
Selected concluding essays: Abstinence boss VS fishing beauty, reunion after a long absence

author:Wen Yue Ya
Selected concluding essays: Abstinence boss VS fishing beauty, reunion after a long absence

Introduction:The female owner was adopted by the male owner's family.,Outsiders don't know that the female owner is adopted.,I've always thought that the female owner is the male owner's own sister.,I only know that the male owner is very spoiled by the female owner.,The female owner has always thought that the male owner just treats her as a sister.,In fact, the male owner has always had her in his heart!

[Excerpt from the article]

Dinner was as quiet as a chicken, and Wen Ruo took out the greatest dining etiquette that he could do in his life, and the knives, forks and dishes didn't make a sound at all. The already light meal she ate was like chewing wax.

  She didn't understand, why was the man next to her sitting here if he didn't eat? Sit and sit, don't say a word, don't even bother to look at her?

  Are you afraid that she will steal and rob it, or are you afraid that she will pack it up and take it away for supper? You have to stare here.

  She wiped her mouth with a napkin and deliberately cleared her throat to show that she had eaten, but Gu Yili still didn't look at her, her eyes were fixed on the computer screen, and she was treated as air.


  She said in her heart that she was a learner when she was a child, and she was a workaholic when she grew up? Will he still force people to study now? She felt sorry for Miss Shen for no reason. It's already tiring to be his sister, and it should be even more tiring to be a girlfriend, right?

  A doorbell interrupted her thoughts, she turned around and saw Gu Yili finally looking up from a dense pile of numbers, her mind moved, she felt that the mouth of eating people was short, and immediately pressed him, "I'll go, I'll go!" You are doing a good job. ”

  After saying that, he pulled his leg and ran to open the door.

  Looking at the courteous back, Gu Yili smiled and didn't say anything.

  The person who came was Ouyang Xiao, his hair and shoulders were wet, and so were his trousers, and the color of the carpet under his feet was deepened by water. The leather box he was holding in his hand was not wet at all.

  "How did you do this, did you go to fight the flood?" Wen Ruo asked with a smile.

  "No, it's raining heavily outside, I went to pick up Miss Shen, but I didn't expect the car to get stuck in the water."

  "Huh? Are people alright? ”

  Ouyang Xiao shook his head.

  He handed over the square box in his hand, and wiped the water on his face with his free hand before saying, "Please give this to Mr. Gu, and by the way, convey the time when Miss Shen wants to ask the boss to go to the China Merchants Association." ”

  "Merchants? Is it the one hosted by Lecheng Culture? ”

  "Well, that's Miss Shen's company."

  Wen Ruo heard Uncle Hui say that Lecheng's investment promotion was jointly run by several large entertainment companies, and what kind of strategic alliance was made, and a group of investors were found to communicate, but in fact, it was to attract investment, which was not interesting. But a small company like DDS didn't even have the qualifications to enter, so Uncle Hui pointed out a shortcut to her, but didn't tell her how to get through.

  In just a few seconds, she already had a plan in her mind.

  "You said to pick up Miss Shen, didn't she come up?" Wen Ruo asked.

  Ouyang Xiao stood outside the door from beginning to end, without even moving his feet to the ground, his expression was slightly cautious, and he leaned over and said, "You don't know that my boss is weird, and he doesn't like to be disturbed very much." And Miss Shen just returned the necklace and didn't have anything else. ”

  After speaking, Ouyang Xiao glanced at her meaningfully.

  Wen Ruoxin said, I know better than you.

  But I immediately thought about it, is it also militarized management for Gu Yili to talk about love, the time has to be reserved, and there are a lot of rules. But it's okay if Shen Wei doesn't come up, her current relationship with Gu Yili is easy to misunderstand here.

  "Eh, is your surname Ou or Ouyang?"

  "My surname is Ou, and only the boss will call me Ouyang."

  Wen Ruo nodded and didn't speak again.

  After Ouyang left, Wen Ruo conveyed his words to Gu Yili word for word, but he didn't react at all, like an iceberg. The square box on the table was very conspicuous, and Wen Ruo hesitated and asked, "Is this the 'Lost Blue Ocean'?" ”

  After a few seconds, Gu Yili made a faint "um", but the action of tapping on the keyboard did not stop.

