
Jinning District's 2024 "Work Together to Warm Children's Hearts" list of primary and secondary school students in difficulty will be announced

author:Kunming Jinning release

In accordance with the spirit of the documents such as the "Measures for the Management of Special Funds for the "Love to Help You Go to University" Activity in Jinning District, Kunming City, the Administrative Measures for the Funding of Primary and Secondary School Students in Difficulty in Jinning District, Kunming City (Trial) and the Notice on Printing and Distributing the >< Implementation Plan for the Love and Assistance Work of Primary and Secondary School Students in Difficulty of "Working Together to Warm Children's Hearts" and other documents, on the basis of extensive publicity, individual declaration, household survey, random inspection and review, and meeting research, it is planned to determine 77 primary and secondary school students with family difficulties as the 2024 "Warm Children's Hearts with One Heart" in Jinning District Recipients of Caring Student Aid for Needy Primary and Secondary School Students.

The specific list is hereby publicized as follows:

Jinning District's 2024 "Work Together to Warm Children's Hearts" list of primary and secondary school students in difficulty will be announced
Jinning District's 2024 "Work Together to Warm Children's Hearts" list of primary and secondary school students in difficulty will be announced
Jinning District's 2024 "Work Together to Warm Children's Hearts" list of primary and secondary school students in difficulty will be announced

Source: Flower Young Jinning public account

Editor: Tu Chunrong

Editor: Fang Weilin

Review: Feng Jing

Final review: Zhao Ming