
Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace

Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace
Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace
Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace

Recently, the topic of how to balance work and life has once again sparked heated discussions. For the younger generation, high salaries are no longer the only driving force to attract talents, they are more concerned about the improvement of the system, the relative fairness of the environment, and whether the management method is relatively humane. In this context, going to the park in the afternoon and evening to "scatter the taste of work", and staying for 20 minutes in the green space near the work park and office building, and the small green space in the street and alley community has become a popular leisure method for migrant workers, and has set off a "20-minute park effect" on the Internet.

"I've tried it, I'm really happy", "There is indeed something", "Healing my mental exhaustion"...... Recently, with the "20-minute effect in the park" sweeping major social media platforms, many netizens have begun to try it and enthusiastically share their experiences. "Being in the park, whether it's meditating, taking a walk or just breathing in the fresh air, gives me a rare sense of peace and relaxation." Joey, who recently went to the park to relax whenever he had time, shared. The park, once a place for the elderly to exercise in the morning and children to play, has now become a new choice for urban workers to decompress and relax.

Just as a moderate flexible work system can help employees maintain their enthusiasm for work and improve work efficiency, the "20-minute park effect" can also effectively relieve workplace pressure and improve mood, and because it can help people turn on "vacation mode" anytime and anywhere, visiting the park has become the most enthusiastic and cost-effective way for migrant workers to "help themselves".

Park 20 minutes theory

The popularity of the "20-minute park effect" began this spring, first in a study in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research. Studies have shown that just taking a short time out of the day to get outside without any exercise can lead to a more relaxed state of mind, even if it's just 20 minutes in a park or other place where you can get in touch with nature.

The "20-minute effect in the park" is not unfounded. Some scientists believe that spending 20 to 30 minutes in the natural environment can significantly reduce the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body by about 10%, thereby reducing stress. At the same time, the natural environment soothes the prefrontal cortex, the brain's control center, to help it rejuvenate better.

Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace

Every day at noon, Kev, a post-90s software engineer, sits quietly on a park bench for 20 minutes during his lunch break, which has become a spiritual charging station for his day. Kev explains, "I'm an I-person and I'm forced to over-socialize in the workplace, and these 20 minutes have taken me away from the stress of work. Now, I look forward to this moment of connection with nature every day. ”

There are many places where you can rest and relax, but why is it the park that is so popular?

On the one hand, free happiness is more cost-effective. Compared with traveling, staying in homestays, fitness and other healing methods, free parks are undoubtedly more economical. In recent years, in the process of promoting urban construction, some small and beautiful green spaces have gradually increased, such as small and micro parks, pocket parks, etc., which have become the transition zone between urban life and natural life.

According to the 2023 Communiqué on the Status of Land Greening in China, in 2023, 34,000 hectares of urban green space will be newly built, renovated and upgraded, 4,128 "pocket parks" will be started, and 5,325 kilometers of greenways will be built.

On the other hand, it is the optimal solution brought by time cost. For office workers, weekday lunch breaks are precious, and it's hard to find a chunk of time to travel farther. The duration of 20 minutes is a reasonable time to escape from the "square inch cubicle" and bid farewell to the "concrete forest", and if it is shorter, it may not be too late to relax, and if it is longer, it will become extravagant. Moreover, many parks have added exercise and leisure facilities according to local conditions, and the clean and tidy environment makes the "20 minutes" of migrant workers super cost-effective.

Not just parks?

For migrant workers, parks include, but are not limited to, large parks in the city, green spaces near work parks and office buildings, and small green spaces in street communities. Different from the grandeur of visiting the park on holidays, "20 minutes in the park" focuses on getting close to nature, lifting your feet to reach the casual walk, small luck, and a sense of relaxation.

"Just finding a place to lie down in the park, breathing and emptying like a plant for a while, you will feel that your body and mind are purified by nature, and you will get a sense of rebirth." Jessi, a photographer based in Shanghai, spends most of his weekends in the park with friends.

In fact, not only jessi, Shanghai young people in the matter of getting close to nature, has already reached the next level, they have changed the green belt, explosion into their own "big bed room", when others are still struggling to find where the park is less crowded, more open space, Shanghai drifting habit is to find a random road, turn your head to sleep. This one-acre three-point turf is being regarded by young people in Shanghai as a relaxed enclave that is most in line with "outdoor fundamentalism".

Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace

How to temporarily disconnect from the office environment physically and mentally, young people are looking around for ways to fight against the "class smell". For example, the popular "disgusting outfit for work" some time ago, young people relieve anxiety through physical relaxation and achieve reconciliation with their hearts in an alternative way. Behind the hot search on the "20-minute effect in the park", there is also the expression of contemporary young people to find emotional value. Especially in the spring and summer, the park is full of life, which is perfect for opening up the body and mind and replenishing energy.

However, there are also those who question the "20-minute park effect". They believe that this effect may only be a short-term psychological comfort and does not really solve people's inner anxiety and stress. Yu Guangrui, a national second-level psychological counselor, said, "It is likely that this kind of people are still mired in problems when they enter the park, and they do not focus on the current environment and do not really feel nature. ”

Despite the controversy, the "20-minute park effect" certainly offers a simple and easy way to decompress. In this fast-paced, high-stress society, we should all try to slow down, feel the beauty of nature, and find inner peace. After all, sometimes, happiness and joy are hidden in the seemingly mundane little things.

Editor - Cai Yutong

Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace
Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace
Escaping from high pressure, the "20-minute effect in the park" has become a new favorite in the workplace

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