
Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

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The emperors of the continental dynasties were often insightful, especially in the early days of the dynasties, and they won the hearts and minds of the people and the loyalty of their courtiers through various means. Among them, casual daily conversations are often an important way for them to obtain important information and probe the minds of their courtiers. These conversations may seem casual, but they have deep meanings, and most of them are done through hints and temptations.

In the court, the words of the courtiers are often sharper and more dangerous than the swords on the battlefield, because the words are directly related to the stability of power. This subtle art of communication was vividly expressed under the rule of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Taizu of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

Zhu Yuanzhang went from simple questions to deep insights

Zhu Yuanzhang, an extraordinary figure from the grassroots to the emperor, is particularly prominent in his ruling skills, temptation and insight. He likes to ask his courtiers seemingly inconsequential questions, which are actually a test of their loyalty and wisdom. This questioning strategy was not limited to courtiers, but even ordinary people were tempted.

Once, Zhu Yuanzhang asked a Mongolian girl: "What is the biggest thing today?" The question may seem simple, but behind it is a double test of the girl's loyalty and wisdom. Zhu Yuanzhang originally hoped that the girl could praise him and replied, "The biggest thing in the world is His Excellency the Emperor."

However, the girl did not want to disobey the emperor directly, nor was she willing to flatter falsely, and after some thought, she answered four words skillfully. Zhu Yuanzhang was pleasantly surprised when he heard this, looked at her with admiration, and married her to his son. This answer not only preserved the girl's dignity and wisdom, but also enabled her to win the respect and trust of the emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

So which four big words did the girl answer? Who is this girl?

This starts with Zhu Yuanzhang's experience. He was born into a peasant family, which was torn apart by years of war and famine in the last years of the Yuan Dynasty. In desperation, he eventually became a monk in a temple in exchange for the security of life.

However, at that time, even the temple could not withstand the invasion of famine, and more and more homeless people were taken in, and the temple eventually had to be exiled due to lack of resources. Zhu Yuanzhang also lost his shelter and began his wandering career. This experience had a profound impact on his personality and leadership skills.

The wandering Zhu Yuanzhang saw the suffering of the masses and their dissatisfaction with the status quo, which stimulated his revolutionary consciousness. At a time when the Yuan regime was weakening and peasant uprisings were in full swing across the country, Zhu Yuanzhang was invited to join the rebel army and soon rose to a leading position with his superior military and political prowess.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

He first unified his thinking and discipline internally, then gradually expanded his military strength, and finally defeated the strong enemies Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng in one fell swoop, and unified the rebel armies from all walks of life.

The interweaving of Zhu Yuanzhang's strategy and emotion

At this time, the biggest headache faced by Zhu Yuanzhang was the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty. Although the Yuan Dynasty was in decline, there were still loyal generals who maintained the land, among which Wang Baobao was a particularly headache for Zhu Yuanzhang.

Wang Baobao was not only strong in martial arts, but also very strategic, and his presence greatly slowed down the pace of unification of the Ming Dynasty. After Zhu Yuanzhang occupied Dadu, the old capital of the Yuan Dynasty, he decided to continue the Northern Expedition and wipe out the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty in one fell swoop. Although the generals of the Ming army were full of confidence, they encountered stubborn resistance from Wang Baobao in the first battle, and the Ming army had to retreat and regroup.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

This unfavorable battle gave the Yuan Dynasty a glimmer of life, and at the same time, Wang Baobao's military talents were more valued and relied on, and his status rose as a result. In the following battles, Wang Baobao repeatedly dealt heavy blows to the Ming army, which made Zhu Yuanzhang have a strong interest in this general of the Yuan Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang knew that it was difficult to completely pacify such an opponent by force alone, so he began to try other strategies, hoping to draw Wang Baobao into his camp.

Zhu Yuanzhang's strategy is multi-pronged. He first tried to influence Wang Baobao through moral influence, and frequently sent envoys to send olive branches, expressing his willingness to settle him as a high-ranking official, hoping to make Wang Baobao submit himself.

However, as a loyal servant of the Yuan Dynasty and a strong personality, Wang Baobao was unmoved by these temptations. His loyalty and persistence made Zhu Yuanzhang feel both admiration and distress at the same time.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

Wang's firm stance made Zhu Yuanzhang helpless

The key moment came in 1367, when the Ming army won a great victory in a battle and even nearly captured the Yuan emperor. In this battle, it was not only ordinary soldiers who were captured, but also Wang Baobao's own sister.

After Zhu Yuanzhang learned the news, he realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He brought Wang Baobao's sister to the palace, on the one hand, he treated her preferentially, and on the other hand, he also used her as a bargaining chip to persuade Wang Baobao to surrender.

Zhu Yuanzhang's envoy found Wang Baobao and revealed to him the situation of his sister, and made it clear that if Wang Baobao could return to the Ming Dynasty, his sister would be safe. Despite this great psychological pressure, Wang Baobao remained steadfast, and he rejected the Ming Dynasty's offer, saying that he would rather die than betray the Yuan Dynasty and not change his loyal stance because of personal feelings.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

Zhu Yuanzhang persuaded Wang to write to his brother many times, persuading him to surrender. However, Wang resolutely rejected Zhu Yuanzhang's request. Her attitude is firm, and her loyalty and support for her brother are unwavering, which makes Zhu Yuanzhang both surprised and admired.

Wang showed extraordinary courage and determination in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, repeatedly emphasizing his and his brother's determination to fight against the Ming Dynasty, which forced Zhu Yuanzhang to reconsider his strategy.

In one conversation, Zhu Yuanzhang tried to test Wang's position in a more direct way. He asked her what was the biggest thing in the world. In the face of this question, Wang did not hesitate, she replied firmly: "Loyalty and filial piety are the greatest. ”

This is a very important part of Confucianism, emphasizing loyalty and filial piety to the country and family. Wang's answer showed not only her wisdom, but also her moral convictions, which made Zhu Yuanzhang feel a deep respect, and at the same time, he understood that threats and inducements alone could not shake the loyalty of Wang and his brother.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

Zhu Yuanzhang eventually decided to change his tactics and no longer tried to force Wang to submit. He ordered Wang to marry his second son, Zhu Shuang, and in this way, she became Zhu Yuanzhang's daughter-in-law.

Zhu Yuanzhang's decision was not only out of appreciation for Wang's personal qualities, but also out of the hope that through family connections, Wang's hostility would be slowly resolved, so that she and her brother could finally accept the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

However, the development of history is often full of uncertainties. In 1376, when Zhu Yuanzhang learned that Wang Baobao had died of illness, the situation changed radically.

Wang Baobao's death meant that no one could pose a military threat to Zhu Yuanzhang, and the rule of the Ming Dynasty was more solid. For the Wang family, this not only means losing her dearest brother, but also means that her status and value in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart have changed.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the talented Mongolian woman: What is the biggest thing in the world? The four characters of women's wisdom have been recited to this day

Zhu Yuanzhang's attitude towards the Wang family has also changed. Over time, he began to think about how to completely eliminate possible threats. After Zhu Shuang's untimely death, Zhu Yuanzhang thought that the Wang family, without his brother, had no use value. In the end, he ordered the Wang family to be buried with him to prevent future troubles.

And this also reflects the cruelty and complexity of ancient political struggles. But Wang showed rare courage and perseverance. Although her life was full of twists and turns and tragedies, her persistence in loyalty and faith is still admirable today.

Through Wang's story, we can see the fierce collision between personal beliefs and the tide of the times, as well as the extraordinary character of a strong woman in the face of adversity.

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