
Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

author:South Shore Release
Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

In accordance with General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements of "performing their duties and responsibilities for the party and the people with a sense of responsibility and active responsibility", Changshengqiao Town has concentrated on carrying out the special action of "daring to take responsibility, doing good deeds, providing excellent service, and promoting development", and in accordance with the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "always reassuring sense of responsibility and active spirit to perform their duties and responsibilities for the party and the people", encourage the majority of party members and cadres to leap forward and work the new journey, so that the soft power of grassroots governance and the hard power of construction and development will be enhanced simultaneously, and a new chapter of high-quality development will be written with practical achievements.

Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

Four good rural roads in Guangfu Mountain.

Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

Party building is under the leadership, and the guarantee of refined social governance is strong

Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

Red Rock Pioneer · The site of the launching ceremony of "Building" love service and Spark Immortal One Meter Sunshine.

In recent years, Changshengqiao Town has focused on the transformational organization construction of "Hongyan Pioneer" in the new era, taking the "three threes" system combat work method as the starting point to achieve "one-click command + rapid operation + review supervision" and accelerate the implementation of "three core performance".

As the first batch of "core business sorting examples" in the region, it not only streamlined and reshaped 14 work processes such as petition resolution and heavy supervision, promoted the efficient flow and disposal of incidents, continuously strengthened the actual effectiveness of "141", and drove service flow with data flow. It also continued to be responsible for grid management and fine services, deeply implemented the online and offline "double grid" linkage risk resolution mechanism, widely promoted "entering the circle and joining the group", gave full play to the "N" power of the grid, explored the real grid "building" service, and made good use of mechanisms such as five-star competition and grid integration to extend the end of grid governance.

Not only that, since the beginning of this year, the function of the "Healthy Home, Neighborhood Gathering Li" party and mass service system of Tongjing Community has been continuously improved, and through the systematic promotion of the construction of "convenient services, party spirit education, characteristic activities, and smart health", 94 categories and 204 items of high-frequency services for residents have been put on the shelves, and a healthy community community of all-age friendliness, all-neighborhood integration, mutual support, and each getting what they need.

Helping enterprises to bail out, and the implementation of diversified economic development is strong

Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

The 3rd Volunteer Service Advanced Model Commendation Meeting of Changshengqiao Town presented awards to the wishers.

For a long time, Changshengqiao Town has insisted on shouldering the responsibility of a large town, striving for the advanced position in an all-round way, making every effort to promote the "eighteen fragrances" of economic development, striving to implement the "three tackling difficulties and one revitalization", accelerating the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, and promoting high-quality development with high-quality project planning.

Through a comprehensive combing of idle resources in the jurisdiction and in-depth planning of the path of asset revitalization, 68 state-owned land plots and real estate have been leased and revitalized, achieving an annual income of more than 390 yuan, 38 state-owned idle properties have been realized for 23.65 million yuan through shantytown resettlement, and 129 sets of debt properties of Zhigu Company have been transferred to urban construction groups, realizing non-tax income of 134 million yuan.

At the same time, the town has continuously improved the industrial grid service position, implemented the "335" work model for service enterprises, successfully cultivated 39 high-tech enterprises, 40 enterprises upgraded to the unified system, signed 7 investment projects outside the city such as artificial intelligence application systems, and won the honorary title of "the first batch of pioneer towns and streets in the 'starry sky' action in Nan'an District".

In order to further promote the economic development of the town, Changshengqiao Town has thoroughly understood the actual situation of the town, sorted out and planned 18 areas such as "Cool Breeze Huamu Village, Guangfu Mountain Wild Paradise, Xiangxi Leisure and Beautiful Shore", differentiated and branded development of 18 characteristic industrial clusters such as leisure and trade, catering and accommodation, and rural tourism, and promoted the economic "eighteen incense" to take root according to local conditions. The occupancy rate of commercial entities such as Tongjing SU Group increased by 12%, and Guangfu Village was awarded the "Fourth Batch of Rural Tourism Key Villages in Chongqing".

With heart and affection, high-quality people's livelihood services have been enhanced

Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

Residents exchange points for green plants of the "Peach Blossom Craftsman" volunteer service team.

It has always been the goal of Changshengqiao Town to realize the sense of benefiting the people and continuously enhance the sense of happiness, security and gain of residents' lives. To this end, Changshengqiao Town has firmly adhered to the bottom line of people's livelihood, provided living security for vulnerable groups and care services for special groups, built a "Yuxin Home" service position for the disabled, helped more than 10,000 people including retired soldiers and migrant workers to find employment, and resolved more than 1,000 labor disputes by classification and grading, and won the "Second Batch of 100 Gold Medal Mediation Organizations in China" and "Chongqing Advanced Collective for Employment and Entrepreneurship".

At the same time, we will deepen the construction of civilized urban areas across the country, and improve the quality of cities by "combining soft and hard". According to the data, the town focused on road traffic, city environment and other "hardware" to refine standard measures, clarify management responsibilities, renovate more than 2,700 square meters of damaged roads such as Taohua Avenue and River Street Avenue, complete 7 rural construction projects such as 3.3 kilometers of household roads, open 180 households of natural gas in Liangfeng Village, and promote the transformation of 70 communities in rain and sewage diversion, so as to make residents' lives more convenient and comfortable; Focusing on volunteer service, cultural undertakings and other "software" to provide excellent services, the "Spark Immortal" volunteer service plan was launched, more than 90 volunteer service and cultural and sports teams such as "Peach Blossom Craftsman" and Concentric Art Troupe were systematically cultivated and expanded, and more than 3,000 volunteers carried out more than 1,000 volunteer service activities such as community night patrols, opera into the countryside, and family style story tours. Famous doctors' consultations, legal consultations and other activities have created the Daogu Huatian Library Branch, the Liangfeng Village New Era Red Farmhouse Bookstore, and the Xiangxi Community Rao's Peach Kernel Carving Municipal Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Point, actively creating a harmonious, civilized and thriving social atmosphere.

In addition to risk security, the bottom line of standardized safety is consolidated and powerful

Changshengqiao Town: Increase speed up and write a new chapter of high-quality development

Changshengqiao Town Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day Art Show.

Since the construction of Ping An Changsheng, Changshengqiao Town has achieved full results. The town adheres to the concept of safe development, implements the "15 hard measures" for safe production, clarifies and compacts the safety responsibilities in key areas such as road traffic, decoration and construction, and home fire protection, and solidly carries out large-scale investigation, rectification and law enforcement of potential safety hazards, and completes the fire protection and renovation of 54 high-rise buildings in 5 communities such as Happy Time and Jinyueyuan, and does a solid job in flood prevention and drought control, forest fire prevention, disaster prevention and mitigation.

We will continue to deepen the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era, focus on carrying out the special action of "large-scale investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes", and carry out publicity on anti-gang and evil, anti-fraud, anti-pornography and illegal activities, and crackdown on illegal fund-raising in a long-term and normal manner, so as to effectively maintain social harmony and stability.

Actively integrate into the construction of Chongqing East Railway Station Hub New Town and Guangyang Bay Zhichuang Eco-City, make every effort to ensure 27 major projects such as the East Ring Line, Chongqing-Hunan High-speed Railway, and Chongqing East Railway Station Section of Rail Transit Line 6, properly handle group conflicts such as artillery damage disputes and cross-border construction, promote the resolution of land acquisition and demolition, and guide the masses to overcome development pains.

In the future, Changshengqiao Town will continue to temper the character of "dare to take responsibility" in service and practice, enhance the ability of "good deeds", improve the efficiency of "excellent service", and make achievements in "promoting development".