
The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

author:Workshop of Broken Thoughts

After waiting for so long, I finally saw the "Emperor's New Clothes" in the two-dimensional mobile game!

With the launch of Nikki Victory 1.5, Shift up has given players a new look: the Emperor's new clothes.

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

Oh no, it's called "The King's New Clothes......

Well, it all means the same anyway.

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

I have to say that this wave of official memes is really amazing. You must know that as early as the embryonic period of the second-game market, before the concept of "high-end astringency" was completely popular, the emperor's new clothes began to be regarded as a stalk, and were talked about by various players with pleasant and derogatory ridicule. However, with the evolution and development of the second game, as well as the improvement of players' astringent aesthetic needs, this kind of ridicule that is too direct and does not have much connotation will naturally be overwhelmed by new stalks that are more interesting, diverse, and more informative.

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

For a high-quality manufacturer like Shift UP, which is particularly good at color in the eyes of players, people often pay attention to and put expectations on their "high quality" part for a long time, but ignore that they will not only work hard and occasionally lead the astringent trend, but also obsessed with nostalgia.

Therefore, it is all too normal that this "king's new clothes" of the crown will appear.

Despite its name, Nikki is, after all, a delicate work that studies "how to wear it better than not wearing it", highlighting the dynamic aesthetics of the body. So it's impossible to really engage in "no cloth", which is just a joke but no taste, but very cleverly set the theme at infinite approach, "Isn't this equivalent to not wearing?" "What's the difference between that and no fabric?" , but still cooperate with the posture and the holy light to achieve the effect of holding the pipa and half covering the face, and finally arousing your imagination.

In terms of player base, this is a response to players who have been playing memes for many years. In terms of the theme and content of the game, this outfit can be regarded as a classic. Don't laugh, after all, in the plot, the official really explained the cause and effect, the ins and outs, and even made a rigorous setting, paving and explaining to us "Why the less the cloth, the stronger the attack", a phenomenon that players have long been accustomed to.

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

This operation can be described as a miracle hand, which not only solves the doubts that players have had for many years, but also paves the way for the rationality of the setting of ultra-high combat power. Let the "King's New Clothes" stand up from the perspective of strength, it is indeed a good job.

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

And when it comes to the role of the crown, it was already highly anticipated before this new skin, after all, who can hate a tall pilgrim with elaborate animal ears and white hair and black silk hot pants? As a T0-level character who can C and can also play support, the crown already shows a temperament that is difficult to refuse, and he is willing to be the king. Coupled with the bonus of the king's new clothes, this is impossible to refuse!

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

Of course, for Shift up, this is not the first time that he has done such a good job in clothing, such as in the previous collaboration event with Neil, in addition to the addition of Miss 2b as a playable character, there are also clothes that are very Japanese-style clothing characteristics, but make Miss 2b more eye-catching. There are countless similar examples, and they have even brought this idea to their single-player game Sword Star. As soon as the game was launched, players were waiting for more than 70 sets of costumes to choose from and unlock, far beyond the conscience of the glorious pants demon, which directly stunned many players. From the second tour of krypton to the traditional stand-alone machine, they have thoroughly studied the astringent clothing design.

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

Of course, striking iron also needs its own hardness, and the success of Shift up is also inseparable from the main dollar Henry, long before the sword spirit, he has gradually accumulated experience in many works and his unique art style, coupled with the polishing of the child of destiny in the previous work, you can say that Lao Jin's painting style is greasy, but his aesthetics are absolutely unquestionable.

The two-dimensional mobile game version of "The Emperor's New Clothes" was played by Niki

Anyway, I'm looking forward to what nice things Nikki and Shift up can do in the future.

So the question is, are you all done with the crown this time?