
Lesson 801: What does the "colonization" of "colonization" mean?

author:Talk about the art

In the course of "Shuowen Jie Zi", this lesson only talks about one character, that is, the Chinese character "colony" in the "歺" part, which is a commonly used character in modern Chinese, which is included in the "List of Common Characters in Modern Chinese" promulgated by the State Language Commission in 1988.

Breed. There are two pronunciations:

(a) zhí. This is the pronunciation marked by the annotated version of "Shuowen Jie Zi" by Zhonghua Book Company, and the explanation given is: "Colonization, fat paste for a long time, colonization also." From the beginning, straight voice. "Morphophonetic characters. The original meaning is that the grease is left to rot for a long time. Later it was written as "䐈".

Lesson 801: What does the "colonization" of "colonization" mean?

(Rotten lard)

The original meaning of the ointment is that the fat paste has been left for too long and deteriorated. Xu Kai's "Biography of the Literary System": "The grease is infiltrated for a long time." Wang Yun's "Reading of Sayings and Sentences": "A quote without a colonization word, covering the fat paste over time and colonizing is also defeated." Words or 作䐈. Ma Xulun's "Six Books of Evidence": "Colonization is also called the fat corrupt of the dead." Therefore, it is from the past. ”

In addition to the original meaning, there are many uses for colonization:

(1) growth; Reproduction. This is the extended meaning of colonization. "Jade Chapter: Bad Department": "Colonization, growth, and birth." "Vocabulary and Bad Department": "Colonization, breeding and breeding." Qian Kun's "Interpretation of Words and Words": "The ancient precept is that the anointing is a colony, and reproduction is also a colony, and the anti-training is also." We often say that corruption is "hairy", but in fact it is the reason for the extension of the meaning of "growth and reproduction". In fact, biologically speaking, putrefaction is actually the reproduction of microorganisms.

Lesson 801: What does the "colonization" of "colonization" mean?

(Breeding of birds)

"Zuo Chuan: The Six Years of Yin Gong": "Those who are for the country, see evil as a farmer's business to grass, worship it, cut off its roots, do not enable it to grow, then the good will believe." "When a ruler sees evil, he should hoe it and accumulate it to fertilize the field, dig up its old roots, and prevent it from growing again, so that good things can develop. "Chinese Jin Yu IV": "The same surname is not married, and evil is not colonized." Wei Zhao's note: "Colonization, Tibet." "Men and women with the same surname do not marry, they are afraid of reproduction. You see, in ancient times, it was already known that marriage between close relatives was not good for offspring (in ancient times, people with the same surname were mostly related by blood).

(2) operation; Make money. This is a false pretense of colony. "Guangya Interpretation I": "Colonization, accumulation." "Collection Rhyme, Vocational Rhyme": "Colonization, prosperity and wealth are called colonization." Duan Yuju's "Commentary on the Text": "The grease is defeated after a long time, and the wealth is used to hide more and die, so the accumulation is called the breeding goods, and the meaning of the pretense is extended." "The Book of Zhongyu": "But the king is not quiet, and he does not make profits." Zhang Zhan's note: "Colonization, cargo colonization." That is: the king is not close to the voice, and does not gather goods. When we read the "Historical Records", there is "The Biography of the Colony of Goods", where "Goods Breeding" refers to seeking "breeding of goods and financial profits", that is, using the production and exchange of goods to carry out commercial activities and make money and profits from them, but the "goods breeding" that Sima Qian wrote also includes the operation of handicrafts, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, mining, smelting and other industries, which is really powerful.

Lesson 801: What does the "colonization" of "colonization" mean?

(Book shadow of "Historical Records: The Biography of Goods and Colonies")

(3) Abbreviation for colonialism. When we study modern history, we often have expressions such as "anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism, and anti-hegemony", and colonialism here is the abbreviation of colonialism. The word "colonialism" in "colonialism" has two meanings: a. growth; Reproduction; Breed; b. Operation; Generate wealth; Develop. Colonization refers to the migration of a powerful country to the areas it has conquered, where it reproduces and plunders the interests of the local people.

Lesson 801: What does the "colonization" of "colonization" mean?


(4) Planting. "Jade Chapter: Bad Department": "Breeding, planting." "Zhuangzi Gengsang Chu": "The wall will be dug in vain and basil will be cultivated." "It's like destroying a good wall and planting basil that is useless.

(5) standing; Establish. "Guangya Interpretation IV": "Colonization, Liye." "Chinese Zhou Yu Xia": "Win the hearts of the people, and colonize righteousness." Wei Zhao noted: "Colonization, Liye." "The king has the support of the people to make a contribution

(6) Pass "straight". Fair. Zhu Junsheng's "Saying Wen Tongxun Dingsheng Yibu": "Colonization, pretending to be straight." "Poetry Xiaoya Sigan": "Colonize its garden, feel its wings". Mao Chuan: "Colonization, words are fair." "The courtyard of the palace is so wide and square, and the pillars in front of the courtyard are so stable and high.

(7) Pass "埴". Clay. "Pipes and Ground Workers": "The second time of Hongtu is called five colonies. Guo Moruo and other schools quoted Wang Jipei and said: "Colonization is the pretense of the bank."

In addition, colony is also a surname. "Ten Thousand Surnames Genealogy: Career Rhyme": "Colony, see "Surname Yuan". ”

(b) shi. This pronunciation comes from "Ji Rhyme". There are two ways to use it:

(1) "Osteogenesis". i.e. bones. The twenty-sixth chapter of "The Complete Biography of the Water Margin": "After the coffin is over, kill the fire, clean up the bones, and pour them in the pool." The word "bone" comes up a lot, so don't get it wrong.

(2) Planting. "Jiyun Zhiyun": "Colonization, planting." ”

The small seal is written as follows:

Lesson 801: What does the "colonization" of "colonization" mean?

(Colony's small seal writing)

(801 of [Shuowen Jiezi], some pictures come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original copyright owner)