
The Taiwan Office of the State Council issued a list of 5 people to punish the accomplices of the green camp, and the famous mouths on the island will pay the price if they are smeared again

author:Ploughing cattle

In recent years, in view of the practice of "Taiwan independence" elements on the island maliciously disrupting cross-strait relations and kidnapping the public opinion on the island, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has successively published two lists of "Taiwan independence" elements, including Su Zhenchang, You Xikun, Wu Zhaoxie, Xiao Meiqin, Gu Lixiong, Wang Dingyu, Cai Qichang, Ke Jianming, Lin Feifan, and Chen Jiaohua, a total of 10 people. What merits attention is that not only "Taiwan independence" elements must be severely punished, but also those "famous mouths" on the island who wantonly spread rumors and smear the mainland, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council recently released a list of five people.

The Taiwan Office of the State Council issued a list of 5 people to punish the accomplices of the green camp, and the famous mouths on the island will pay the price if they are smeared again

According to a report by China's Taiwan Network, at a recent press conference, Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that for a period of time, a small number of so-called "celebrities" in Taiwan, such as Huang Shicong, Li Zhenghao, Wang Yichuan, Yu Beichen, and Liu Baojie, have deliberately fabricated false and negative information about the mainland in disregard of the facts of the mainland's development and progress, and have spread it through television, the Internet, newspapers and other media. The facts are clear and the circumstances are serious, and the mainland will punish the above-mentioned five people and their families in accordance with the law.

Such a move by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council can be said to be very gratifying, and these "famous mouths" on the island should have been punished a long time ago.

First, with the continuous development of cross-strait exchanges, many people on the island have already come to the mainland, and there are also quite a few young people from the Taiwan region who are studying and working on the mainland, and many people from the mainland have traveled to the island. However, even so, there are still a large number of people who have not personally traveled between the two sides of the strait and can only learn about it through the media, and this background also provides a space for "creation" for these celebrities on the island who are "afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

The Taiwan Office of the State Council issued a list of 5 people to punish the accomplices of the green camp, and the famous mouths on the island will pay the price if they are smeared again

We know that in the political discussion programs on the island, there are often some "celebrities" who take advantage of their superior status on the island to mislead the people on the island by spreading rumors, and their purpose is to maliciously belittle the mainland and say that the mainland is useless. Interestingly, there are still some people who believe them, and even "mainlanders still can't afford to eat tea eggs" and "mainlanders' high-speed rail chairs have no backrests" ignore the basic status quo.

It is not difficult to find that these so-called "celebrities" on the island are all working for the Democratic Progressive Party, and what they are doing is to prevent cross-strait integration and national reunification, that is, "Taiwan independence." Of course, we can no longer tolerate such people.

Second, many Kuomintang bigwigs can't stand this for some people on the island.

Not long ago, Ma Ying-jeou, former chairman of the Kuomintang, brought a group of young people on the island to the mainland to embark on an 11-day trip of root-seeking, visiting, and exchanging ideas in Guangdong, Shaanxi, Beijing, and other places. Ma Ying-jeou's purpose is to let them know that they are Chinese, know China's true history, know that the mainland today is not as poor as those "famous mouths" on the island said, and that it is as poor as a few decades ago, so that the young people on the island can see for themselves what the mainland is like today.

The Taiwan Office of the State Council issued a list of 5 people to punish the accomplices of the green camp, and the famous mouths on the island will pay the price if they are smeared again

Recently, there was also a "news" on the island that was very popular, an Internet celebrity sitting on the train on the island was surprised to find that the train was speeding at a speed of 125 kilometers per hour, and he immediately took a picture of it and posted it on social media, saying, "The speed of our train in Taiwan is so fast, it is amazing!" In this regard, after seeing this, many mainland netizens expressed "speechlessness", saying that they couldn't comment. 125 kilometers are pleasantly surprised, if you tell him that the mainland high-speed rail can reach a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, I'm afraid he won't believe it, right?

This is also reminiscent of what Hong Xiuzhu, another former chairman of the Kuomintang, said, who suggested that young people on the island should be brave enough to go out, visit the mainland more often, absorb more new ideas, and not stay on the island and be "frogs at the bottom of the well."

Third, how will the mainland punish these "famous mouths"? Previously, when the mainland punished "Taiwan independence" elements, it proposed that they and their families should not enter the mainland, freeze their assets related to the mainland, and not allow mainland enterprises to cooperate with them, and not allow enterprises related to them to enter the mainland.

The Taiwan Office of the State Council issued a list of 5 people to punish the accomplices of the green camp, and the famous mouths on the island will pay the price if they are smeared again

As for the "famous mouths" on the island, how to punish them at present is secondary, and the key is to put them on the "blacklist" so that the people on the island can understand that these people have been publicly named by the mainland, and they are all liars who maliciously spread rumors, and they can no longer be trusted. In this way, for these "famous mouths" who are accustomed to fooling the people, they will not be able to deceive people in the future, I am afraid it will be even more uncomfortable than killing them, right?

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