
What is the difference between tumor and cancer? What's the difference in treatment? The old Chinese medicine doctor will give you answers one by one

author:Professor Yu Yun

Recently, many patients have asked Mr. Yu a question: What is the difference between tumor and cancer? What is the difference in treatment? Today, Mr. Yu will talk to you.

What is the difference between tumor and cancer? What's the difference in treatment? The old Chinese medicine doctor will give you answers one by one

The tumors in the "Neijing" are the retention of qi, forming lumps dominated by phlegm coagulation, blood stasis, and qi knots. Under the premise of lumps, malignant tumors have the direct middle of cancer, that is, the direct middle of evil qi, which causes the tumor to grow very fast. Malignant tumors are able to establish their own blood circulation in the body, thus obtaining a large amount of nutrients from the body to meet their rapidly growing needs. The impact of malignant tumors on the human body is huge, especially the depletion of righteous qi. "Ren Zhai Zhizhi Fang Theory" is "like a cave, the ones are tired, the poisonous roots are deep, and the texture is hard. Malignant tumors are also called "cancers".

From the perspective of Western medicine, cancer is a genetically defective disease, and scientists have found that the vast majority of cancer patients are accompanied by gene defects, and gene mutations lead to excessive growth of tumor cells.

What is the difference between tumor and cancer? What's the difference in treatment? The old Chinese medicine doctor will give you answers one by one

Unlike malignant tumors, benign tumors do not establish their own blood circulation, but only rely on body fluids to supply nutrients, so they grow very slowly and do not cause much harm to the human body. Mr. Yu reminded everyone that some benign tumors are prone to malignant transformation under certain conditions if they are not treated in time. For example, some stomach ulcers and some polyps can also become cancerous when they gradually enlarge. In addition, it should be noted that although a benign tumor is benign in itself, if it grows very large, it may still compress adjacent tissues and organs, and it may also bring bad consequences.

What is the difference between tumor and cancer? What's the difference in treatment? The old Chinese medicine doctor will give you answers one by one

Then the most important difference between malignant tumors and benign tumors is the growth rate and the impact on the human body. The surface of malignant tumors is not smooth, it is easy to metastasize, and if it is not treated, it will increase rapidly, which will affect the life expectancy. Benign tumors are generally smooth, have little impact on the whole body, and have a particularly slow growth rate, so if they are not stimulated, then the impact on the human body is relatively small.

What is the difference between tumor and cancer? What's the difference in treatment? The old Chinese medicine doctor will give you answers one by one

Regarding treatment, if the benign tumor is small, you can leave it alone, and generally Western medicine does not treat it, and if it becomes large, it will be removed by surgery. If it is a malignant tumor, it is usually treated early. The early treatment, at present, is mainly surgery, to remove the tumor, but after the tumor is removed, the patient has not been cured, so it is necessary to continue the treatment, if the treatment is treated with Western medicine, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy have not been cured, you can use traditional Chinese medicine treatment, or the whole treatment process of Chinese and Western medicine combination.

What is the difference between tumor and cancer? What's the difference in treatment? The old Chinese medicine doctor will give you answers one by one

Professor Yu Yun, a Chinese medicine practitioner, is seeing a doctor

The thinking of traditional Chinese medicine treatment and Western medicine treatment is different, Chinese medicine is to treat people, treat this person to normal, people must be normal, then the tumor is definitely not there, if the tumor is still there, people cannot be normal, so this is the thinking of Chinese medicine. Guided by the TCM tumor treatment wisdom of "righteous qi is stored in the body, evil cannot be done" and "focusing on righteousness", TCM often uses traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, acupuncture point application, qigong and other methods to help patients heal. The thinking of Western medicine is to target the tumor, and just solve the tumor. Therefore, the thinking of TCM and Western medicine in dealing with tumors is a bit different, and there is a difference in treatment.

If you have any questions related to disease prevention or health preservation, please leave a message in the comment area, and Professor Yu Yun of Chinese Medicine will choose to leave a message to share his experience in the next issue!

❖This article is for knowledge sharing only and does not constitute a recommendation or promotion of any drug or treatment, and is not a substitute for medical advice from a professional doctor. If you need medical treatment, please consult and contact a regular medical institution.

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