
What is the key to scientific weight loss? It's not about losing weight quickly, but about sticking to it for a long time

author:Liu Da's health logic

Recently, a fan friend privately messaged me that she wanted to really practice scientific methods and models for weight loss, but she didn't know how to do it.

In fact, the scientific weight loss is correct, and the formal method is not to lose weight quickly, but we really want to ensure that the weight lost is mainly fat, and there will not be too much muscle. And it can be easily and effortlessly persevered for a long time. This is the key, and today we will also talk about this topic:

1. Why do we need to lose weight scientifically and reasonably?

What is the key to scientific weight loss? It's not about losing weight quickly, but about sticking to it for a long time

Many friends who are losing weight will also encounter this problem, in fact, the reason is very simple. If you just lose weight and lose weight, there are relatively many ways to lose weight.

But the consequence of this is that it is very easy to repeat. Just like when we lose weight quickly and lose 10 pounds a month, most of the loss is muscle-based without supplementing enough nutrients and protein, resulting in a decline in basal metabolism, and it will be easy to rebound in the future.

What is the key to scientific weight loss? It's not about losing weight quickly, but about sticking to it for a long time

Even if you supplement enough nutrients and protein, losing 10 pounds a month is still not sustainable, only the first 1~2 months will be faster. Later, it will slowly slow down and recover to lose 3-4 pounds of weight in a month.

And many friends will take weight loss lightly because they lose weight too fast in the early stage, and think that losing weight is very simple. When I encounter a slow weight loss, I can't accept it and become very anxious. Start using a variety of methods to increase the speed of weight loss, which will backfire and promote weight loss failure.

Generally speaking, eat enough protein, eat enough basal metabolism, a little calorie difference, and supplement sufficient nutrition. In this case, the weight lost by the average person in a month is actually about 3~4 pounds, which is the most reasonable and common.

Of course, this 3~4 pounds is an average of 3~4 pounds per month, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less, which is normal.

But as long as we adhere to a scientific and reasonable diet, you will find that losing weight becomes very easy and enjoyable, and you don't need to rely on willpower to insist. As long as we supplement enough nutrients and adjust our diet well, don't worry too much about ourselves.

2. Why can I stick to scientific weight loss for a long time?

What is the key to scientific weight loss? It's not about losing weight quickly, but about sticking to it for a long time

The reason is also very simple, because of scientific and reasonable weight loss, he conforms to human nature. It will not overly suppress people's desires and some eating habits, etc.

Many people like to eat high-calorie foods, snacks, etc., but when losing weight, most people will suppress their appetite and desire to stop eating for weight loss effect.

Once the weight loss is over, they start eating and drinking, and they return to their previous pattern. This will definitely not work, suppressing yourself too hard will explode sooner or later.

Scientific weight loss is about conforming to human nature step by step, so we can treat ourselves by taking out one day every 10 days or so as an indulgence period in the process of losing weight.

After getting used to this method, you can gradually extend this time, and slowly become half a month, 20 days, and so on. In this way, we will not suppress our desires too much, and we will let ourselves be satisfied, and it will not hinder the effect of weight loss too much.

It can be adhered to for a long time, because of this scientific and reasonable weight loss model, in fact, the breakfast and lunch are relatively full, and you may be a little hungry at night, but you can bear it completely. At the same time, it also creates a calorie difference, which is conducive to weight loss.

You don't need to change your eating patterns and methods, you just need to reduce the amount of staple foods, eat more foods rich in high-quality protein, eat more green leafy vegetables, etc., slowly adjust, and slowly form your own dietary structure and habits.

It's easier to stick to it, it's easier to stick to it, and to lose weight, we must establish a concept, that is, weight loss is a lifelong thing, not a matter of a while. Therefore, there is no need to be anxious about short-term weight changes, as long as you can develop long-term adherence to your diet and habits.

To sum up: the key to scientific weight loss or pure diet weight loss is not to lose weight quickly in the short term, but to ensure the effect of weight loss in the long term. Really lose pure fat, shape your body, and make your body healthier and healthier.