
Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

author:Elder Tang's fleshy notes


Hello everyone, I'm Elder Tang, and recently a meat friend asked: Is the Moon of Fleshy Hearts a precious item? What's the difference between it and a raindrop? Is it good to raise?

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

The old pile of the moon of the heart

Introduction to the Moon of the Succulent Heart:

The Moon of the Heart is supposed to be a variant of the Raindrops, and it hasn't been around for too long, so I'm calling it a new succulent part of the "Raindrop Family". In fact, Raindrop and Heart Moon are both succulent varieties of wart, but compared to Wild Baron and Otome Dream, the wart on the leaves of Raindrop and Heart Moon looks less "heavy" and more acceptable (anyway, I think Raindrop and Heart Moon are quite pleasing to the eye).

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

The month of the heart of control

Is the Moon of the Heart expensive?

The price of this succulent Moon of the Heart was relatively expensive when it first came on the market, but now it is much cheaper - according to my search on the major "online shopping platforms", the current Heart Moon with a smaller crown can be bought for more than 10 yuan, and the larger crown is only a few dozen yuan. Of course, the price of the heart moon can vary greatly depending on the condition, for example, a verrucous tree with a very smooth process that covers the entire leaf surface and the leaves are all heart-shaped may sell for hundreds of yuan.

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

Double-headed raindrops

What is the difference between the Moon of the Heart and the Raindrops?

Although the Moon of the Heart is a variant of Raindrops, the difference between them is quite large. First of all, the tips of some of the leaves of the Moon of the Heart are recessed, so that they become the shape of a heart, which is where its name comes from. As for the raindrops, the leaves are usually oval or obovate, and the tips are very pronounced, and there is no indentation.

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

The Moon of the Heart leaves are heart-shaped

Secondly, the wart process on the leaves of the Heart Moon is very wide, basically covering the entire leaf surface, while the wart process on the raindrop leaves is only a little in the middle and is very rounded, which looks like water droplets dripping on the lotus leaves, which is particularly beautiful. In addition, the moon of the heart is not easy to grow in groups, so the moon of the heart we usually see is mostly in a single-headed state. If we look at the raindrops, we will find that it is a succulent that is easy to burst the side buds, and as long as the maintenance time is a little longer, it will become a multi-headed group state.

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

Raindrop wart protrusions are rounded

Is the Moon of the Heart good?

Many meat lovers like raindrops, but after raising them, they feel that it is not easy to raise. However, as a variant of the raindrops, the Moon of the Heart not only has thick leaves, but also has thicker stems, so it is relatively much easier to raise. It's just that the succulents of the "raindrop family" have a common problem, that is, the wart protrusions on the foliage are extremely unstable, sometimes they will become larger, sometimes they will become smaller, and sometimes they will disappear completely, so meat friends who like the moon of the heart must be psychologically prepared (its wart protrusions are more stable than raindrops).

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

The Moon of the Heart is not difficult to raise

In addition, we should pay attention to several details in the process of nourishing the heart. First, it should not be allowed to "drink" too much water, such as being exposed to the rain for a long time or soaking for a few hours. Why is there such a requirement? That's because if a fleshy person like Heart Moon absorbs too much water, the wart on the leaf surface will crack, which will not only be very ugly at that time, but there is no way to recover at all.

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

The Moon of the Heart cannot be rained for a long time

The second is not to put the Moon of the Heart in a place where direct sunlight does not shine for a long time. This will not only cause it to grow long, but also the wart processes on its foliage will gradually become smaller or even disappear completely. Third, it should not be exposed to the sun. Although the Moon of the Heart needs sufficient light during the maintenance process, it is not resistant to high temperature exposure, so it should be shaded in time after the temperature rises to 35°C in summer (measured), otherwise the leaves of the Moon of the Heart will be sunburned.

Succulent Heart Moon, a new variety from the "Raindrop Family", look at this heart-shaped leaf do you love?

The Moon of the Heart is not tolerant of the sun

This article was originally written by "Elder Tang Who Raised More Meat" (some pictures are from the Internet), welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ▼ Long press at the end of the article to like, send 3 times!