
Midong District: Love for the people's travel, build roads to benefit the people, warm people's hearts

author:Midong imprint

Recently, with the help of the District Construction Bureau and caring merchants, two roads in the jurisdiction have been repaired to facilitate the travel of people and vehicles.

"This road has been potholed for several years, and after it is repaired, it is not only convenient for the residents of the community to travel, but also convenient for themselves!" On May 11, walking into the first phase of Lianfeng Jiayuan, resident Chu Biao was holding a shovel to level the road, and behind him was a smooth asphalt road that had been completed.

Midong District: Love for the people's travel, build roads to benefit the people, warm people's hearts

Lianfeng Jiayuan is an old residential area, with backward and aging infrastructure, and some of the road surfaces are poor, especially the section from the back door of the community to the city's No. 141 Middle School, and the dirt road is uneven, affecting the travel of residents.

"If the weather is bad, you have to take a detour, and residents have to walk an extra kilometer to get to the nearby bus station, which is quite disturbing." Chu Biao said that there happened to be a relative who was working on the project and had surplus materials, so he bought them at a low price and found workers to start the work.

The repaired road is 3 meters wide and 500 meters long, and it is directly connected to the school gate from the back door of the community.

"How nice!" Looking at the half-repaired road surface, resident Cai Yuhong was particularly happy. "Not only the students benefited, but it was also convenient for us to travel, so I really want to thank him." Cai Yuhong said.

Midong District: Love for the people's travel, build roads to benefit the people, warm people's hearts

"It's going to be done in a minute." Chu Biao said that more than 200 residents in the community have their own shops here, and everyone often patronizes the business, and now they have the ability and are willing to do some practical things for everyone, and they are all neighbors, so they should help each other.

Walking into the second phase of Lianfeng Jiayuan, the road has become smooth and smooth after repair.

It is understood that the road section is connected to Lianhua Industrial Park, there are more large vehicles, and the road surface has many different degrees of damage, coinciding with summer, frequent rainfall, muddy roads in many places, puddles everywhere, bringing inconvenience and safety hazards to the masses and vehicles.

Midong District: Love for the people's travel, build roads to benefit the people, warm people's hearts

After the community and village learned about the situation, they actively cooperated with the street and coordinated with the Midong District Construction Bureau to form a joint force to solve the road problem. Through cleaning, filling, rolling and other processes, it took one day to show a "new look" to the road surface of about 1 kilometer in the jurisdiction.

"Now the road is smooth, which greatly solves the problem of difficult travel for surrounding vehicles and residents, and further effectively improves the overall environment in the jurisdiction. In the next step, we will lead grassroots governance through party building, so that more residents, businesses, enterprises and units can participate in the governance of communities and villages, and create a better living environment for the masses. Wang Jinyuan, a cadre from Kaziwan Village, said.

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