
Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

author:Watakojin 剧

On May 14, a video of police cars being forced to stop their private cars on a highway and having their documents checked by plainclothes officers spread quickly on the Internet, sparking widespread public concern and discussion. The incident not only aroused heated discussions among netizens, but also made the official platform of the Jingzhou traffic police the focus of public opinion.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

At dusk, the pulse of the city gradually accelerates with the sound of the bell for the end of work, and the traffic on the highway is like the silk thread on the loom, intertwining the heartache of returning home and the fatigue of the journey.

At such an ordinary and hectic moment, an ordinary private car was shuttling through the traffic of the highway, and next to it, a police car was trying to overtake.

The flashing blue lights on the police car and the word "public security" on the body are particularly eye-catching, but its speed does not seem to give it a head start in this speed contest.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

The private car was driving at a steady pace, while the police car, after an unsuccessful attempt to overtake, began honking its horn in an attempt to attract the attention of the driver in front.

The private car did not seem to react to the sudden sound of the whistle, and it continued to follow its own trajectory. The police car did not give up, it accelerated again, this time choosing to overtake from the left lane, and then suddenly cut in front of the private car, forcing it to change lanes. In the process, the private car had to avoid a bulky truck and was eventually forced into the emergency lane.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

After the police car stopped, two plainclothes police officers got out of the car and walked towards the private car, where they asked the driver to show relevant documents and claimed that the driver was suspected of dangerous driving.

Faced with this sudden accusation, the driver of the private car appeared a little confused, and he defended that he had not noticed the signal of the police car and therefore did not think he was at fault.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

The plainclothes police were resolute, insisting that the driver's documents be checked, claiming that it was an official need. As the negotiations progressed, the private car driver's emotions began to become agitated, and he repeatedly explained his position and questioned the way the police enforced the law. The police responded with a strong attitude, saying that if the driver did not cooperate, they would have to take further measures.

During the standoff, the air around seemed to freeze, and it was not until the private car driver finally agreed to cooperate with the inspection that the tense standoff ended. The driver got out of the car and was inspected by plainclothes police.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

This video quickly caused an uproar on the Internet and became the focus of heated discussions among netizens. Many people have questioned the actions of the police, arguing that stopping a vehicle like this on the highway is not only dangerous, but may also be a violation of the law.

Netizens also questioned the identity of plainclothes officers and their law enforcement actions. They believe that it is not standard for plainclothes officers to not wear police uniforms, law enforcement recorders and other necessary law enforcement equipment in the process of law enforcement.

It is also unacceptable for plainclothes officers to be tough and arrogant when asking drivers to show their documents. These behaviors not only damaged the image and credibility of the traffic police, but also caused strong public dissatisfaction.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

And netizens also questioned the word "public security" printed on the official car, although the public security department and the traffic police department have a common mission in maintaining social security and traffic order, but there are obvious differences in the nature of work, the scope of responsibilities and other aspects.

The public security department is mainly responsible for the investigation of criminal cases and the maintenance of public order, while the traffic police department focuses on traffic management and the handling of traffic accidents.

Therefore, netizens believe that whether the official car printed with the word "public security" has the right to inquire about the driver's license and driving license is a question that needs to be clarified.

As the incident continued to ferment, the Jingzhou traffic police platform also fell into the whirlpool of public opinion. Many netizens left messages under the social media accounts of the Jingzhou traffic police to express their dissatisfaction and doubts.

They believe that the Jingzhou traffic police have serious problems in handling the incident, not only failing to respond to public concerns in a timely manner, but also trying to cover up the truth, which raises serious questions about the credibility and law enforcement capabilities of the traffic police.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

In the face of public doubts and dissatisfaction, the Jingzhou traffic police department had to take action to respond to the incident. They first issued a statement saying that they were aware of the incident and were investigating and verifying.

As an important force in maintaining traffic order and ensuring public safety, the traffic police department should set an example, strictly abide by laws, regulations and law enforcement procedures, and ensure the fairness and standardization of law enforcement.

In this incident, the traffic police department failed to do so, which not only made the public question the law enforcement ability of the traffic police, but also damaged the image and credibility of the traffic police department.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

Of course, we cannot deny the difficulties and challenges faced by the traffic police department in dealing with this incident. There are many vehicles on the highway and the traffic situation is complex, and the traffic police need to take into account various factors and make correct judgments and deals with them in the process of law enforcement.

This does not serve as an excuse for the traffic police department to evade and shirk responsibility. On the contrary, the traffic police department should face up to its own problems and shortcomings, and learn from them, and constantly improve the ability and level of law enforcement, so as to better maintain traffic order and protect public safety.

Abuse of power? The highway was directly stopped by the police car, and plainclothes got out of the car and forcibly asked for documents

What is your opinion on this? Feel free to discuss!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.