  "Can I take a look?" Burning eyes looked at him.

  Gu Yili stopped, and his slender knuckles also froze, and his deep gaze fell on Wen Ruo's face, with a bit of sophistication. Then he closed the computer, and the light on his face dimmed. The warm light invisibly narrowed the distance between them, and the darkness seemed to have a magical power, allowing people to automatically block out their surroundings and focus only on one thing.

  Like now, they look at each other.

  Wen Ruo swallowed her throat, inexplicably nervous.

  Gu Yili's appearance is on the cold side, the mood under his eyes is very light, and he always gives people a noble and unapproachable cold temperament, as if there is nothing he cares about in this world. Even if he is sometimes smiling, he can still be intimidating, handsome and evil. Compared to him as a teenager, he is now even better.

  When you look like this, men are jealous, and women want to love but are afraid. No wonder others think he's not a good person.

  "Just like that?" The corners of Gu Yili's mouth pulled lightly.

  Wen Ruo came back to her senses, and said in her heart that I am not afraid of you, she pursed her mouth and said: "People always like what they don't get." ”

  Gu Yili replied: "Yes, this sounds like the words of a scumbag." ”


  Wen Ruoli was not upright and strong, and deliberately raised his voice: "Mr. Gu, have you ever heard a sentence - a gentleman does not win people's love!" ”

  The implication is that he is not a gentleman.

  Gu Yili didn't think so, and didn't raise his eyelids, "Well, Zhou Yue is a gentleman." ”

  It's not salty or light, as if it's teasing her for being blind.

  Wen Ruo had unhappy on her face, and she turned her face to fiddle with the knife and fork, she held her breath in her heart and was hindered by being on someone else's territory, so it was not easy to have a seizure. But she was not a willing to suffer, and silently wrote down the account.

  The two of them seemed to be angry. Wen Ruo didn't notice that the gaze next to him hadn't been taken away, and after a while, he heard Gu Yili say, "You really like to take it now." ”

  “?” Wen Ruo was puzzled and even more unhappy, "Then what did you pay a high price to rob me of?" Besides, isn't this what you gave to Shen Wei? ”

  Obviously, 4 million things have to be bought for 8 million, Wen Ruo thought, if he really wants to give it to his girlfriend, then wait for himself to auction it and then sell it to him, and make her a difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars than let the money earn for the auction house, right?

  Gu Yili was silent for a moment, and his tone was suddenly displeased: "I'm not happy about the beauty of adults." ”

  ...... "Huh?" Happy again now?

  "I didn't give it for nothing." Gu Yili looked at her, "4 million." ”

  Wen Ruobai glanced at her, "I don't want it!" I don't have any money! I don't like it! ”

  There was silence again.

  Immediately afterwards, Gu Yili first said "oh" with a very bad beating, and then raised his eyebrows and said, "The big money owner has no money?" ”

  Wen Ruo: "......"

  It's over, isn't it!!


  At three o'clock in the morning, Wen Ruo couldn't fall asleep in the guest room, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

  Did Gu Yili recognize her? Why did this man taunt her so smoothly? For a moment, she even felt that Gu Yili's face was written - is there a problem with her brother teaching her sister who is messing around outside?

  She scolded Gu Yili a hundred times in her heart. At this time, there was a sudden flash outside the window, and the rain was heavy again, so she couldn't sleep, so she just got up and sat and enjoyed the rain for a while.

  In fact, when she was a child, she didn't like rainy days, it was dark and damp. The stray cats and dogs that wander outside are even more pitiful, not to mention the rainy winter, many stray animals do not survive the spring. Maybe she felt that she was also a homeless person since she was a child, so she was very empathetic.

  She remembered that when she was still living in Qi's house, she also picked up a newborn kitten on a rainy day, and the kitten was thin and thin, and she couldn't even walk steadily. She begged Qi's father to let her raise it, but it didn't take long for her to be sent to the Gu family, Qi Lan didn't let her take the kitten away, and Gu Yili was a cat hair allergy. At that time, she was a trouble that everyone shirked, and she couldn't even decide where she was, let alone a cat.

