
Your opinion will lead to a better Xinjin! (Included Benefits)

author:Chengdu Xinjin

Are you satisfied with the public service facilities in Xinjin?

Please rate it

Your opinion will lead to a better Xinjin! (Included Benefits)

Xinjin sincerely invites you to participate in the "Satisfaction Questionnaire for the Full-cycle Evaluation of Public Service Facilities in Xinjin District, Chengdu", and put forward opinions and suggestions on the situation of public service facilities such as basic education, culture and sports, health care, childcare and elderly care, and community services in Xinjin.

Your opinion will lead to a better Xinjin! (Included Benefits)

Tsutsu Nozomi Sports Park

Your opinion will lead to a better Xinjin! (Included Benefits)

Xinjin District People's Hospital (including supporting facilities) construction project

Scan the QR code to participate in the survey

Build a better Xinjin together

Your answer will represent many Xinjin citizens like you, help improve Xinjin's public services, and also point out the direction for building a more comfortable and happy life for you in the future.


1. The questionnaire needs to be submitted online by May 20, 2024.

2. The survey was conducted anonymously.


Participate in surveys

You'll also have a chance to get amazing benefits

Highlight the point

How to participate in the surprise benefits:

1. Participate in the survey and forward this tweet to the circle of friends (you need to participate in the questionnaire and forward it before the lottery, you cannot set up a group)

2. Leave a message in the comment area of this tweet, and the top 10 lucky fans who are in the most popular message will receive a Xinhua Winshare book card worth 200 yuan

⏰ Deadline for participation:

From now until 17:00 on May 20, 2024

⏰ Deadline for receiving benefits:

May 31, 2024, 5:00 p.m.

Pick-up address:

Public Construction Section, Park City Construction Bureau, No. 234 Yingbin Avenue, Xinjin District, Chengdu

️ How to Claim:

Winners are required to claim the prize with a screenshot and mobile phone number of their WeChat participation in the event, and each WeChat account can only claim it once.

For a better Xinjin

and a happier and better future life

Come and join the event