
The temperature is about to "go high", and the next precipitation will occur in →

author:Shanghai Xuhui

Today's weather

The temperature is about to "go high", and the next precipitation will occur in →

Today (16 May) the weather will remain clear to cloudy. Affected by the cold air, the temperature dropped in the morning, the urban area is around 14 °C, the suburbs are between 6~11 °C, of which, Chongming is only 6.7 °C. During the day, the sun is blessed with highs of around 26°C. Southerly wind level 3~4. The relative humidity is 80%~40%, and the air is generally dry, so pay attention to replenishing water in time.

The temperature is about to "go high", and the next precipitation will occur in →

Commuting weather

Work (6-9 o'clock): sunny to cloudy, 15~21 °C

Off work (16-19 o'clock): sunny to cloudy, 25~22 °C

Air quality

The temperature is about to "go high", and the next precipitation will occur in →

Weather trends

From this weekend to the beginning of next week, Shanghai will have sunny or cloudy weather, and the temperature will also be "high and high", with the lowest temperature at 18~20 °C and the highest temperature at 28~29 °C. Around next Tuesday, under the influence of the northward movement of the southwest warm and humid airflow, there will be a precipitation process in Shanghai, and the maximum temperature on Tuesday will drop to around 25°C.

The temperature is about to "go high", and the next precipitation will occur in →

May 17 (Friday): sunny to cloudy, 18~29°C

May 18 (Saturday): Cloudy, 20~28°C

May 19 (Sunday): Cloudy, 19~28°C

May 20 (Monday): Cloudy, 19~29°C

Synthesized from: Health Meteorology, Shanghai release

Editor: Qiu Caihong