
The United States received 3 pieces of bad news, and the US military plane suddenly broke down; The prime ministers of NATO member states were shot

author:Sister America

While the United States is busy helping Ukraine deal with Russia and the White House is fighting for Israel, the White House has received three more pieces of bad news.

At the same time that India said "no" to the United States, the US military lost a number of military planes in a row, and the White House had another headache.

First things first, the White House threatens to sanction India? Before it could take action, India began to mock the United States. Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said on May 15 that a long-term agreement between India and Iran was necessary, according to India's New Delhi TV.

Jaishankar believes that Iran's handing over the Chabahar port to India for 10 years will bring benefits to many countries, but the United States has threatened to sanction India on this matter, which is very narrow.

The day before Jaishankar's sarcasm of the US, the US said that US sanctions against Iran were still in effect and that they would continue to be enforced. The United States has reminded India that any power that trades with Iran could be subject to sanctions.

The United States received 3 pieces of bad news, and the US military plane suddenly broke down; The prime ministers of NATO member states were shot

It is not difficult to see from India's reaction that whether the United States will sanction India or not, this time, India will not compromise. The reason is simple: through the Chabahar port, India can bypass Pakistan and work directly with Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries. For India, the Chabahar port is of great strategic importance.

The purpose of the United States threatening India should be that it does not want Iran to find an opportunity to break through US sanctions, but India does not give the United States face at all. This time, I think very highly of myself like the White House, and finally I have met a hard bone again.

The second thing is that the US military aircraft suddenly malfunctioned. A trainer aircraft belonging to the U.S. Air Force suddenly broke down on the 13th at a military base on the U.S. mainland.

At that time, the military plane was parked on the ground, but unexpectedly, the seat suddenly opened and ejected, which eventually caused a US military pilot to be injured. In the early hours of May 14, the man died of serious injuries.

For the United States, the fortunate thing in the misfortune was that another American personnel on the military plane was not injured.

As for why the US military plane suddenly malfunctioned, it is still unknown for the time being.

During this period, the United States successively lost ace military aircraft, including F-16 fighters, F-22 fighters and "MQ-9" drones.

The United States received 3 pieces of bad news, and the US military plane suddenly broke down; The prime ministers of NATO member states were shot

Among them, the crash site of the "MQ-9" drone is in Yemen, and the Houthis shot down the drone with a missile, and the wreckage of the "MQ-9" drone was found.

The famous F-16 and F-22 fighter jets crashed on the American mainland. In a short period of time, the United States has lost three expensive military planes, which will undoubtedly break the White House's heart.

It should be noted that a week ago, Singapore also crashed an F-16 fighter jet, but the pilot managed to eject and escape.

When it comes to the "big country of crashing planes", the first thing that comes to many people's minds is India. However, in the past few years, in the face of the plane crash, India can only be ashamed of itself. Of course, in terms of the ability to eject and escape, Indian pilots may be superior.

How to prevent similar tragedies from happening again and again is a difficult problem that the United States must face. In order to continue its hegemony, the US military has carried out many military missions around the world, and the intensity of military exercises is also very large, and the number of US fighters is large, and there is also the problem of aging equipment.

All these factors add up, and the frequency of crashes will remain high. The so-called "often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet", this is the truth.

The United States received 3 pieces of bad news, and the US military plane suddenly broke down; The prime ministers of NATO member states were shot

The third thing was the sudden assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Fizo. According to RIA Novosti reports on May 15, Fizo was suddenly shot on the 15th and was shot several times. Immediately after the tragedy, Fizo was taken to the hospital for treatment.

At the moment, the gunman who shot Fizzo has been arrested, and it is unknown why he did so.

Slovakia is a member of NATO, but Fizo does not support military assistance to Ukraine and wants to maintain friendly relations with Russia. At a time when the war is still hanging, the sudden assassination of Fizo is likely to cause concern in NATO. For the United States, this is bad news.

As for how the United States will deal with this matter and whether it will help Slovakia find out who is behind it, it is still unknown, and it depends on the follow-up moves and statements of the United States.

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