
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

author:Putian police online
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection


Huangshi Industrial Park, Meizhou Island Scenic Area and other places

It was crowded and lively

Unveiling ceremony, prize competition

Video exhibition, drone shouting

Gift delivery, interactive games


A series of colorful publicity activities

Attract active participation from the public

May 15, 2024 is the 15th National Public Security Organs Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes, and in the past few days, the Putian Public Security Bureau, together with the Financial Office, banks and other units, has carried out a concentrated publicity campaign on the theme of "Guarding with the People with One Heart" in the form of entering enterprises, scenic spots, schools, business districts, communities, and families, and guarding the "money bags" of the masses

into the enterprise

"Huangshi Industrial Park Economic Investigation Police Liaison Station"

Unveiling ceremony

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

On the morning of May 15, the Municipal Bureau and the Licheng Branch went to Huangshi Industrial Park to carry out the theme publicity day activities, and held the unveiling ceremony of the Huangshi Industrial Park Economic Investigation Police Liaison Station of "Pro-Qing Bafu and Escort Puyang". Chen Huande, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, Lu Yuzhong, second-level senior organizer of the Municipal Taxation Bureau, Lin Haibo, deputy head of Licheng District and director of the Public Security Bureau, Weng Jianmin, vice president of the Putian Branch of the People's Bank of China, Lin Jianyu, head of the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, and other leaders and guests attended the ceremony.

The unveiling of the police liaison station in Huangshi Industrial Park marks a firmer and stronger determination of the public security organs to escort the high-quality development of enterprises, and also marks that the work of the Putian public security to "strictly prevent and crack down on illegal crimes involving enterprises, protect and safeguard the rights and interests of enterprises" is more prominent and more secure in grassroots social governance. This is also the 13th economic investigation police liaison station established by the Putian Public Security. In recent years, the Putian Public Security Department has focused on typical economic crime activities in various fields and actively promoted various work to crack down on prevention and publicity. Give full play to the advantages of the "bridgehead" of the economic investigation police liaison station in the centralized settlement and linkage office, and rely on the comprehensive policy of "service, prevention, crackdown and governance" to provide a strong guarantee for the development of enterprises.

# Police-enterprise discussions #

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

After the unveiling ceremony, the staff discussed how to further strengthen the cooperation and exchanges between various departments and enterprises, jointly create a safe, stable and harmonious environment for the economic development of the park, and exchanged views on further exploring and cooperating with new platforms, providing enterprises with rights and interests protection, risk early warning, safety precautions and other services, and solving the problem of "urgency and difficulty" of enterprises.

# Legal popularization and publicity #

In enterprises in major industrial parks, public security and economic investigation departments at all levels, together with banks, procuratorates, courts, and other relevant units, have carried out various forms of legal popularization and publicity activities.

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

On May 15, the relevant personnel of the Economic Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau went to the "Putian Jewelry and Jade Jewelry Chamber of Commerce Economic Investigation Police Liaison Station" in Shenzhen to carry out legal popularization publicity, and provide early warning and consulting services for enterprises for possible risks and relevant legal knowledge within the enterprise.

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

On May 15, the Licheng Branch, together with the Licheng District Procuratorate, courts, banks and other relevant units, carried out legal popularization publicity in Huangshi Industrial Park, distributed publicity materials and small gifts on the spot, interacted with the masses and provided on-site consulting services.

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

On May 15, Hanjiang Branch, together with the Putian Hanjiang Branch of Industrial Bank and the police station under its jurisdiction, visited key enterprises in Chigang Development Zone, and provided early warning tips and legal consulting services for enterprises through discussions and exchanges, case explanations, and distribution of publicity materials, focusing on various risks and hidden dangers involving enterprise contract fraud, embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, and infringement.

Enter the scenic area

"Work with the people to protect you" theme publicity

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

During the publicity day, the North Shore Branch carried out themed publicity activities in the Tianfei Hometown Square on Meizhou Island, and publicized to the masses and tourists how to prevent economic crimes such as illegal fundraising, anti-money laundering, counterfeit money and pyramid schemes by posting promotional banners, quizzes with prizes, carousel lotteries, and distributing brochures.

Go to school

Sending the law into the school activities

On the afternoon of May 14, the Chengxiang Branch, together with Putian University, District Financial Office, banks and other units, went deep into Putian University to carry out theme publicity activities. Through the "drone" high-altitude shouting, video exhibitions, distribution of small gifts and other forms of publicity, education and guidance of teachers and students to establish a rational view of consumption, do not lend their own bank cards and mobile phone cards at will, so as not to become accomplices of criminals.

All police stations in the city simultaneously went deep into all primary and secondary schools in their jurisdictions to carry out activities to send the law into schools. Through the analysis of real cases, teachers and students are reminded to be vigilant against deception activities under the banner of "playing games to make money" behind part-time jobs. The police interacted with teachers and students at the scene, and the atmosphere was warm and lively.

Enter the business district

Various forms of theme publicity

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

On May 13, the Xianyou County Bureau, together with the county financial office and major banks in Xianyou, set up a theme publicity activity in China SCE World City, and publicized the harm and prevention knowledge of pyramid schemes, illegal fund-raising and other public-related crimes to the masses through the distribution of brochures and on-site consultation, so as to improve the safety awareness of the masses.

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection
[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

On the afternoon of May 14, the Xiuyu Branch, together with the District Financial Office, the District Procuratorate and other departments, held a theme publicity activity in Wanda Plaza, Xiuyu District, to show the public the remarkable achievements of the public security organs in combating and preventing economic crimes and escorting the development of enterprises in recent years, and to publicize the knowledge of preventing economic crimes.

into the community

Mobilize the forces of mass prevention and control

The city's public security organs combined with the whole police linked to villages, "ten million projects", pairing and co-construction and other activities, mobilized the mass prevention and control forces in the jurisdiction, went deep into the community, villages and other face-to-face publicity activities, and told the masses about the prevention of illegal fundraising, prevention of online pyramid schemes, prevention of financial fraud and other related knowledge, and tightened their money bags.

into the family

"Economic investigation + police station" propaganda model

The city's public security took the "5.15" Economic Investigation Publicity Day as an opportunity to promote the "Economic Investigation + Police Station" publicity model, carried out household visits, introduced common economic crimes such as illegal fundraising to the masses, distributed brochures and patiently and meticulously answered questions, and popularized the knowledge of common tricks and methods of crime to the masses by explaining cases, especially vulnerable groups, such as "free travel" for the elderly, and illegal fund-raising fraud skills in rural areas, so as to further enhance the risk prevention awareness of the masses.

In the next step, the Putian Public Security will take this event as an opportunity to focus on improving the combat effectiveness of new quality economic investigation, focusing on cracking down on illegal fundraising, underground banks, illegal and criminal activities involving counterfeit money, enterprises and other fields, and make every effort to create a more high-quality and efficient business environment based on the rule of law, and contribute more to accelerating the promotion of green and high-quality development of the pilot city.

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection

Source: Economic Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau, Public Security Bureaus (Sub-Bureaus) of each county (district) Editor: Zhou Caixi Review: Lin Jianren Approval: Sun Weifeng

[5.15 Economic Investigation Publicity Day] has the "warp" without danger and "detective" heart protection