taiwan independence" party program and still stubbornly does not come to his senses, the final result will only be to invite war, and he will inevitably be spurned by the people at that time. As far as Lai Qingde is concerned, what he should do most now is to "accept the bloodline of the Chinese nation from Zhangzhou, Fujian, on the mainland," and immediately announce the freezing of the DPP's "Taiwan independence" party platform and become an upright Chinese.