
Scary! The 1.5-meter-long cauliflower snake got into the bed at 4 a.m., and the woman was bitten

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source | Yangzhou News

As the temperature gets higher and higher

Many snakes have also ended their hibernation

The activity is extraordinarily frequent

It's not

In the early morning of May 13

In a resident's home in Nanchenggen, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu

There was a snake that "came to visit"

And also got into the bed

Bitten a woman

Scary! The 1.5-meter-long cauliflower snake got into the bed at 4 a.m., and the woman was bitten

Snake catcher Zou Wei arrived

A resident's home in Nanchenggen

Caught this "uninvited guest" from the closet

- A cauliflower snake about 1.5 meters long

Scary! The 1.5-meter-long cauliflower snake got into the bed at 4 a.m., and the woman was bitten

It is understood

Around 4 a.m. that day

This resident's home

Two women in their 20s are sleeping soundly in their beds

The cauliflower snake suddenly burrowed into the bed

After biting one of the women

He slipped into the closet and refused to come out

Scary! The 1.5-meter-long cauliflower snake got into the bed at 4 a.m., and the woman was bitten

Zou Wei introduced that this snake weighs a pound and belongs to a common snake in the old city. After being bitten, the injured woman immediately called the police for help, and was subsequently taken to the hospital for treatment. Fortunately, the cauliflower snake itself is not poisonous.

Scary! The 1.5-meter-long cauliflower snake got into the bed at 4 a.m., and the woman was bitten

At present, this cauliflower snake has been released into the wild. Zou Wei said that snakes generally do not take the initiative to attack humans, and if you find a snake entering your home, do not act rashly, and it is best to call the police as soon as possible. If you are bitten by a snake, you must go to the hospital for treatment in time after simply treating the wound.