
Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

author:Dr. Chan Health said
Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

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On a sunny Sunday morning, 65-year-old Uncle Li woke up early as usual to get ready for a walk in the park.

While putting on his shoes, he said to his wife, "I'll go to the park twice to move my muscles and muscles, and I'll be back in a while."

The wife advised: "Don't go too fast, disperse slowly, and pay attention to safety." Uncle Li responded with a smile, picked up his cane and went out.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

However, when Uncle Li was walking along the sidewalk outside the community, he suddenly felt a cramping pain in his chest and his breathing became short.

He stood still holding on to the tree on the side of the road, and his heart was flustered: What's the matter? I've always been in good health.

Uncle Li endured the discomfort and slowly walked home.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

Seeing that his face was pale, his wife hurriedly helped him sit down, poured a glass of water and handed it over, and asked with concern:

"What's wrong? Isn't there something uncomfortable?" Uncle Li gasped and said, "It's okay, maybe it's going fast, just rest for a while."

But in the next few days, Uncle Li felt chest tightness and shortness of breath as soon as he walked, and he had to stop and rest after walking a few steps.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

This made him sad, walking is his habit for many years, if even walking is a problem, how can he live?

When his wife saw that he was depressed, she persuaded him to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Uncle Li was a little hesitant, he never liked to go to the hospital. But his wife insisted on accompanying him, and Uncle Li had to agree.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

After some examination, the doctor diagnosed Uncle Li with coronary heart disease and told him to pay attention to three "don'ts":

First, don't walk too fast, take a walk slowly, and control it at 90-110 steps per minute;

Second, don't climb the hill and try to walk on flat ground;

The third is not to walk for more than 30 minutes, 10-15 minutes each time.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

The doctor explained that the elderly over 60 years old have much worse cardiopulmonary function than before, and too strenuous exercise is easy to cause angina attacks.

A gentle walk helps to strengthen the body and is good for the body. But exercising too much and too often can be counterproductive.

Uncle Li suddenly realized that it was precisely because he was walking too fast and too fast in the past few days that he felt tightness in his chest. He decided to strictly follow the doctor's instructions and carry out walks and exercises scientifically.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

Since then, Uncle Li has been taking a slow walk in the community every morning, taking deep breaths as he walks, and enjoying the warm sunshine and fresh air.

Gradually, his physical condition improved significantly, and the problem of chest tightness and shortness of breath was never committed again.

His mental state has also become more and more sturdy, and the whole person feels refreshed.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

The neighbors were amazed when they saw Uncle Li's changes. 70-year-old Aunt Zhao asked in surprise: "Uncle Li, you have been looking so good lately, and you are walking well, did you use any good recipes?"

Uncle Li said with a smile: "It's not a prescription, it's just that I got rid of a few bad habits of walking, walked slowly according to the doctor's instructions, and my body got better soon."

Aunt Zhao suddenly realized: "I see." I've always thought that the faster you go, the better, and it seems to be wrong. "

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

Uncle Li said earnestly: "We old people, we must not be reluctant to exercise, we must take it step by step and pay attention to the method. Only by exercising scientifically and rationally can we strengthen our bodies and grow stronger!"

The dialogue between Uncle Li and Aunt Zhao unconsciously attracted many old people, and they exchanged experiences one by one.

Everyone unanimously agreed that the exercise of the elderly should grasp the "degree", not blindly, let alone strong.

It is necessary to fully consider your own conditions, choose suitable projects, and master the correct methods, so that the exercise can get twice the result with half the effort.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

75-year-old Grandpa Wang took over the conversation: "It's not. The other day, I went hiking and ended up with a knee pain for more than a month. When I went to the hospital for an examination, it turned out to be a degenerative joint lesion.

The doctor suggested that I should climb less mountains in the future, do more tai chi, and swim is also quite suitable for us seniors. "

Everyone nodded their heads. 62-year-old Sister Liu said with emotion: "It seems that we elderly people must always listen to the doctor's words and exercise according to their advice, so that we can rely on and enjoy the old age." The crowd said yes.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

Uncle Li was very happy to see that everyone was inspired, and he smiled with relief: "Okay, let's talk about it here today." Let's meet in the park tomorrow, and we'll talk about it then!"

With that, he walked slowly towards home with a cane, and as he walked, he recalled everyone's words with a smile of relief on his face.

From the bottom of his heart, he thanked the doctor who guided him, and even more thanked his wife for his considerate care. He was secretly glad that he had followed his wife's advice to go to the hospital, otherwise something might have gone wrong.

Can't go for a walk when you're old? Doctors have reminded many times: after the age of 60, remember the "3 don'ts" for walking

He is determined to take good care of his body and make his life more fulfilling, happy and enjoyable in his later years.

Since then, Uncle Li has always gone to the park for a walk every morning and has become a frequent visitor in the park.

He often chats with old friends and shares his health regimen. That calm and calm smile, like the rising sun, illuminated his entire old age.

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