
The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Really, why is the weather so perverted, yesterday was fine." Li Hui complained at the registration desk that her friend Coco Zhang was lying in a wheelchair with a high fever, and she was acting as a chaperone. The corridors of the hospital are always busy and tense, and two doctors in white coats are not far away talking about a certain case.

"Have you heard? Recently, the flu seems to have mutated again, and many people have become sicker because of improper treatment. A middle-aged doctor said to his companion.

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

These words caught Li Hui's attention, and she hurriedly pushed Coco Zhang closer, "Excuse me, what is the flu mutation you just mentioned?" The doctor looked at Li Hui and paused slightly, as if to assess whether it was time to continue the topic. Li Hui's eyes were full of curiosity, which made the doctor decide to continue.

"A lot of people's attitude towards colds and fevers is a big problem. First of all, many people like to take antibiotics as soon as they catch a cold, which is a very big misunderstanding. Antibiotics are ineffective against viral influenza, and doing so for a long time will only make the body resistant to the drug, which is extremely harmful to the body. The doctor explained in detail that with a slight slide of his finger over the data chart, each number was particularly important.

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

Li Hui, a secondary school teacher who is particularly sensitive to data and facts, asked, "What are some other common mistakes?" "Another common mistake is over-reliance on fever-reducing medications. Using too much can affect the body's natural immunity to disease. This passage surprised Coco Zhang, who took medicine immediately almost every time she had a fever.

"Also, many people are completely bedridden as soon as they get sick, in fact, proper activity helps the body's blood circulation, which is also good for recovery, of course, provided that it is not excessive." The doctor continued. Regarding this statement, Li Hui said that it is full of freshness, and it turns out that maintaining moderate activity is more conducive to recovery than lying in bed all the time.

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

At this moment, Coco Zhang suddenly thought of another question, "If the fever reaches 39 degrees, but the body feels okay, don't you need to take antipyretics?" ”

The doctor smiled and replied: "If the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees, especially for a long time, it is recommended to take fever-reducing medicine, because a high fever may cause damage to the brain and body." These words not only provided specific advice for Coco Zhang, but also emphasized the importance of using drugs under the guidance of a doctor.

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

In this busy hospital, Li Hui and Coco Zhang learned a lot of scientific methods for dealing with colds and fevers from doctors, and they were amazed by the new knowledge. As doctors continue to provide information, the conversation turns to an area that is not often talked about but extremely important – the role of emotion management in cold recovery.

"What you might not expect is that emotional states can also affect the recovery process from a cold." The doctor said as he showed a graph of the data from some of the relevant studies. The chart shows that patients who are depressed take longer to recover during a cold than those who are emotionally stable or positive. "According to a recent study, maintaining a good and positive mood can boost immunity and speed up recovery."

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

"So what should we do to keep ourselves in a good mood when we have a cold?" Coco Zhang asked curiously. The doctor replied, "You have to have a correct understanding of the disease." Knowing that the cold is a self-limiting illness and that most of the time, the body recovers on its own, knowing this can reduce unnecessary anxiety. ”

"It's also important to note that stress is an important factor in a weakened immune system, especially when you're sick," he continued. ”

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

As a teacher, Li Hui often feels stressed at work, and she immediately pays attention to this. "Do you have any special advice for catching a cold during a busy work period?" She asked.

The doctor replied earnestly: "For a staff member like you, it is better to plan in advance the time for work and rest. If you do feel unwell, you should reduce your workload appropriately, seek help from colleagues or superiors, and make sure that you have enough rest time. Maintaining a moderate amount of physical activity, such as simple chores or short walks, can help the body regulate and recover better. ”

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

During this conversation, Coco and Li Hui received a lot of practical advice, not only on how to physically treat colds, but also on how to promote health on a mental and emotional level.

Through this exchange, Coco Zhang and Li Hui not only learned how to deal with colds and fevers scientifically, but also realized the importance of mental and emotional states in recovering from illness. This information is a new insight for them and a valuable resource for similar situations in the future.

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

The doctor's advice is not only based on medical records and the latest research, but is also practical and actionable, giving them a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of how to deal with colds.

What do you think about colds and fevers? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The doctor reminded again: after a cold and fever, it hurts to do these few things, and you want to be healthy as soon as possible

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