
3 people were punished in Lai'an!

author:Impression of Lai'an
3 people were punished in Lai'an!
3 people were punished in Lai'an!

Lai'an police officially refute rumors!

3 people were punished in Lai'an!

Refutation of rumors

all fake !!

1. In January 2024, in order to win the attention of netizens, Miao, a resident of Lai'an County, posed for a video of running in the field, deliberately fabricated false information about the dubbing "Obedient, killed", and posted it on the short video platform, causing a negative social impact. The Lai'an County Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative punishment on Miao in accordance with the law.

2. In March 2024, in order to win the attention of netizens, Bian, a resident of Lai'an County, posted a video of the fire and smoke in a distant board house to the short video platform, and deliberately commented and replied to netizens' false information that "the tanker truck is on fire", causing adverse social impact. The Lai'an County Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative punishment on Bian in accordance with the law.

3. In April 2024, in order to win the attention of netizens, Xu, a resident of Lai'an County, deliberately fabricated and filmed a video of the violent shaking of the hanger at home, posted it on the short video platform, and marked the location as "Heping Village, Lai'an County", misleading netizens to believe that a strong earthquake occurred in the local area, causing adverse social impacts. The Lai'an County Public Security Bureau imposed an administrative penalty on Xu in accordance with the law.

Please publish, reprint, disseminate

The article is false information about the media, individuals

Correct and clarify

Diffusion! Know!



The Internet is not a place outside the law, and the vast number of netizens should consciously abide by relevant laws and regulations, do not spread rumors, do not believe rumors, and do not spread rumors, and jointly maintain a clean cyberspace. The public security organs will resolutely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that disseminate, fabricate, or spread rumors on the Internet and disrupt social and public order in accordance with the law.

Source: Cyber Security Brigade

Editor: Guo Fan

Review: Liu Jinzhu

Reviewer: Hu Yue

3 people were punished in Lai'an!

Public Service Announcement, May 16, 2024

3 people were punished in Lai'an!

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