
The "beauty" mode of Jingui Town, Helan County is on!

author:Helan County Rong Media Center

In the past few days, Jingui Town has carried out centralized renovation activities for the human settlements

The cadres and the masses went into battle and made joint efforts to set off a new upsurge in the improvement of the living environment

Vigorously create a clean and tidy production and living environment

Let's take a look at Jinguizhen's "beautification" mode


· Yinguang Village: Make every effort to improve "appearance"

In Yinguang Village, we give full play to the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness, strive to be the first, take positive actions, and carry out centralized rectification along the national highway and in front of and behind the house, random piles, random encirclement, etc., and the villagers have also responded to the "dragnet" cleaning of domestic garbage, firewood and grass debris on both sides of the main road in the village, leaving no "leeway" for white garbage and domestic garbage.

The "beauty" mode of Jingui Town, Helan County is on!

Next, Yinguang Village will continue to improve the living environment as an important measure to promote the rural revitalization strategy in depth, make real efforts in the rectification and cleanup, make detailed articles on long-term management and protection, and constantly promote the improvement of the living environment to a new level, so as to create a clean, beautiful, comfortable and convenient livable environment for the masses.

· Jiangnan Village: The living environment has a good "temperament".

In the past few days, Jiangnan Village has continued to carry out actions to improve the living environment, focusing on the continuous improvement of the appearance of the village and the improvement of the long-term management and protection mechanism, and continuously improving the "appearance" of the village. Organize the majority of party members and cadres, public welfare post personnel, and volunteers to participate in the action, invest in excavators, garbage removal vehicles and other machinery and equipment, and thoroughly clean up the messy piles and sanitary dead ends of rivers and ditches, along trunk roads, back streets and alleys, in front of and behind houses, and continue to promote the sanitation of rural human settlements and environmental sanitation to achieve new results.

The "beauty" mode of Jingui Town, Helan County is on!

In the next step, Jiangnan Village will continue to promote the sanitation improvement action of rural human settlements with high standards and strict requirements, do a solid job in long-term management and protection, strive to create a beautiful ecological and clean living environment, civilized and harmonious human settlements, and constantly draw a "new picture" of Hemei Village.

· Yinhe Village: The Rural Landscape "Shows a New Look"

In the lanes, front and back of the houses, the fields, and the main roads of Yinhe Village, the attack was carried out in full swing. Party members and the masses actively participate in the eradication of weeds and dead branches, clean up the "three piles", production and domestic garbage, and strictly do not leave dead corners and blind spots.

The "beauty" mode of Jingui Town, Helan County is on!

Next, Yinhe Village will continue to carry out the renovation of the human settlements environment, increase the intensity, optimize the measures, be strict and improve the details, and promote the continuous improvement of the environmental sanitation in the jurisdiction and the continuous improvement of the quality of the human settlements.

· Jingui Village: "Fine Dressing" of Human Settlements

In strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the renovation of the human settlements, Jingui Village pays close attention to key areas such as the main roads, garbage belts inside and outside the village, garbage pits, ditches and sewage pits, and organizes grid workers and volunteers to comprehensively clean up the dead branches and weeds and accumulated garbage in front of and behind the house and in the fields.

The "beauty" mode of Jingui Town, Helan County is on!

In the next step, Jingui Village will continue to improve the long-term mechanism of human settlements improvement, rely on the masses, mobilize the masses, guide the masses to do a good job in daily environmental sanitation maintenance, carry out environmental sanitation renovation in key areas on a regular basis, and strive to meet the needs of the villagers for a beautiful environment, civilized and healthy life, and accelerate the construction of a better home for co-construction and sharing.