
Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

author:Hipsters say fashion

On May 13th, HECH, a German high-end beauty and nutrition brand, held a "Hirch Prize Winners Face-to-face" conference in Beijing. Professor Rove Hinkenaghi, Honorary Chief Scientist of Herech and Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Rove Hedrihe, President of Hershe, Father of Modern Collagen, Dr. Stephen Wegener, R&D Director of Herech, Dr. Tanya Fischer, a leading figure in German aesthetic medicine, senior consultant and co-development expert of Herech, and founder of Germany's largest skin and laser aesthetic center, Mr. Ning Qiankai, CEO of Herech Greater China, and Mr. Qi Ke, General Manager of Herech Greater China, attended the scene.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

Focusing on the theme of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth", the guests had a close dialogue with the brand, deeply discussed the topics of aging, life and health, and revealed the code of life and the secret of youth from a scientific perspective.

Nobel Prize scientists made a blockbuster appearance to explore root cell anti-aging

Mr. Ning Qiankai, CEO of Holech Greater China, first extended a warm welcome and sincere thanks to all the guests on behalf of the Holech brand, especially the three scientists represented by Professor Sinkenagi, the Nobel laureate in medicine. Mr. Ning Qiankai said that this year is the 10th year that Hercelage has landed in China, and the origin of Herechage can be traced back to a hundred years ago, as a century-old enterprise, Hersheit relies on excellent quality and leading technology, which is inseparable from the cherishing of life inherited by the Herdler family, and also inseparable from the hard work of Hershe's team of scientists.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

In line with the "Hirch Nobel Laureate Face to Face", Nobel Laureate in Medicine Professor Sinkenaji, as the Honorary Chief Scientist of Herch, introduced the topics related to aging, health and life nutrition. In order to let everyone understand the factors that affect health, Professor Sinkenaghi used courseware to explain the immune response against viruses and tumors, and popularized the importance of immune protection for cells infected with viruses by listing three different types of infections. At the same time, Professor Sinkenaghi said that it is gratifying to see the vigorous development of cellular nutrition around the world in recent years, because it has made people gradually realize that they can improve the body's autoimmune function by protecting cells and supplementing them with nutrients, so as to achieve health and longevity.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

In addition, Professor Sinkenaji introduced the cell-level nutrition product developed by Heechage R&D team, Hercel Jade Tube Cell Drink, which can not only help the human body efficiently supplement NADH and promote cell health, but also meet the nutritional needs of human cells, organs and systems with the core formula composed of 6 ingredients, and systematically consider the tonic relationship between each ingredient to maximize the effectiveness of each ingredient. As a leading figure in the field of cytology and immunology, Professor Sinkenaghi not only has a profound academic background, but also is an academician of several national academies of sciences in Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia and other countries. His arrival not only added high academic value and authority to this conference, but also demonstrated the strong R&D strength and excellent product quality of HOLWEST.

Consumer-centric, abide by standards and pursue excellence

The face-to-face event of Nobel laureates held by Holsea is not only a grand event of scientific exchange, but also a comprehensive display of Holech's brand concept and product quality. At the meeting, Dr. Stephen Wegener, R&D Director of Hercel Germany, shared the development process of Herech's continuous pursuit of excellence. Dr. Wegener said that as early as 100 years ago, the Hedler family started cultivating herbs in western Germany and engaged in health and wellness, until the 70s of the last century, when Herchy officially entered the field of nutrition under the guidelines of its founder. At this time, the company first established the highest guiding principle, which is to always strive for excellence. In 2004, the company moved its headquarters to Berlin and began to use the HECH trademark, marking the company's transformation from a respected local family business to a world-renowned provider of beauty and longevity products.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

At the same time, Holech launched the famous new concept of caviar protein powder, which also strengthened Holech's position as an innovation leader. According to Dr. Wegener, this kind of attempt also gave rise to Herech's second guiding principle, which is that only the harmonious combination of nature and science can lead to the best products. Since then, under the insightful leadership of Rove Herdrich, Herch has rapidly developed into a benchmark brand in the field of beauty and nutrition, and his vision for the brand has led Herch to the height of luxury and sophistication. During this period, Hirch once again upgraded the brand concept that your body is your true luxury.

