
The dry old man is on fire! Contemporary young people give up takeaway and fall in love with "white man's rice!"

author:Yunnan Association for Science and Technology

Recently, the whole network has been learning to make the "dry rice" of the old man in the UK.

The reason is that a Northeast aunt shared the whole process of her British husband's "rotten food" (lunch) on social platforms:

When you wake up in the morning, cut two slices of dry bread and smear them with a little dry butter, the whole process not only looks like putty on the wall, but also sounds like it.

Next, put two slices of fish on the dry bread, grab a handful of arugula and arrange them delicately.

In this way, a "delicate" English lunch is ready.

The dry old man is on fire! Contemporary young people give up takeaway and fall in love with "white man's rice!"

The whole process can be said to be full of ritual, and the color and fragrance are "deducted...... It's impressive. Netizens have said, "If you take a bite of this thing and don't drink water, your neck will stretch for two miles", "Just such a little thing, I will eat it by the refrigerator", "If you go down for a meal, you owe 200 calories".

The dry old man is on fire! Contemporary young people give up takeaway and fall in love with "white man's rice!"

However, netizens dislike it, and many people really try to follow suit. It's just that the result is very different, and some people were pleasantly surprised: "I ate dry rice for a week, and I lost six pounds, which is really fragrant." There are also people who are in pain and "eat dry rice, and feel that their lives are over".

No, the comments are such a polar reversal, can the wind of dry rice be up to it? First, the answer: Yes. But be sure to eat enough calories and eat a balanced diet.

How are you again, "white man's rice"!

Although it looks new, it is actually a more refined "white man's rice".

Earlier, someone was surprised to see a foreign colleague's lunch, so he posted it on the Internet. Unexpectedly, more and more people began to follow suit and make their own meals along the same lines. Later, "white rice" evolved into an Internet buzzword to describe a simple and fast way of eating based on European and American eating habits.


The ultimate simplicity can be called the soul of "white man's rice".

"White man's meal", also known as "vital signs maintenance meal", is characterized by cold, vegetarian and few. The essence is to combine carbohydrates, protein and dietary fiber in the simplest form. For example, the whole boiled potatoes + a few raw cucumbers + boiled eggs in white water are a standard meal.

Potatoes can be replaced with whole corn, a sweet potato or a few slices of whole wheat bread, cucumbers can be replaced with lettuce, broccoli, carrots, celery, tomatoes and even bell peppers, in the form of boiled or raw white eggs or chicken, fish, beef, etc., the simpler the better - boiled, pan-fried, air fryed.

And this kind of "white rice" that needs to be used with a kitchen knife and fired is already a grand pie. To the limit, "white rice" doesn't even need to be cooked, the combination is enough - put the bread slices + vegetables that can be eaten raw + canned meat together, and turn it in the microwave a little before eating, which is considered cooking.

Not only is the cooking process simple, but it doesn't even require utensils, such as the most common sandwiches.

The dry old man is on fire! Contemporary young people give up takeaway and fall in love with "white man's rice!"

If Chinese food is about the processing of ingredients, the complex cooking process stimulates wonderful chemical reactions. "White man's rice" is just a pile of nutrients on top of each other.


The lunch of choice for migrant workers

However, although the "white man's rice" is simple, it is the gospel of contemporary migrant workers, and it is simply the lunch of choice.

The first is the minimalist production process of "white man's rice", which is a lifesaver for contemporary migrant workers who are tired of a day. When you go home at night, you can cook a meal without turning on the fire or washing the pot.

Moreover, the "white man's rice" is also very cost-effective. Compared with the expensive, heavy oil and salt, it is also likely to be a takeaway of pre-made dishes, and the ingredients made by yourself can at least ensure that the ingredients are natural, fresh and clean, and the price is only a fraction of the takeaway, which is quite friendly to the wallets of migrant workers.

If paired properly, the nutrition of "white rice" is also not bad. Foods such as boiled eggs and boiled chicken breasts provide protein; Fresh or boiled vegetables provide rich vitamins and dietary fiber; Slices of bread, boiled potatoes, and boiled sweet potatoes serve as staple foods. If you have a little more luxury, you can also have cheese slices and cheese slices, and you can also provide high-quality milk fat.

