
Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Is that symptom really like a fuss?" Li Yan heard the doctor discussing with a patient, and couldn't help but stop. Today, he accompanied his wife Xiaowen to the hospital for prenatal checkups, and in his spare time, he always likes to walk around and see everything in the hospital.

"I'm sorry to excuse me, but I heard you say that some symptoms can't be ignored, can you tell me what the specific symptoms are?" Li Yan asked curiously. Li Yan is a middle school history teacher who is always interested in exploring all kinds of knowledge, even in medicine.

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The doctor looked at Li Yan and said with a smile: "No problem, we often say 'prevention is better than cure', and many symptoms are indeed easy to ignore in the early stage." For example, long-term recurrent fatigue, or persistent low-grade fever and night sweating should not be ignored. ”

Li Yan listened with relish and nodded: "Then how can you be sure that these symptoms are not ordinary physical conditions, such as being tired, or caused by the change of seasons?" ”

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

"If fatigue persists for more than a month and is accompanied by other symptoms such as night sweats or weight loss, it is time to consider some basic tests," the doctor explained. ”

During this exchange, Li Yan learned that although some symptoms may seem inconspicuous, they may be warning signs from the body. According to a recent survey, more than 30% of patients with early-stage cancer present with symptoms that are easy to ignore, including persistent stomach pain, recurrent chest pain, and frequent constipation or diarrhea, according to the doctor.

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

For a history teacher like Li Yan, who is keen to explore knowledge, this information not only increases his knowledge, but also makes him realize the importance of healthy living. He thinks that when he returns, he will share what he has learned today with his students, so that they can realize the importance of prevention from an early age.

Towards the end of the conversation, a young mother hurriedly walked in with a worried expression: "Doctor, my son has been talking about headaches lately, and occasionally he feels nauseous, what could be the problem?" ”

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The doctor patiently explained that "headaches and nausea can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the common cold, stress, or lack of sleep.

I met a patient who had similar symptoms at first, but found out that it was due to poor sleep quality. It is advisable to observe for a few days, ensure adequate rest and proper hydration, and if the symptoms persist or worsen, it is best to come to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. ”

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Li Yan's heart was full of gratitude. He realizes that every study broadens his horizons, and the importance of health cannot be overlooked. He decided to write a story about today's experience and share it with his students in next week's history class, hoping that they will learn more about life and health.

After an in-depth discussion, Li Yan discovered a medical point that made his eyes shine. The doctor mentioned that modern medical research has gradually discovered that the relationship between emotional state and chronic disease is inextricably linked, and this relationship is far deeper than the average person thinks.

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Li Yan asked: "Then how should we adjust our emotions to reduce this risk?" "In fact, simple relaxation exercises in our daily life, such as deep breathing, yoga or light walking, can help us manage our emotions and reduce stress," the doctor explains. ”

He also cited data from a study involving 5,000 adults showing that those who were physically active regularly and had a steady social activity had significantly lower rates of depression and anxiety than those who lacked physical and social activity.

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

The doctor then added an interesting example of a patient who had been in a state of anxiety and depression for a long time due to intense work pressure.

This information is a new revelation for Li Yan, who has never thought deeply about the importance of emotional management to health. Now, he has decided to bring this new knowledge back to the classroom, exploring how the emotional states of characters affect their decision-making and health through historical events, so that students can understand the close connection between emotions and health.

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Just as Li Yan was about to leave, an anxious father next to him asked, "Doctor, my daughter has been crying a lot at night lately and is reluctant to go to school, could this be a psychological problem?" ”

The doctor replied, "Your child may be under some kind of pressure at school, and in this case it is best to communicate openly with your child and understand how she really feels." ”

Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible

Through today's experience, Li Yan has become more aware of the importance of health knowledge, and he hopes that through his teaching, students can understand and value the maintenance of mental health, so as to promote their overall well-being. This trip to the hospital not only enriched his knowledge base, but also brought new inspiration to his educational career.

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Most of the cancers are "dragged out"? Doctor: If you have any of these abnormalities, seek medical attention as soon as possible