
Thoughts in the rain

author:Liwen is pleasing to the heart


Thoughts in the rain

The rain kept falling

Gusts of wind

Blown away

All the sorrows.

Thoughts in the rain

Falling petals




Reluctance and reluctance.

Thoughts in the rain


Lonely heart

will fall into

A whirlpool of love?

Inexplicably sad

Lost souls.

Thoughts in the rain

When the tears became

A sky full of butterflies,

Broken memories

Only remained

The blur of the eyes.

Thoughts in the rain
Thoughts in the rain

Yesterday's love

Leave a string

The fragrance of roses.

Affectionate vows


Pieces of worry.

Thoughts in the rain

I don't know your heart

And where did he wander to?

Just know

A smile on your face


The tenderness of the moonlight.

Thoughts in the rain

I don't know your heart

Where are you wandering?

Just know

Your eyes for a moment


Dreams of the stars.

Thoughts in the rain

It keeps raining.

Gusty wind

Blow away

All the sadness of leaving.

Thoughts in the rain

Falling petals

But still


Silk silk sadness.

Thoughts in the rain


Lonely heart

Will fall into the vortex of love?

Inexplicable sadness

Out of my mind.

Thoughts in the rain

When the tears turn

The sky is full of butterflies,

Broken memories

Only leave

The blurred eyes.

Thoughts in the rain

Yesterday's love

Leave a trail

The scent of roses.

Affectionate vows

Melt into

Pieces of melancholy

Thoughts in the rain

Don't know your heart

And where to drift

Only know

A smile from you

Be full of

The tenderness of the moonlight.

Thoughts in the rain

Don't know your heart

And where to drift

Only know

A moment in your eyes

Brim with

Dreams of stars.

Thoughts in the rain
Thoughts in the rain
Thoughts in the rain
Thoughts in the rain
Thoughts in the rain

Recognize beauty, explore beauty,

Discover beauty and love beauty

Follow the footsteps of beauty

Live a beautiful life

Liwen Yuexin,

In beautiful words

Delight the mind.

Editor: Ru Liwen,

Lovers of literature

He likes literature and poetry

May life and poetry always accompany each other,

May time and beauty always depend on each other!

The picture is from the Internet