  So for a period of time when she first arrived at Gu's house, she hated Gu Yili very much. Later, she went back to Qi's house once, and Qi Lan said that the kitten was lost and could not be found, so she secretly cried for a long time.

  After that, it became a knot in her heart. After living abroad alone for so many years, she never thought about raising a small animal to accompany her, she felt that she was not qualified.

  The rain on the glass window gathered into a curtain of water, dimly shrinking the world into the eyes. Wen Ruo stood still for a while before getting up, pulling on his slippers and walking out of the room.

  There is no light in the living room, she has night blindness and can't see anything clearly, this disease is not congenital, it is a night when she suddenly can't see clearly, it has no impact on life, and she doesn't care. It's just that she suddenly arrives in an unfamiliar environment, and she can't find where the light switch is, so she can only grope her way forward in the dark.

  Sniffing at the corner of the table, stumbling over the chair, she looked cautiously sneaky, and finally touched the drawstring of the chandelier on the dining table. Seeing light again, she squinted and briefly felt uncomfortable.

  The necklace of 8 million is still lying on the table, so casual. Wen Ruo stood still for a while, his expression was solemn, and the next second he lay on the table and opened the necklace box, and the pure blue tourmaline was even more brilliant under the refraction of the light. She researched the details of the real thing on the Internet, so she carefully compared it with the one in front of her.

  I looked at it again and again, and my doubts were dispelled. This seems to be genuine, then not all the lots in the auction house have problems, the problem is only Zhou Yue's, maybe not only the ruby necklace, but also the others may not be real.

  As she thought, the headlights in the living room suddenly turned on, and the stronger light stimulated her eyes, and she urgently closed her eyes to relieve it. In the quiet room, the sound of rain could not penetrate, and the sound of low and slow footsteps came from far and near.

  Finally, Gu Yili's unrelenting tone sounded in his ears.

  "What's the matter, the deal can't be changed and stolen?"

  Wen Ruo froze. Looking at his hand holding the necklace, he couldn't say anything to refute for a while. In the middle of the night, she really looked like a thief.

  The necklace was taken off, she carefully put it back in the box, then turned her head and smiled, "You still don't sleep so late, and you don't turn on the light?" ”

  Thief-proof or anti-me?

  Gu Yili said: "How can I catch a thief if I sleep?" ”

  "......" Wen Ruo was speechless and explained: "At the last dinner, you said that Zhou Yue's ruby necklace was a fake, I just wanted to see if all the lots that day had problems, and it turned out that only Zhou Yue's had problems, and I think he knew about it." ”

  After speaking, she stared at Gu Yili.

  Well? Placid? Expressionless?

  "Am I not right? You also doubt Zhou Yue, right? Wen Ruo frowned and added, her guess couldn't be wrong.

  The two confronted each other, no matter how high or inferior, Gu Yili's cold eyes hid more unknown, and the emotions revealed on the surface were only the tip of the iceberg. He turned away, leaving only a fluttering word: "I didn't say that." ”

  Wen Ruo looked at the back of his arrogant neck, and wanted to jump up and pinch it, forcing him to admit: You said it! You said it! That's what you meant!

  But she didn't dare.

  She quickly followed Gu Yili, the fabric of her clothes rubbed against his arm, and she took a big step after Gu Yili took a step, "You said it!" ”



  She was unwilling, and said with a face full of grievances: "Gu Yili doesn't bring you like this!" How can you not admit what you say! ”

  When the words fell, the man suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at her coldly. Light streamed in from behind him, illuminating the contours around him, his face was dark, and his eyes were brighter and fainter in the darkness. Gu Yili lowered his head, and his voice suddenly lowered a few degrees: "What are you calling me?" ”


  After a few seconds, he said, "Mr. Gu......"

