
The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

author:Wise and insightful

The market in the past two days is very interesting, I share the review of my community yesterday, the original text is as follows:

It's too difficult to fry the subject matter now.

Judging from yesterday's market, some domestic investors want to pull the theme plate.

But the intensity is weak.

The same thing happened this morning.

And today is worse than yesterday.

Why do you want to pull the theme section?

Because in the past two days, GPT has come out with new news.

These people want to use the news to pull up and cut leeks.

It's a pity that they encountered a strong opponent.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

1. The national team smashed the market, controlled volatility, and cracked down on speculation

I made a mistake the other day, the national team didn't drag the market, on the contrary, it was smashing.

In the first two days of this week, the four CSI 300 ETFs with heavy positions in the national team all saw relatively large outflows.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

Last week's outflows were also significant.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

From the perspective of northbound funds, there is an overall outflow.

Note that there are a lot of national team funds hidden in the northbound funds.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

You may ask: Why?

This is actually to reduce market volatility and prevent institutions from cutting leeks.

In the past, institutions would suddenly launch a rally at a certain point in time.

Retail investors, on the other hand, are the ones who are aware of it and are usually cut at the end of the market.

The national team suppressed the promotion by smashing the plate, which is actually protecting retail investors.

It's also rewarding those who can hold it for a long time.

It is equivalent to the national team cleaning up those funds that play internal friction and do swings.

Torture these restless speculative funds a few more times, and they will understand that they can only make money by staying still.

Whoever dares to create big fluctuations indiscriminately will eat the soil.

When the national team suppressed the market, it also maintained a relatively good graphics of the CSI 300.

The goal is to attract long-term capital to open positions, regardless of whether the long-term capital is institutional or retail.

Then just stay honest and don't move.

Whoever moves will be pumped.

Second, if the national team does not cooperate, the theme hype will have to hit the wall

Although the national team is mainly suppressed on the market.

But just as a small market decline will drag down the market.

The national team suppresses the market, which will also put pressure on the whole market.

Today, micro-cap stock indexes, media, semiconductors, computers, optical modules, etc., have all been suppressed.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

The national team is disgusted with these speculative speculation funds.

Today, the number of STs with a down limit has decreased to 29, and the number of STs with a limit has increased to 33.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

Look, this kind of saucy operation is obviously to hook up with retail investors to get in and be cut leeks.

Most retail investors are very greedy!

I'm telling the truth, although I'm just a small blogger, I have a lot of retail investors.

For example, I met one yesterday.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

People don't understand the market well enough and think that there are many opportunities to make money.

In fact, it is because there are too few people and things that everyone has contact with.

You are always attracted to individual cases and ignore the probabilities.

To be honest, now the national team is deliberately protecting retail investors.

But retail investors are likely not to appreciate it at all.


In addition, just when speculative funds were going to speculate on the subject matter, the turnover shrank rapidly.

Today there are only 760 billion.

This kind of turnover is completely unplayable.

3. If you can't beat it, join in

Now the national team has a super control ability.

Moreover, he is very determined, that is, he wants to correct the speculative and speculative atmosphere in the stock market.

He wants to reward value investing, reward long-term holding (good stocks).

Therefore, you can judge for yourself, can you beat this opponent?

If you can't beat it, join it.

Configure a few indices, lie down well, and don't move.

Only when it is willing to launch a big rally will we have a chance to make an excess.

Next, patience is an extremely important quality for A-share investors.

If you don't believe me, we'll see.

Today, the CSI 300 ETF touched the annual line, and this picture is really TM accurate!

The national team also tossed for more than a week.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

It should be a little looser next.

As for when will the next wave of rally be launched?

Hehe, the national team will remain mysterious.

Let these speculative funds not dare to move.

Because when there was turmoil, the national team suddenly pulled a wave and stepped into the air.

And we don't know how many points he'll pull next time.

Fourth, real estate sends a second signal

The real estate sector rose sharply today.

Poly's biggest intraday gain was 7.93%.

However, due to the national team's suppression of hype, it closed up 3.03%.

However, Poly is still standing on the infinite cost line today, and the stock price has returned to the position at the beginning of the year.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

This is the second signal that the property market is stabilizing.

Next, it depends on when Poly will stand on the annual line and send out the third signal.

During this period, the rise in real estate was mainly due to the fact that the market was fermenting the government's storage.

As for the storage and storage, I already analyzed it last week.

This probability is very high.

It's just about the way and the rhythm.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

Today, the China Index Research Institute released the "April 2024 Survey Report on Residents' Willingness to Buy Homes".

Residents' confidence in buying houses increased at a low level in April.

About 19% chose "stronger willingness to buy a house than last month", up 1.5 percentage points month-on-month, and about 29% chose "weaker than last month", which was basically the same month-on-month.

It is only a matter of time before the property market stabilizes, because everything is a cyclical process.

Fifth, the brokerage cuts leeks

Yesterday, the news of the merger and acquisition of a securities company landed.

On the surface, it's a big deal.

It's a pity that the market is good for you.

Securities plunged 3.06% today.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

This is the bad problem of A-share speculation.

If you don't have the strength of this game, don't mix blindly.

I've talked to you about brokerages before.

The reform of the stock market this time is negative for the brokerage companies as a whole.

In the future, brokerages will be big fish eating small fish.

It's up to you to pick out the big fish, and the big fish has to be really strong.

You can think of the brokerage right now as a serious overcapacity.

After regulating the system, their demand side was suppressed. (fee reduction, restriction of IPO, restriction of refinancing, national team launch beta market, etc.)

The kind of speculation about the brokerage market is also disgusted by the national team.

The national team does not want A-shares to be flooded with speculation.

Sixth, Powell's helplessness

After yesterday's scary PPI, it shows that inflation remains stubborn.

Despite Powell's repeated remarks, there is still a long way to go to fight inflation and that the current interest rate will remain unchanged.

But what the market understands is that if we don't raise interest rates anyway, we will trade interest rate cut expectations.

Later, Powell really had no choice but to say something directly: US fiscal policy is on an unsustainable path.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

This is obviously dismantling each other's tables.

To save them from inflation, it will depend on the rise of Chinese assets.

The national team is estimated to be very proud, do you remember the time of the last market launch?

It's not even when the neighbor (Bugo) comes to the door.

Do you still think this is a coincidence?

Think about how many tasks the national team has right now!

Now the expectations of the US stock market are full and in a very fragile state.

See what happens in the end, and its vulnerability is exposed.

More critical CPI data will be released in the US tonight.

USD/CNY is now down the box again, which is interesting.

Let's continue to watch the play.

The people who speculate on A-shares are miserable! Encounter an opponent like never before

7. Follow the fluctuations with a reasonable position

The market is nothing big.

Let's see what the fish are playing under the water, and we can hold it steadily.

After pumping the speculative funds, the market will continue.

We just need to adjust the appropriate position and follow the fluctuations.

In this way, it doesn't matter if it goes up or down, you can deal with it.

The reward is voluntary, and 1 cent is silently supported, haha!

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