In addition, the "white rice" has the characteristics of less food and less carbohydrates, which can also avoid the problem of being sleepy after eating.

When traditional refined carbs such as rice and noodles are used as a staple food for lunch, the body's blood sugar will rise rapidly, and the body will secrete a large amount of insulin in order to lower blood sugar. Insulin, on the other hand, makes it easier for tryptophan to enter the brain and synthesize and convert it into serotonin, which in turn further synthesizes melatonin, which makes us sleepy.

In short, rice and flour foods with high GI will cause the body's blood sugar to rise rapidly, which in turn will lead to an increase in the content of melatonin, which regulates sleep, commonly known as "carbohydrate coma". If you add to this the large fat intake that comes with some high-oil cooking methods, it will also promote the secretion of cholecystokinin, which will further aggravate our drowsiness and exhaustion.

On the other hand, "white rice" is not only small in quantity, but also has less carbohydrates and fat, and is mainly composed of protein and vegetables, which can keep the brain sharp and awake. No wonder many people lament that since eating "white man's rice", they are not sleepy during the day.

Eating "white man's rice" is rarely overwhelmed, at most seven or eight points full. There are many studies that have proven that maintaining a calorie-restricted eating pattern not only helps us lose weight, but also has health benefits.

A study published in the journal Cell Metabolism found that adhering to a full-eight eating pattern not only helps to lose weight, but also slows down aging, and even reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, diabetes and other diseases. There are many similar studies, such as one published in Nature Aging, which found that participants who restricted calorie intake to 85% aged 3% more slowly than those who ate a normal diet.

Convenient, money-saving, and keeping you energetic and slim. In this way, it seems that it is not bad to eat "white people's rice" on the hour every day? Wait! There is also a special way to eat "white man's rice".

"White man's rice" can be eaten

Be aware of these, though


The heat should be up to standard

The most common problem with eating "white man's rice" is also because of eating too little.

According to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the daily caloric intake of men aged 19~49 is 2250 kcal and 1800 kcal for women under light physical activity. Even according to the principle of equal distribution of meals, the caloric intake at each meal should be 750 kcal for men and 600 kcal for women.

But most people's homemade "white rice" does not meet this standard at all. The "white rice" shared by everyone on social media is not up to standard in basic calories. For example, this "top white rice combination" that is highly circulated on social media is very exaggerated, and the calories are obviously not enough to dip celery in cream cheese.

The dry old man is on fire! Contemporary young people give up takeaway and fall in love with "white man's rice!"

Source: A social media


Eat a variety of foods

Eating such "white rice" for a long time often does not have enough variety of food intake.

In fact, there are really not so many ingredients that can be compatible with the minimalist cooking method of "white rice", and if you want to be cost-effective, you will sift out a large number of them (such as the favorite of the old British man - avocado). In the end, it is eaten and eaten that is, broccoli, celery, lettuce, these old things. In terms of the source of protein, it is generally eggs, chicken breasts and the like.

According to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, we should consume an average of more than 12 kinds of food per day and more than 25 kinds per week to be considered a reasonable combination.

Obviously, most people's homemade "white rice" does not meet this standard. It's not so much "white rice" as it is a fool's rice. Although this can indeed fool one meal after another, in the long run, unbalanced nutrition will bring many problems.

Although numerous studies have confirmed the health benefits of caloric restriction. However, these studies are based on nutritional balance, and the premise is that calorie reduction is not caused by malnutrition. And now many people are implementing too little and too little variety of "white rice", which is no longer a calorie limit. In the long run, it will have a bad impact on the body.

In general, if you eat "white man's rice" that can meet your daily nutritional needs and have a fine nutritional match, then it really doesn't hurt to eat. But if you blindly reduce the amount of "white rice" into a small amount and less nutritious rice in order to save trouble and be lazy, then it is not recommended.

Side effects of eating such "foolish rice" for a long time include, but are not limited to: irritability, anxiety, and irritability. In addition, if you don't consume enough carbohydrates for a long time, you may also enter a bad cycle of binge eating and dieting!

Planning and production

Author丨Reliance Science Popularization Studio Science Team

Review丨Zhang Yu, Researcher/Ph.D., Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Health Science Popularization Expert

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