  Gu Yili was still not very happy. He sat down at his desk and turned on the computer, which was densely packed with code, and Wen Ruo didn't understand it and didn't have the heart to understand it. She walked up to Gu Yili and discussed, "Mr. Gu, how about we work together?" ”

  She continued: "I don't know what you have with Zhou Yue, but I can't stand it anymore as an outsider, he says bad things about you everywhere, and wants to beat Miss Shen's idea, lustful and self-conscious." But he seems to like me quite a bit now, and I'm thinking that if I go to check on him, it should be easier than you, and we can work together for mutual benefit. ”

  The further he said, the worse Gu Yili's face became, he clenched his fists, pinched his index finger with his thumb, and made a "click" sound, and the solidification of the atmosphere reached its peak at this moment.

  "Say it again." The timbre is like the murmur of the devil.

  "Huh?" Wen Ruo was embarrassed, she couldn't hear the warning at all, she thought Gu Yili was deaf. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "I said—"

  "You'd better stay away from Zhou!" Gu Yili interrupted her sharply.

  "Why? Have you already found out something? We could—"

  "Whether I know it or not has nothing to do with you, you don't care about Zhou Yue's affairs."

  "......" why!

  Gu Yili's tone was not good, and his eyes became very terrifying. Wen Ruonu didn't dare to continue, and the cooperation was over. Without cooperation, she is not qualified to ask Gu Yili to take her to the China Merchants Association, the original plan of killing two birds with one stone is no fun!


  Wen Ruo turned around and walked back quickly, she also wanted to save face, and Gu Yili alone had the ability to do it not in the world.

  She was furious, rampage like a little hedgehog. Gu Yili suddenly stopped her, "Come back." ”

  She subconsciously stopped, paused and immediately walked quickly.

  "Wen Ruo!" This was the first time Gu Yili called her name.

  The voice came, and her feet seemed to be filled with lead.

  Silence is like a bell.

  "I'm for your good, don't provoke Zhou Yue." He said patiently.

  "Leave me alone! What do we have to do with each other! Wen Ruo roared.

  "......" Gu Yili was speechless.

  He looked at the small, stubborn back, unable to speak for a while, and the silence seemed to tear him apart.

  Wen Ruo stood in place, even her breathing became cautious, and she regretted it when she blurted out the words. Angry and aggrieved made so many years of emotions explode at this moment, and she hated those who were self-righteous for her good.

  Obviously hateful, but self-blaming, she is always very conflicted.

  It was so quiet tonight, the rain was silent.

  Her panic and anxiety with nowhere to put it almost collapsed, but she was so adept at hiding care, love, and guilt in her heart and locked it up.

  Don't care is the best armor, she can be invulnerable.

  Gu Yili walked in front of her, and the huge height difference formed an unequal relationship between them. Wen Ruo kept his head down, his face flushed, he didn't look at it, he didn't care, his eyes were fixed on the tips of his shoes.

  "It was just my bad tone." Gu Yili bowed his head and broke the inequality between them.

  Wen Ruo didn't speak.

  He continued: "What you just said about reciprocity, what do you want me to do for you? ”

  The corners of Wen Ruo's mouth twitched, but she still didn't speak.

  If there are steps, you should go down, this is the dignity of people to get along with. But Wen Ruo didn't know why, she just wanted to fight him, after so many years, she almost forgot what Gu Yili was like.

  The two were relatively silent for a few seconds, and Gu Yili suddenly raised his feet and left. Wen Ruo was panicked and angry, more afraid that he would smash the singing, and immediately shouted to him: "Why are you so impatient, can't I be reserved for a while?" ”

  Gu Yili stopped, his eyes rubbing light, "I was going to pour water for you, I thought it would be a protracted battle." ”


  "You say, I'll listen." He walked back in two steps.

  Wen Ruo sighed in his heart, pursed his lips and said, "You took me to the investment promotion conference for two days, and it was the one hosted by your girlfriend's company." I didn't have an invitation so ......"

  "Okay." Gu Yili agreed, didn't ask anything, but frowned slightly when he talked about his girlfriend.

  Wen Ruo's face slowly smiled, and her emotions changed like a child.

  "Don't lie."


  Gu Yili looked at her straight, her eyes were shining as if they had been ironed with water, and the corners of her mouth were inexplicably curled. After a few seconds, he asked unhurriedly, "But, in what capacity do you want to go with me?" ”

  Well? Wen Ruo's smile froze on her face.

  What do you mean?