Under the guidance of the brand concept, Holechage has never stopped on the road of pursuing excellence. According to Dr. Wegener, Herchy attaches great importance to the product development department, and has built an interdisciplinary team of experts to ensure that each new product concept comes from the most cutting-edge scientific research and understanding in the fields of nutrition and medicine. In addition, Herech's pursuit of excellence is also reflected in the careful selection of raw materials, whether it is the exploration of specific plant resources or the acquisition of subtle compounds through advanced biotechnology, Herech strives to find the highest quality and best efficacy ingredients. Here, Dr. Wegener cites the example of Quadruple Peptide Collagen Drink, which contains a rare type III collagen-rich marine collagen, which is the first product based on an innovative collagen blending system that blends different collagen molecules together to ensure comprehensive support for skin health and connective tissue vitality.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

It is worth mentioning that at the event, Hercel's collagen drink was also innovatively concocted into a special cocktail, which aroused a warm response from the audience. This idea not only showcased the diversity and fun of Holech's products, but also further deepened the participants' knowledge and understanding of the Holech brand.

Build a healthy cooperation ecosystem and lead the industry to move forward healthily

Taking this event as an opportunity, Herch officially kicked off the prelude to the 618 promotion. In addition to the R&D team, Hersea also invited dozens of top talents who worked closely with Heritage and awarded them as Herech's recommendation officers to continue to move forward side by side with the brand in the future.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

Among them, Hercy's partner, an expert in internal service maintenance, a retired flight attendant of China Southern Airlines, and the fashionable and intellectual anchor "This is Linlin", who is loved by fans, shared her indissoluble bond with Herch on the spot as a representative of Herhill's recommendation officer. Linlin said that she has been cooperating with Hersea for two years, and in addition to being a partner, she is also a loyal user of Hershe's collagen drink and cell drink. And I took the cell drink because I saw Mr. Hu Bing's sharing when I accidentally watched the short video, and I felt that this product that can replenish vitality for the body is very suitable for my own industry, so I insisted on it for half a year, and recommended it to fans after the body got positive feedback, and the surprise is that the users who like cell drink are very sticky, and this also shows that the product strength of Herch is truly trustworthy.

In addition, Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang, a partner of Holech and a partner of the future, also shared his valuable experience in cooperating with Holech. Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang said that he is very fortunate to have taken the fast lane of live broadcast in the past two years, although the bus is becoming more and more crowded, he firmly believes that only brands and products that adhere to quality can go longer after the big waves are washed away. Mr. Xiao Zhiqiang hopes to work with excellent brands to create a professional live broadcast room and serve fans with high-quality products and services, so he hopes to continue to witness excellence, embrace youth, and harvest a more outstanding future with Holechage in the future.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

After the representatives of the partners finished speaking, Mr. Ning Qiankai once again thanked the guests and announced the Herchel 618 plan. Hirechage will start the 618 promotion from 0:00 on May 18, including the new Quad Peptide Collagen Drink, Caviar Collagen Capsules, Jade Tube Cell Drink and Anti-Sugar Drink, all of which give extremely favorable prices.

Finally, Mr. Rove Hedrich, President of Hershe, and Dr. Tanya Fisher took the stage to present the "HersheGroup Quality Witness Officer Award" to the user guests, in recognition of the guests who have a deep understanding and testimony of the quality of Hershe, they are not only loyal users of Hershe's products, but also the disseminators and defenders of the spirit of Hershe.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health

Hirech believes that with its strong R&D strength and excellent product quality, as well as the on-site testimony of more than 100 head anchors, Xiaohongshu bloggers and mainstream media from the Douyin platform, Hirech will accumulate strength for the next big promotion.

Adhering to the concept of "putting the consumer's body first", Herechage adheres to the quality pursuit of 10 years and 100 years, and really makes products and speaks by products. As a century-old family brand, Holechage will continue to follow the pursuit of beauty and youth, focus on consumers' health and experience, put product quality first, carefully create excellent quality internal nutrition products, provide users with respected luxury care, and establish a quality benchmark for the oral nutrition industry.

Herch held the 618 kick-off conference of "Witnessing Excellence and Embracing Youth" Nobel Prize talks about immunity and health