
The fierce confrontation between China and the Philippines at Scarborough Shoal revealed the truth: the Philippines was betrayed by Marcos

author:There is a phoenix Talk

In the direction of Scarborough Shoal, China has a "tough battle" to fight. #军史观察团#

The Philippine government and military are hiding behind their backs and acquiescing in a so-called Filipino non-governmental organization to gather 100 civilian ships to invade Scarborough Shoal. Considering that the Philippines has repeatedly "sold miserably" to the international community by "touching porcelain" on Chinese islands and reefs in the South China Sea, the purpose of the organization's gathering of civilian ships to rush to Scarborough Shoal should be the same.

However, China is also fully prepared. In addition to the Chinese coast guard already conducting regular training at Scarborough Shoal, according to American expert Powell, at least 30 other large Chinese ships have blocked Scarborough Shoal. We believe that the Chinese Coast Guard will be able to deal with the Philippine ship's "collision with porcelain".

The main reason why this is a "tough battle" is that in addition to its inextricable relationship with the Philippine military, the organization is also funded by the United States for many years. In the past, in order to influence the Philippine government's policy on the South China Sea issue, the United States has instigated the organization to stir up trouble in the South China Sea.

The fierce confrontation between China and the Philippines at Scarborough Shoal revealed the truth: the Philippines was betrayed by Marcos

We can understand that the organization's vigorous operation in the direction of Scarborough Shoal is likely to be directly led by the United States. Based on this premise, these Philippine ships dressed in the shell of "non-governmental organizations" rushed to Scarborough Shoal, and I am afraid it is not as simple as "touching porcelain".

A few days ago, Philippine expert Bobby mentioned in an interview with Chinese media that the United States is currently using its influence on the Philippine military and by donating some retired Philippine warships to instigate the Marcos administration to deal with China.

Bobby put it bluntly: The United States does not want any war with China, but they are happy to see the Philippines as a proxy of the United States against China. In the eyes of the Americans, Marcos, who regards the United States as a staunch and hardcore ally, is the best tool and puppet for the United States to engage in proxy wars.

If China and the Philippines really fight in the direction of the South China Sea, the Americans will be happy regardless of the outcome. Bobby lamented that many Filipinos may not realize that their country has been sold out by Marcos.

Regarding promises such as protecting the Philippines, the Americans have said many times before. Marcos's biggest struggle to act as a proxy tool for the United States is probably only to order the Philippine coast guard and military not to come into conflict with China.

It can be said that there is a dangerous possibility that the Philippine civilian ships rushing to Scarborough Shoal this time, regardless of who is in charge, are hoping to create a bigger dispute. For example, if these vessels directly interfere with the Chinese Coast Guard's enforcement of rights and enforcement, or interfere with the normal fishing operations of Chinese fishermen, the two sides may have friction.

The fierce confrontation between China and the Philippines at Scarborough Shoal revealed the truth: the Philippines was betrayed by Marcos

But Bobby also said that if that happens, the Philippines will lose the war. For this reason, he advised Marcos that he should cherish relations with China and not learn how to shoot and fire from the Americans.

For example, Bobby said that the Philippines has been facing severe food security, but as a close ally of the Philippines, the United States has not provided any food to the Philippines, and all they have stuffed into the hands of the Filipinos is missiles, artillery and bullets.

However, China's friendship with the Philippines has stood the test of time. The Philippines had just established diplomatic relations with China when it was hit by an oil crisis and a sluggish agricultural harvest. But with the help of China's low-priced oil and rice, the Philippines has weathered the storm.

On the South China Sea issue, China has also been committed to resolving disputes peacefully with the Philippines through diplomatic means, and has established a consultation mechanism with the Philippines. But it is a pity that Marcos, who blindly cooperated with the United States in dealing with China, did not cherish it.

A few days ago, under the banner of defending sovereignty, the Philippines and the United States held a large-scale military exercise in northern Luzon. However, the sound of artillery from the US-Philippine military exercise did not bring any sense of security to the local Filipino people. Instead, they are flustered, with only one fear, that they will bear the brunt of a conflict in the South China Sea.

Philippine expert Bobby said that the Philippines was betrayed by Marcos, and it is not an exaggeration at all.

The fierce confrontation between China and the Philippines at Scarborough Shoal revealed the truth: the Philippines was betrayed by Marcos

Whether Marcos will listen or not is a difficult question to answer. In the recent dispute between China and the Philippines over the transcript of the audio recording, its perfidious nature has been laid bare in the open. Even if Marcos stepped forward and stepped on the brakes at this time, it would not prove that the Philippines would really stop on the South China Sea issue.

What is certain, however, is that if Marcos allows this atmosphere of tension and confrontation to continue, the risk of unforeseen events at sea will only continue to rise. By that time, the Americans were indeed happy, but what did the Philippines get?

The only thing we can show to the Philippines is to continue to maintain strategic focus and control the situation in the direction of Scarborough Shoal and other directions so that it does not get out of control. So, these voices of reason, Marcos should listen. Once the situation gets out of hand, the consequences will be too much for the Philippines to bear.

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