
Charging speed upgraded: Richtek RT7209, USB PD3.1 certified smart charging solution

author:Charging head net


USB PD (USB Power Delivery) is a universal, fast charging standard designed to provide higher power and more flexible charging capabilities for various types of electronic devices. Compared to traditional USB charging standards, USB PD allows for higher power transfer, resulting in faster charging speeds. This standard is already the most widely used charging standard on the market, and is used in many electronic devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops, video cameras, game consoles, etc.

Charging head network learned that a USB PD controller chip RT7209 of Richtek has recently passed the USB-IF PD3.1 certification, and the next will give a detailed explanation of this chip.


Richtek RT7209 is a highly integrated programmable USB PD controller that supports USB PD3.1 SPR and EPR 48V specifications and is USB-IF PD3.1 certified, TID:11022 certified, supports 3V to 55V operating voltage, built-in MCU, has 16kB OTP-ROM and 2kB SRAM, and has a built-in feedback compensation mechanism that not only reduces external components, but also enhances transient response.

Charging speed upgraded: Richtek RT7209, USB PD3.1 certified smart charging solution

The RT7209 supports multiple fast charging protocols such as PD3.1, PPS, UFCS, etc., and also allows customers to customize private protocols according to specific needs. The chip has a built-in shunt regulator, which gives it greater stability and reliability when providing a constant voltage or constant current output. At the same time, the built-in feedback compensation mechanism ensures the stability of the entire system, and through the programmable cable compensation function, users can make precise adjustments for line loss and optimize charging efficiency.

Charging speed upgraded: Richtek RT7209, USB PD3.1 certified smart charging solution

The RT7209 also has a VIN pin detection function, which can monitor the status of the input voltage and make corresponding control decisions accordingly, so as to ensure the stable operation of the device. The BLD pin can be used to quickly discharge the output capacitors, helping to shorten the charge cycle and increase the charge rate. The USBP pin provides the ability to directly drive an externally blocking N-MOSFET, further enhancing the control and security of the system.

Charging speed upgraded: Richtek RT7209, USB PD3.1 certified smart charging solution

RT7209 application circuit diagram

In terms of safety, the RT7209 supports programmable over-current protection, constant current protection, over-temperature protection, adaptive output over-voltage protection, output under-voltage protection, and the recommended junction temperature range is −40°C to 125°C, and the operating ambient temperature range is −40°C to 105°C. It supports CC1/CC2/D+/D- over-voltage protection and internal over-temperature protection, and is suitable for a variety of consumer electronics charging adapters, and is available in a WQFN-28L 4x5 package.

Summary of the charging head network

Richtek RT7209 is a highly integrated USB PD controller that is USB-IF PD3.1 certified and supports multiple fast charging protocols including PD3.1, PPS, UFCS, and allows private protocol customization. It features a built-in MCU, feedback compensation mechanism, and programmable cable compensation function, supports operating voltages from 3V to 55V, and features VIN pin detection, BLD pin fast discharge output capacitor, and USBP pin direct drive external N-MOSFET for enhanced system control and safety. It supports multiple protection mechanisms and a wide operating temperature range, and is suitable for a wide range of consumer electronics charging adapters, and is packaged in WQFN-28L 4x5 package.

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