
2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: To the Vast and Subtle

author:Guanhua composition

2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: To the Vast and Subtle

Read the material below and write as requested.

Mr. Xu Beihong, a famous painter, once clearly proposed that painting should be "vast and subtle", that is, in the process of painting creation, we should first start from the whole, observe the painting object, and then grasp its spiritual essence and internal characteristics, and on this basis, summarize and select the details, so as to create a picture with both vast artistic conception and subtle details.

Mr. Xu's requirements for painting have inspired us not only in the field of art, but also in other fields of social life. Please write an essay about your thoughts and feelings about this.

Requirements: choose the right angle, determine the idea, clarify the style, and draft the title; Don't copy, don't plagiarize; Do not divulge personal information; No less than 800 words.

【Title Analysis】:

This question takes the painting concept of the famous painter Mr. Xu Beihong as the starting point, and guides students to expand from the field of art to other fields of social life, and think about the connotation and enlightenment of "to the vast and the subtle". The material requires candidates to think about the enlightenment of Mr. Xu's painting requirements in other areas of social life, guide candidates to pay attention to the details of life, and improve their insight into things.


  1. Overall concept and grasp of details: start from the whole, pay attention to details, and create perfect results.
  2. Grasp the essence of things and refine key information: In life and work, grasp the intrinsic characteristics of things and accurately grasp them.
  3. Balancing breadth and depth: While pursuing a wide range of knowledge, it is also necessary to focus on depth to achieve the goal of all-round development.
  4. Unity of knowledge and action, focusing on practice: put ideas into practice and improve their comprehensive ability.


  1. As the old saying goes: "Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain." "In life and work, we must have an overall concept and start from the whole in order to better grasp the direction of development of things.
  2. Lu Xun once said: "There is no road in the world, and when there are more people walking, it becomes a road." This sentence tells us that on the road of pursuing a career, we must pay attention to details and continue to accumulate in order to achieve great causes.
  3. With the explosion of information in modern society, how to grasp the essence of things and refine key information has become the key to winning in the competition.
  4. The unity of knowledge and action is an important concept put forward by the Ming Dynasty philosopher Wang Yangming. In practical life, we must put the concept into practice in order to truly improve our comprehensive ability.


This essay question can be written in the form of an argumentative essay. At the beginning, you can quote Mr. Xu Beihong's painting concept in the material, explain the meaning of "to the vast, to the subtle", and then choose one or more from the above ideas to discuss. In the process of discussion, you can use examples, quotes and other techniques to make arguments based on personal experience or social phenomena. At the end, the full text is summarized, emphasizing the importance of "reaching the vast and the subtle" in real life, and issuing a positive call.

[Appreciation of masterpieces]: To the vast, as subtle as possible

Xu Beihong, an outstanding painter, integrated the artistic concept of "to the vast and the subtle" into his works, leaving behind many immortal masterpieces. He is convinced that art is not only a demonstration of skill, but also a reflection of the philosophy of life. This famous quote is like a beacon that guides those who strive for excellence, and becomes the norm we follow in our artistic and social life.

In the vastness of the universe, we are like grains of sand on the beach, small but distinctive. In the face of a complex and ever-changing world, we should embrace all things with a broad mind, to understand, feel and experience. This is the meaning of "to the great". We should not be limited to the small circle in front of us, but look at the overall situation, gain insight into the essence of things, and grasp the pulse of life.

However, the vastness of the world does not mean that we can ignore the details. While pursuing breadth, we should pay more attention to refinement. In artistic creation, every brushstroke and color carries the painter's emotions and thoughts. In life, we should treat everyone and everything as well. The details often contain the deepest friendship and the most sincere attitude.

"To the vast, as subtle as possible", these six words depict a state of life. In this realm, we must have both a macro vision and a micro insight. We must not only see the forest, but also every tree, every leaf, every flower. Only in this way can we truly understand the richness and profundity of life.

In interpersonal interactions, "to the great and the subtle" means that we respect each individual and understand their needs and feelings. We must learn to listen, learn to care, and feel the presence of others with our hearts. Every smile, every hug, carries our love and respect for them.

In our work, "to the vast and subtle" requires us to grasp the overall situation and pay attention to details. We must have long-term planning and clear goals, and at the same time, we must also pay attention to the implementation of every step and the improvement of every detail. Only in this way can we achieve exceptional results.

In terms of self-cultivation, "to the vast and subtle" tells us to develop in an all-round way, not only to broaden our horizons, to keep learning, but also to pay attention to inner cultivation and improve our own quality. We must continue to swim in the vast ocean of knowledge, and at the same time, we must also sharpen our will and cultivate our sentiments in the subtle bits and pieces of life.

"To the vast, to the subtle", this is a life attitude, but also a way of life. It requires us to find our place in the vast world and clarify our own value. At the same time, it also requires us to show our own quality and reflect our existence in the subtleties.

Let us take Xu Beihong as a model, uphold the concept of "to the vast and subtle", to explore life and pursue dreams. On this path, we will continue to grow, keep improving, and finally realize the value of our life.

2024 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: To the Vast and Subtle

[Appreciation of Masterpieces]: The Road of Painting the Heart - Xu Beihong's Artistic Enlightenment

In the long river of time, Mr. Xu Beihong has outlined the soul of Chinese art with his unique brush. His famous saying, "To the great, to the subtle", like a morning bell and a dusk drum, stirs the hearts of those who come after him. Mr. Xu's way of painting is not only the law of artistic creation, but also a philosophy of life, a path of in-depth observation and understanding of the world.

When I looked at Mr. Xu's paintings, I was fascinated by the grandeur of the artistic conception. Those galloping horses and proud eagles all show the vitality and strength of life. This reminds me that in life, we should also start from the whole and grasp the essence of things. Whether it is study or work, we need to have a global vision and understand the whole picture of things, so as to better grasp the direction and not be confused by local phenomena.

However, Mr. Xu's artistic philosophy does not stop there. After capturing the spiritual essence of the painting object, he also carefully summarized and selected the details. Those delicate brushstrokes outline the muscular lines of the horse and depict the feathers of the eagle. This reminds me that in the subtleties of life, there is also beauty and wisdom. We need to experience the bits and pieces of life with our hearts and discover the beauty that has been neglected, so that we can truly appreciate the true meaning of life.

Applying this philosophy to my life, I began to try to perceive the world in both the whole and the details. In terms of learning, I first have a macro understanding of the entire knowledge system, understand the connections between various disciplines, and then go deep into the details of each discipline to master every knowledge point. In life, I have learned to feel the people and things around me with my heart, and to discover those small beauty. A cup of hot tea, a smile, and a greeting all make me feel the warmth and happiness of life.

Mr. Xu's artistic philosophy has not only inspired me in the field of art, but also given me profound inspiration in life. It taught me how to look at the world and how to approach life. I have integrated this philosophy into my study and life, and it has made me love life more and cherish every moment more.

Life is like a painting, we need to look at it from a broad perspective and grasp it. At the same time, we must also capture every detail of life with our hearts and discover the beauty in life. Only by combining the vast with the subtle can our lives be more colorful and meaningful.

Mr. Xu Beihong's art is a dialogue between the mind and nature, and a collision between the soul and the world. His "to the vast and the subtle" is not only a profound understanding of the art of painting, but also a profound enlightenment of the meaning of life. On this road of painting hearts, let us follow the footsteps of Mr. Xu, embrace the world with a broad mind, feel life with a delicate heart, and draw a wonderful life of our own.

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