
Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

Pick up the car

2024-05-16 15:04Published in Henan

In April, deliveries of the little-known M9 reached 15,000 units.

Many people question this data, in fact, it is not necessary, the data of the major platforms have sources, consumers who have never questioned the sales data of traditional vehicles, and there are huge doubts about the sales of new products of a new company, which is a paradox in itself.

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

From an objective point of view, we should look at it from God's point of view: why this new model on the market can increase at such a crazy rate.

There are two points about the M9, which are less known to the outside world.

One is that the amount of the lock order is 10,000 yuan, and the lock fee is non-refundable, due to the relatively high predetermined cost, basically the real prospect after the lock order, and the current delivery cycle is more than three months.

The other is that the sales proportion of the Ultra version is extremely large, and the landing price after the optional installation is about 600,000.

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

Everyone is questioning the falsity of M9's order volume, and many people think that the consumption behavior of M9 users is "incredible", but this is only a question raised from a negative point of view, and it does not have any reference significance.

The result of thinking from God's perspective is:

1. The objective fact in front of consumers is that M9 does have a large number of new user groups pouring in every month.

2. The consumption power of this part of the population is extremely strong, and it is impossible to define the prospective owner of the M9 with ordinary consumption thinking.

There are a few users who have made up their minds about the M9, and the consumption behavior path is relatively unified, all of which are converted from luxury brands, for example, users who bought BMW X5 around 2015 have now reached the replacement cycle.

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

For this part of the user group with a stable income, the luxury brand matrix dominated by traditional fuel vehicles is no longer attractive, and in the absence of major changes in the consumption budget, the luxury user group with a budget of more than 500,000 in the past will definitely have a group of users choose Chinese brands.

Taking a step back, there are traces of the success of the M9.

Ideal L9 in August to December last year, achieved 5 consecutive months of sales of more than 10,000, has long been able to verify the above I said that a large number of traditional luxury brand user groups, after owning a high-end luxury brand, will begin to choose to try new products.

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

In fact, the positioning of luxury brands that sell more than 500,000 yuan in the global market is not as high as imagined.

For example, the Mercedes-Benz GLE sold to 800,000 in China, the price in the overseas market is only about 80,000 US dollars, and the price gap is huge.

The inflated tone will indeed be greatly affected under the impact of electric and intelligent.

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

Taking a step back, the proportion of users with a budget of 500,000 who choose domestic models is increasing, and the penetration rate of new energy in the market of more than 400,000 has reached 39%.

The M9 itself is a product with new technical support, and Huawei's design of the car machine system, radar system, chip system, and drive system has broken the blockade of foreign brands in terms of technical barriers and established advantages, and it does have a great improvement in experience.

Although the product is not perfect, it is enough to arouse the recognition of some users who already own a luxury brand.

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

China is a huge consumer market with more than 20 million users, and if only 1% of the user group is willing to try the M9, then there will be 200,000 sales per year.

In 2023, the overall sales volume of luxury brands will reach 3 million, accounting for about 8% of the overall passenger car market, and intelligent driving and electrification have become the main directions of industry development.

Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

Most of the luxury brand user groups dare to try it, and choosing a model with a budget of 500,000 can really have a completely different experience is indeed a relatively new choice for the group of people who "get rich first".

Therefore, instead of questioning the data of the M9 and the consumption power of potential users, it is better to think more about why the new era will create a powerful M9.

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  • Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?
  • Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?
  • Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?
  • Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?
  • Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?
  • Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?
  • Wenjie M9, which sells 15,000 units a month, who did it sell to?

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