
"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

author:Three small hairs

It is about to usher in the May of the lunar calendar, and soon after entering May, it is one of the four traditional festivals of the mainland - the Dragon Boat Festival.

It is particularly worth mentioning that this year's Dragon Boat Festival is also a three-day holiday, but it is not a holiday, so everyone does not have to worry about having to take a holiday after the holiday.

"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

In traditional Chinese culture, the fifth month of the lunar calendar is a month full of mysteries. Since ancient times, there have been many sayings and taboos about May. Among them, the proverb "If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house" is particularly eye-catching, so what does it mean? Isn't it possible to build a house in the fifth month of the lunar calendar? Otherwise, will you be bald? Let's take a look!

1. What does it mean that "if you don't build a house in May, you will be bald when you build a house"?

This kind of statement is not new to modern times, but has existed very early in ancient times. For example, there is a similar record in the Han Dynasty document "Customs and Customs": "Building a house in May makes people bald." ”

In addition, in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty literary scholar Kong Shangren's "Festival Order and Wind Record" is also recorded: In May, it is forbidden to build a house, and the offender is bald. ”

"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

However, it should be noted that building a house here is not what many people understand to be building a house today. It refers to the thatched hut that was common in the past, and building a house is to cover the house with thatch when the house is almost finished, that is, to build the roof. In the opinion of the ancients, it was not possible to build a roof in May, and the roof may be equivalent to the top of the house, so that if it is violated, it will cause the owner of the house to go bald.

In the past, the reason why there was such a saying is closely related to the special cognition of the ancients about May. In ancient times, the fifth month of the lunar calendar was known as the "evil moon" or "poison moon". This title does not refer to the poisonous or vicious month of May, but is related to the yin and yang theory of the ancients.

"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

The ancients said that yin and yang were based on the twelve earthly branches, "noon is the anode", and the fifth day of the fifth month of May is the month when the double noon overlaps, and the May of the lunar calendar generally corresponds to the summer solstice in the 24 solar terms, so the yang energy at this time has reached its peak.

Traditional philosophy pays attention to the balance of yin and yang, and excessive prosperity is poisonous. As a result, May is considered to be the month of the most yang and fire, and it is believed that roofing during this month will upset the balance of yin and yang, leading to bad luck and possibly health problems such as baldness.

Of course, this does not make sense, and there is no necessary connection between the roof and people baldness. However, there is a certain reason for not building a roof in May, that is, in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the temperature is high and there is a lot of rain, and it is the rainy season in the south at this time.

"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

At the same time, centipedes, scorpions, poisonous snakes, etc. are also infested, they like to hide in the thatch, and if you are not careful, you will be easily bitten by them, so you do not cover the roof in May, also for safety reasons.

2. The three taboos of the fifth lunar month

In addition to "don't build a house in May", there are three taboos in the fifth month of the lunar calendar: moving, shaving your head, and getting married. These taboos also reflect the ancients' special understanding of May and their reverence for the laws of nature.

(1) Non-portable house.

As the old saying goes: don't move in May, don't build in June. This is a proverb that has been widely circulated in the past, saying that you can't move in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and it is not appropriate to start building a house in June. This kind of saying has existed since ancient times, and it is also recorded in the "Ji Sheng of the Emperor Jing Years" during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty:

"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

"If you don't move in May, you don't paste the windows, and the name is 'Evil May'." Translated into meaning, you can't move in May, and you can't paste window paper, just because May of the lunar calendar is "evil May". In the concept of the ancients, May was regarded as an "evil month", and at the same time, May was full of yang energy, and moving was easy to disturb the aura, affecting the health and fortune of the family.

(2) Don't shave your head.

I believe many people have heard of "don't shave your head in the first month", because folklore is not good for your uncle. But the earliest theory is that you can't shave your head in the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

This taboo is clearly recorded in the "Ji Sheng of the Emperor Jing Year" during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty: "If you don't shave your head for more than five months, you may disturb your uncle." "The ancients believed that the yang energy was strong in May, and shaving the head was easy to damage the yang energy and affect the health of the body.

(3) Not getting married.

The saying that you don't get married in the fifth month of the lunar calendar has also been widely spread in the past. Now some older, more traditional old people will also remind young people to avoid the fifth month of the lunar calendar when they get married.

Just because if you get married in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, then you will get pregnant in a few months, and the child will be born in May of the next year. However, in ancient times, it was believed that children born in the fifth month of the lunar calendar were "hard-lived", which is also the folk saying "do not raise the fifth child", so they avoided getting married in May.

"If you don't build a house in May, you will be bald if you build a house", what does it mean? Why can't I get a haircut in May?

The main reason for the taboos in the fifth month of the lunar calendar is that in the eyes of the ancients, both the natural world and the human body follow the law of yin and yang balance, and once the balance is lost, it will cause various problems.

Therefore, during May, the month of the most yang energy, people need to pay extra attention to maintaining the balance of yin and yang and avoid breaking taboos.

Although these taboos have a certain superstitious color, they also reflect the importance and pursuit of family harmony, smooth fortune and good health of the ancients.

Just like many people still keep the traditional custom of not getting a haircut in the New Year, it is just for a good omen, so there is no harm in understanding these taboos. What do you say? Is there such a custom in your hometown? #头条创作挑战赛#

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