
Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

author:Director Xu Health said

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Levi had just finished watching the evening news at home, and his mood was a little heavy.

The news mentioned that in recent years, the incidence of leukemia in children has gradually increased, which makes him worry about the health of his five-year-old son Xiaohao. Today he had planned to take Xiaohao to the hospital to check his eyesight, thinking of asking the doctor about this by the way.

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

In the hospital's waiting room, Levi sat there, holding the latest issue of the magazine in his hand, flipping through it casually. Xiao Hao was playing with toy cars on the side, occasionally looking up curiously at the other children around him. The wait is always long, especially when Levi's mind is full of questions.

Finally it was their turn. Walking into the consultation room, Levi saw a young female doctor sitting behind a desk with a name tag that read "Dr. Wu." Dr. Wu seemed attentive and friendly, looking at some medical records on his computer.

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

"Doctor Wu, we are mainly here today to check Xiaohao's eyesight, but I just read a report about leukemia in children, I wonder if you can explain why more and more children are getting this disease now?" Levi asked.

Dr. Wu smiled slightly, motioned for Li Wei and Xiaohao to sit down, and then began to explain: "Actually, the exact cause of leukemia is still unknown, but we know that environmental factors, genetic factors and certain lifestyle factors may be related to its onset. ”

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

Dr. Wu went on to elaborate on this view: "One study found that children who regularly consumed foods with high levels of additives and pesticide residues had a significantly higher incidence of leukemia than those who consumed less of these substances. These additives include chemicals that add color or flavour to food, while pesticide residues are mainly from non-organic fruits, vegetables and meat. ”

She emphasises the importance of preventive measures: "As parents, we can choose organic products as much as possible and reduce the intake of chemical additives in our food. ”

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

During the presentation, Dr Goh also highlighted some specific food handling techniques, such as soaking vegetables in carbonated water, which can be more effective in removing certain types of pesticide residues.

Subsequently, Dr. Wu performed a series of eye tests on Xiao Hao, and luckily Xiao Hao's vision was normal. After the examination, Levi seemed to be in a much more relaxed mood, but he still had a question: "Dr. Wu, if there are cleaning products that we have already used in our homes that contain chemicals, should we also avoid using them?" ”

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

Dr. Wu nodded: "It's true that cleaning products used in the home often contain some potentially harmful chemicals as well. In addition, ensuring that your home is well ventilated can also reduce the potential hazards of these chemicals. ”

Through this consultation, Li Wei not only solved his doubts about childhood leukemia, but also learned a lot of health tips that can be operated in daily life. When he walked out of the hospital, he was already planning how to adjust his family's diet and living environment.

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

When he walked out of the hospital, although Li Wei was already planning how to adjust his family's diet and living environment, he still kept thinking about Dr. Wu's words. On the way home, he decided to drop by the supermarket to pick up some organic food labeled "pesticide residue-free" and household cleaning products with the "eco-friendly" label.

He found that although the price of organic products was indeed higher than that of ordinary products, the price difference seemed to be less important when he thought that it was related to Xiaohao's health.

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

In the process of selecting the products, a question suddenly occurred to Levi: Are the organic labels and harmlessness claims of these products really reliable? He remembers Dr Goh mentioning that some labels on the market could mislead consumers and that some products still use some government-allowed additives despite being advertised as "additive-free". This left him feeling a little confused and uneasy.

After returning home, Levi decided to go to the hospital again to consult with Dr. Wu to learn more about the product label. When he met Dr. Wu again, he directly asked his own question: "Dr. Wu, can we really fully trust the organic products and household cleaning products with harmless labels on the market?" ”

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

After listening carefully to Levi's question, Dr. Wu began to explain, "That's a good question. In fact, the product labels on the market may indeed be somewhat misleading. For example, some products do not use the most common harmful additives, but may use other, lesser-known alternatives that are not necessarily safe in the long run. ”

Dr. Wu also reminded Levi: "When choosing organic and additive-free products, give preference to brands that have clear third-party certification. ”

Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

Through this visit, Li Wei not only learned how to identify truly healthy and safe food and supplies, but also gained a deeper understanding of product labels in the market. He realized that as a consumer, he needed to be more cautious and proactive in obtaining information to ensure that he chose the safest products for his family.

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Why are more and more children getting leukemia? The doctor reminds parents: Don't give these things to your child!

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