
The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

author:Shanghai Hongkou

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Red Cross Society of China

May 6 to May 12 is

The city's second "Red Cross Fraternity Week"

District Red Cross Society and street Red Cross Societies and group member units

A variety of thematic publicity activities have been carried out

Let's go with Xiaohong to have a look

Themed activities

On May 10, the 2024 Hongkou District Red Cross Fraternity Week theme event and the launching ceremony of the Xiamen International Bank Red Cross Service Station were held. The Xiamen International Bank Red Cross Service Station, located in the business hall of the bank at No. 88 Yangshupu Road, was officially inaugurated, which is the first Red Cross service station in Hongkou to be located in a building enterprise.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Xiamen International Bank Red Cross Service Station

After the event at the main venue, volunteers and citizens from all streets went to the 7 Red Cross Post Stations on the North Bund to check in.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲North Bund Red Cross Station check-in activity

On May 11, the District Red Cross Society and Ouyang Road Street held a "Light up the Hope of Life" hematopoietic stem cell donation publicity and warehousing activity in the Rainbow Blood Donation House. 3 Red Cross teacher volunteers and 13 volunteers from Ouyang Road actively responded to the call and joined the China Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donor Database here.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Red Cross volunteers fill in the "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donation Registration Form"

On May 8, the District Red Cross Society and the North Bund South Tiantong Neighborhood Committee held a Red Cross publicity and service activity for the convenience of the people, with 120 participants.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Ambulance teachers conduct first aid training for residents

On May 7, the Red Cross Society of North Sichuan Road Street, the Red Cross Society of Guangzhong Road Street, the Red Cross Society of Liangcheng Xincun Street, and the Red Cross Society of Jiangwan Town Street gathered at the Red Cross Service Station of the street to carry out the "Fraternity Home" experience day activity.

In addition, the District Red Cross Society also carried out an online knowledge quiz and a collection of Red Cross cultural works, which attracted many citizens to participate.

Activities of the Red Cross Society of each street and some group member units

The Red Cross Societies of each neighborhood held a variety of themed activities and set up booths at the main station to popularize the knowledge of emergency care for residents and carry out various convenient services.

North Sichuan Road Street

Combined with the characteristic brand work of "three-district linkage" (i.e., campus, campus and community), the North Sichuan Road Sub-district went deep into Shanghai Private Xinhua Junior High School and carried out the Red Cross Day theme activity of "Healthy Campus Fraternity in Action", with more than 300 students participating to help improve campus safety.

Combined with the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day on May 12, the Third Central Primary School of Hongkou District carried out disaster prevention and mitigation and emergency rescue knowledge publicity activities.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲The third central primary school in the district should be given the first aid knowledge publicity activity

The Red Cross Service Station of Xingchang Neighborhood Committee invited Red Cross teachers to explain and experience cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of AED (automated external defibrillator) for community residents and properties.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Ambulance teachers conduct first aid training for residents

Booths close to people's livelihood services such as an emergency rescue experience area, a hematopoietic stem cell donation volunteer recruitment area, a Red Cross policy consultation area, and free clinics were set up at the terminus.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲ North Sichuan Road Street set up a stall at the terminus

Jiaxing Road street

Jiaxing Road Sub-district held the first training on "Training 80,000 Licensed Emergency Ambulances" in the Street Cultural Center, and carried out training for more than 30 enterprise employees.

The United Street Disabled Persons' Federation held a lecture on emergency knowledge for special groups at the main station.

Cooperate with the street "Elderly" project team to carry out public welfare training for elderly care groups and their caregivers in the community.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Jiaxing Road Street carried out public welfare training for elderly care

Liangcheng Xincun Street

The Red Cross Society of Liangcheng Xincun Sub-district United District carried out a hematopoietic stem cell donation and storage activity, and 32 volunteers joined the Chinese hematopoietic stem cell donor database on the spot.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Honorary certificates were issued to volunteers

Liangcheng Xincun Street set up stalls in the "Fraternity Lounge" to provide convenient services for residents, and carried out three activities in the public welfare activity classroom: Red Cross sports knowledge preaching, Red Cross handmade bag painting, and Red Cross knowledge fun quiz, and organized caring enterprises to visit the Hongkou District Safety (Emergency) Education Experience Hall.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Handmade by Red Cross culture

Guangzhong Road Street

Guangzhong Road Sub-district and Lu Xun Middle School jointly carried out a flag-raising ceremony with the theme of "Love in the Red Cross to Save You", and trained students to carry forward the Red Cross spirit of "humanity, fraternity and dedication".

The Joint Street Emergency Response Office carried out on-site drills such as emergency rescue, self-rescue and mutual rescue for the staff of the Community Affairs Reception Service Center and the Garden Community Canteen.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Conduct emergency rescue training for the staff of the garden community canteen

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲ Carry out charity sales and traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy on the spot

Quyang Road street

Quyang Road Sub-district carried out a concentrated publicity activity on the theme of the Red Cross at the demonstration service station of the Chier Neighborhood Committee, and invited Red Cross teachers to teach residents the knowledge of CPR and AED operation.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲The Red Cross-themed service activities held by the Chier Neighborhood Committee

Ouyang Road street

The Red Cross Society of the United District of Ouyang Road Street carried out hematopoietic stem cell donation publicity and storage activities in the Rainbow Blood Donation House, and 13 volunteers from Ouyang Road Street successfully entered the warehouse.

The street has carried out a series of convenient activities such as blood pressure measurement, haircuts, and elderly care lectures at the main station.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Haircut convenience service

Jiangwan Town Street

The streets of Jiangwan Town popularized on-site first-aid knowledge by setting up stalls and conducting on-site demonstrations to popularize Red Cross first-aid knowledge to residents.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

North Bund Street

The North Bund Street went deep into enterprises and carried out two first aid training sessions on the theme of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) for Siye Investment and Xiamen International Bank Shanghai Branch, helping to improve the business environment in the North Bund area.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Siye invested in the Red Cross emergency ambulance training site

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲Xiamen International Bank Shanghai Branch Red Cross Emergency Ambulance Training

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

▲The North Bund Street carried out Red Cross-themed publicity and free clinics at the main station

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

The Fourth People's Hospital of Shanghai organized newly recruited employees and hospital volunteers to carry out the "I am a Red Cross" oath activity, and carried out activities such as the "Red Cross by Your Side" online health lecture for the people.

The review of the Red Cross Fraternity Week is wonderful, and the care continues to →

Magnolia Square was lit up for the Red Cross Fraternity Week, and slogans such as "Fraternity Shencheng, You and I Walk Together" and "Red Cross Fraternity Week" were played.

Reporter: Liu Yang

Photo: Liu Yang, District Red Cross Society

Source: Shanghai Hongkou